Friday, February 23, 2007

Week 6

Praying God’s Word:

Father, you have given us your Truths so we can live freely and without sin, but often times we make the wrong choice, and choose to give into our flesh. We ask that this lesson will penetrate into our innermost being and that we will live victoriously and free of sin after receiving these truths. We ask for forgiveness Lord, that there is no willful sin in our lives. We need your strength to break the bad habits we have allowed into our lives. Open us totally, body, soul and spirit, to receive your living Word. We pray these things through your Son, Jesus…Amen.

I am so thankful for the book of James. I was talking with my sister about how relevant this book is to us today. It seems almost impossible not to believe the Bible was written by God. It doesn’t matter if it was written 2000 years ago, it is just as alive to us today as it was to the Christian Jews.

There’s some amazing teaching in these verses, so let’s get started!

Lesson 6 – vs 13- 18

The book of James teaches a practical faith…being a doer of the Word and not just a hearer. But practical faith does not just happen. It must be rooted in true belief. The Word of God has to penetrate our innermost being. Trials are going to come. And this lesson will teach you that during those trials will also come tests and temptations. Some of those temptations will come from within us and some will come from outside of us. Neither are from God, although God does allow them.

The only way we will be prepared when the trials, tests, and temptations come is to be steadfast in God’s Word, not doubting our faith, but single mindedly following God. We know these trials are there to mature us.

What are the two choices that we have when trials come?

We can choose godly wisdom and to seek Truth in His Word or we can choose to act in the flesh. We always have two choices: Righteousness or sin.

Consequently from whichever one we choose, the lost will either see a reflection of Jesus or they will see a reflection of themselves.

Trials are from God. Temptations are allowed by God, but are not directly from God.

Verses 13-18 is entitled: Refer back to 1st outline

True faith does not attribute evil to God

Handout 2nd outline with the same division of paragraphs (sorry online readers…contact for this list.)

The Test of Blame in Temptation

When temptations come, and they will come…who do we blame? We will see by studying these verses that God will never lead a person to commit sin because that would go against His nature. God’s purposes during these trials are to mold us into His image so that the lost will see Jesus in us.

Please know that temptation itself is not a sin, for even Jesus was tempted by Satan. God allowed Satan tempt Jesus in the desert.

Matthew 4:7…Jesus said to him (Satan), “It is written again, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” Jesus quotes Scripture to overcome Satan’s temptations. Interesting to note that God was even testing his Son! It was to demonstrate what we are to do when it happens to us.

Jesus had no sin in him, therefore could not sin. Why was Jesus tested then? To show us that he had no sin in him. How did Jesus handle this temptation? He quoted Scripture. He knew how to handle Satan’s temptations.

Satan came to tempt Jesus’ human side, physical, mental, and spiritual side…just as he does us, but we are to copy Jesus’ example by guarding ourselves with the TRUTH. That is why it is so important to imitate Jesus’ example and not the worlds.

Jesus could not fall, so the testing was given to demonstrate that He could not fall. If He would have fallen into temptation, He would not be God and everything you believe would be a joke! The minute He yielded to sin, we would have no Savior.

Think about the prayer, The Our Father. Luke 11:1-13

Our Father, who are in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Now we know that we need to be in constant prayer that we too can demonstrate the power not to fall into temptation.

There’s a lot to grasp here….so let’s dive in!

Vs 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; (Let no one say when he is going through a trial, “Why is God putting me through this trial?”

We remember that the word Let meant: to neither forbid nor prevent. God gives us a choice. Keep that truth in mind as we continue the verse.

no one say when (trials are going to happen) he is tempted: verb; greek- peirazo (to test, try, prove… The word peirzo means holy trials or holy temptations that come from God to us to see what we will do. Will we be in communion (be as one with God) (harmony, agreement, spiritual oneness, constant rapport) finding an even keel JOY, or will we revert back to fleshly responses.

“I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil,

The testing is permitted by God, in order to make us realize that we are helpless sheep in need of a Savior and our dependence needs to be totally on God.

Trials are sent to draw out our grace not our sinful nature.

Are you confused? Hang on! It seems contradictory because we are familiar with the following

God led Israel into the wilderness to test the people’s faith (Exodus 20:20) and God also tested Abraham’s faith by commanding him to sacrifice his son (Genesis 22:1)

Hebrews 11:17
By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son.

Is that contradiction of Scripture?

It sounds like doubletalk but God permits (Let – neither forbid or prevent) us to experience trials and within that trial He allows temptation to occur. I believe they can come from two different places.

  1. within our own hearts/souls
  2. outside our temple from the enemy who is ready to devour us at any weakness to our armor. Eph 6:13. We will discuss this further in verse 14

But the good news is, God has promised not to allow more temptations to come our way than we can endure and never without a way to escape (1Cor 10:13).

That is so comforting.

But again, God gives us a choice.

Luke 11:4 believers are commanded to pray not to be led into such forces beyond their control!

Luke 22:40 watch and pray against entering into “temptations” by their own carelessness or disobedience – yet God provides “the way of escape.”

We can choose to walk through the trial with God or give in to the ways of the world. (2 Sam 24:1). We can choose to resist our fleshly temptations and the temptations of the enemy or we can give in to them.

1:14 But each one is tempted – this tempted means temptation either within us or outside of us through Satan.

James says we can have temptation that come from our own uncontrolled appetites for evil passions! Mark 7:20-23

The devil is called the tempter, but we will see that the devil is not always the one to blame for these temptations. The true origin of evil is in our own hearts.

when he is drawn away

The Greek word exelko (draw away or lure forth) used metaphorically meaning being drawn away (lured by lust) of the world…to come near to what the world lures you into believing is right.

As in hunting or fishing, the game is lured from its haunt (the place where they live) into the trap (sin)!

So man’s lust “allures” him from the safety of the loving arms of his Savior and into the sin trap.

Then when we fall, we begin the blame game.

Eve blamed the serpent. Adam blamed Eve. “The woman you gave me tempted me. And then Adam blamed God for giving him the woman (temptress). We know that over history women have been blamed for tempted men. But God Word says, “You have a choice”. The only one whom you can blame is yourself!”

Think this through. We must be constantly aware of what the world is luring us into believing. We have to make the decision to stop blaming everyone else and use the Word of God to stop us from repeating the same stupid godless mistakes.

It is like a wild animal being lured into a trap. Just as an animal can be drawn to their deaths by attractive baits, temptation promises people something good, which is actually harmful.

by His own desires: this refers to lust, the strong desire of the human soul to enjoy or acquire something to fulfill the flesh. Lust means: passion, strong desires, bodily appetite, fleshly desire, crave, desire intensely, seek sexually

Man’s fallen nature has the propensity to strongly desire whatever sin will satisfy it (Rom 7:8-25). “His own” describes the individual nature of lust.

We can look at our own self and know that our lusts are different from the person sitting next to us. Many things can influence these desires. Inherited tendencies (lifestyles), environment for which you are living, upbringing, and personal choices. These desires are the direct agent or cause of one’s sinning. (Matt 15:18-20). It is here that we have to recognize our lusts and begin to rid ourselves of them.

We cannot be lured by false teachers if we are strong in the Word. False teachers prey on the weak, the unstable, and the young in the faith. Eph 4:14.

and Enticed – deleazo (to lure by a bait) metaphorically to mean of the enticement of lust (2 Pet 2:14) of seducers, (synonyms – beguiling, allure, induced, tempted, persuaded to give in to)
Antonyms are: repel, run from, flee

(2 Cor 11:13) Just as Eve was beguiled by Satan …beguiled means: lead astray, deceived, ensnared, lured, tricked

Enticed – a fishing term that means “to capture” or to catch with bait. It means the same thing as drawn away.

1:15 Then, when desire has conceived, - Sin is not merely a spontaneous act, and it doesn’t just happen…It has a beginning…it has a cause/roots…it comes from somewhere. The Greek words for “has conceived” and “brings forth” are compared to physical conception and birth.

Conception is the joining of two to make one union. The desire of our old nature joins with the outward temptation that faces us and then this becomes sin!

Remember, temptation alone is not sin. It is when the desires of our old nature yield to that temptation and give in. THEN…

it gives birth to sin;

and sin; when it is full-grown

What is the only form of birth–control that we need to take from sin? What is the only thing that can stop sin from originally being conceived and consequently being born at a later time?

TRUTH found only in the Word of God!

We have to stop rationalizing sin. We rationalize by blaming our past, our current situation, our genes, our husbands, our children, our church. But the Bible calls it sin and the Bible says we are to blame.

What are some of the ways sin can originally be conceived? The things that God hates perhaps?

Brace yourself! Proverbs 6:12-19

12 A worthless person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth; 13 He winks with his eyes, He shuffles his feet, He points with his fingers; 14 Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord 15 Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; Suddenly he shall be broken with remedy. 16 These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him; 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19 A false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.

brings forth death.

3 kinds of death
a. physical
b. spiritual death – the condition of the lost many dead to trespasses and sin (Eph 2:1)
c. eternal death – the fate of man who dies an unbeliever

sin brings forth death means “separation” from God.

Remember James is talking to the Jewish Christian. For a believer, it means that when sin is born in his life, when it becomes an action, his fellowship with God is broken.

1 John 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not tell the truth.

You cannot have fellowship with Him and permit sin continually to happen in your life.

Temptation cannot be conceived until it is joined with the desire of your evil nature. If it is joined, it will bring forth sin, and sin brings for death (separation from God).

1:16 do not be deceived Greek planao (led into error or sin, led astray, to wander or roam about, be lured or seduced into…same word is used as a title for the devil, the deceiver, the slanderer or false accuser. Satan means adversary, enemy, antagonist contending against God for your soul!

James is saying, “Don’t do it!” Don’t even set yourself up to fall. And don’t think you can get by with your sinning either.

Christian should not blame God for God gives them freewill to act whichever way they choose. The Christian can only blame themselves for the sins for which they commit.

17 and 18 switch to our rewards for obedience…just like the end of 8-12’s crown of life. Awesome!

1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above.

This goes back to the reward or the crown of life for which we will receive if we can be obedient.

Gift (greek dorema) translated boon, meaning the thing given, the act of giving.

Every – means all the time, continuous, unceasing, perpetual … God above from Heaven gives to us continuously if we resist temptation and are obedient like His son Jesus.

And comes down (descends) from the Father of Lights – ancient Jewish expression for God as the Creator, with “lights” referring to the sun, moon, and stars.

Jesus is the “light” of the world.

From whom there is no variation (without partiality) or shadow of turning.

From man’s perspective, the celestial bodies have different phases of movement and rotation, change from day to night, and vary in intensity and shadow. But God does not follow that pattern-He is changeless.

18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.

will – Greek - thelema – fulfilling what is good and perfect

brought (apokueo) us – to beget, bring forth – the divine act of rebirth (born-again)

word of truth – scripture or the word of God. He regenerates sinners through the power of His Word. (Col 1:5)

that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creation.

OT expression referring to the first and best harvest crops, which God expected as an offering. Giving God that initial crop was an act of faith that He would fulfill His promise of a full harvest to come (Proverbs 3:9,10).

Each year in Israel, the first sheaf of harvested grain (the firstfruits) was offered to God as a sign that everything they had belonged to Him. The firstfruits were their first in quality…not their damaged grain.

1 Peter 1:22-24 Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, ...

I feel so unworthy to be His firstfruits; He thinks of me as His top quality!

It makes me want to stop the twistedness of my thinking and start living up to His definition of me! He thinks so much better of me than I think of myself. It is time that I live in obedience to His will not mine; to His opinion of me, not mine; and for Him ONLY, not for me.

Let’s pray:

Father, You are Whom I want to honor in my everyday living. I want to be alive for You. My desire is that my heart be made aware of how I blame everyone else other than myself for my life’s trials. You have shown me through Your Word that I have a choice as to rejecting the temptations that come my way through Your strength, or I can repeat my human reactions and continue repeating the same sins over and over and over.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Week 5

February 7, 2007

Last week I gave you an outline of the book of James. Lesson 5 will complete verses 2-12 and will finish the first section of the outline.

In week 4, I said that God removed trials from us when we become spiritually mature.

That sentence needs clarification. Some trials are never taken away from us even to our death. But as we mature spiritually, we grow to handle trials through the "glory" (counting it all Joy) of the Lord. So no, God may never remove a trial that you are going through, but somehow the trial seems "to go away" when you have learned to let God carry you through it.

1 Peter 5:10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory (JOY) by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered (trials) a while...perfect, establish, and settle you. To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

A. “True faith is purified by trials”. (1:2-12)

True faith – (genuine belief in God for everything) is purified by trials (during the trials that God chooses to put us through, we are purified and perfected).

Remember which beatitude from (Matthew 5:1) lined up with verses 2-12?

It is the eighth one: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

As you will see at the completion of this lesson, we will also receive the crown of life! So unworthy are we.

Let’s begin!

Look back at
Verses 9 – 11 – they give us two examples of the equality that God shows to all men when it comes to divvying out trials. The first example is about a lowly or poor brother; the other example is about a rich man. God doesn’t discriminate against poor or rich. Both will receive trials.

Important: The poor believer and the rich believer are to “glory” (count it all joy) in the fact that God has exalted them by allowing them to experience difficult circumstances!

Why do we experience trials again? To perfect our character and faith.

We will see that James is teaching us that regardless of our economic level, (which the world puts a lot of emphasis on) believers are to glory (count it all joy) regardless of where we are financially and we are to focus on spiritual blessings and eternal rewards.

This is not advocating that we are to frivolously blow money and not try to biblically handle our money, what it means is that if we are constantly dissatisfied with where God has us financially, if our life revolves around getting richer and acquiring more wealth, or if we simply do not honor God with our money…James is about to teach us what God thinks.

Begin outline:

Let (neither forbid nor prevent) (to allow to suffer or permit).

What is your first thought when you read that…I thought “let” just meant to permit or allow.

But I am seeing by that definition that it means that God is giving us a choice here…we can choose to “count it all joy” or we can choose to become angry, bitter, etc. God will not forbid us nor prevent us as to how we are to react towards trials. He is going to allow them to come and we are going to suffer, but the key is … How will we suffer…with joy or with our fleshly responses.

I think the point we are going to arrive at is that regardless of being poor or being rich, you have nothing without Jesus Christ. If He is not the Lord of your life, you have nothing in materialistic things. All your wealth will mean nothing to you once you are dead.

If you are a child of the King, you have all the wealth you will ever need.
You have treasures for Heaven.

Three of the gospels (Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21, and Luke 18:22) say to sell it all, give it to the poor, and COME follow me.

Journal Entry: Am I content with my current financial situation or do I complain about it? Do I give generously to the less fortunate or do I judge the lowly man. Am I dishonest with my tithe to God?

Honestly, I don’t seem to get excited about materialistic things anymore. I guess I have seen shiny showroom cars wrecked, clothes shrunk by the dryer, renovated houses sold for under the market prices, and jewelry lay in a jewelry box. Let’s see what James says:

the lowly - poor (lacking high status) interesting it also means lowliness of mind, humble

brethren – brothers having a common bond

glory – means to REJOICE which meant to (count it all JOY)

in his exaltation, (in his high estate) honorable position…to raise high, to glorify.

but (yet)

the rich (man) wealthy or could also mean rich in faith – spiritually rich

in his humiliation, (he is made low through these trials) the rich believer’s being brought low by trials. Such experiences help him rejoice and realize that genuine happiness and contentment depend on the true riches of God’s grace, not earthly wealth.

because (for that Reason)(fact)

as a flower of the field, he will pass away.

Death ends all earthly possessions. So regardless of wealth or being poor, trials should make all believers equally dependent on God.

Have you ever been to an estate sale? That is the saddest thing ever, but it also is the perfect illustration of verses 9-11. All the “junk” that you had to have is tagged and up for sale. Your children do not want your “junk”. They have enough “junk” of their own. So here it is two weeks after you “pass away” total strangers are rummaging through your “junk” so that they can take it home and make it their “junk”.

Isaiah 40:6-8

The voice said, “Cry out!”
And he said, “What shall I cry?”
“All flesh is grass,
And all its loveliness is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it;
Surely the people are grass.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever.”

People are grass. We will die. Wealthy or poor. No one has greater clout with God because of their earthly possessions.

What about you? How do you feel about the poor and the wealthy?

We grew up very poor. I didn’t really know we were poor because it wasn’t discussed. We were fed and we never went hungry. We walked to the grocery every day for our meals. I remember my mother counting cents in her purse to pay for the food and that I was very embarrassed by that.

I began working when I was 13. My husband is a very hard worker and whatever we have today, we have worked to pay for. Nothing was ever given to us.

But I confess that I often judge the poor because I think they should work harder and I find myself jealous of wealth sometimes even though I really don’t want what they have. Strange, I know.

I just want to have this JOY that James is talking about.

Journal entry: Where is your emphasis? Am I impressed by wealth? Even if it is my own wealth. Do I yearn to have wealth? If I am wealthy, what am I doing with that wealth? Making myself happy trying to spend it all on things that will fade away like the flowers?

11 For no sooner has the sun risen with a burning heat than it withers the grass; its flowers falls, and its beautiful appearance perished. So the rich man also will fade away in his pursuits.

I watched a little bit of “Grease, You’re the One that I Want”. This is a TV show where they audition throughout the US looking for local talent to star in the Broadway production of Grease.

As you remember Olivia Newton John starred in the original Grease. I remember her as such a delicate and beautiful girl…Everyone wanted to look like her. But I was really saddened when I saw her on the show. She looked like another person. I don’t know this for a fact, but it seemed pretty obvious to me that she isn’t allowing herself to age naturally, but chose plastic surgery to stop the aging process.

Her youthful beauty that had brought her fame, was now fading just as a flower falls and its beautiful appearance perishes.

Someone commented in our study that she also has survived breast cancer. Trials come to even the famous.

God says that the rich man shall “fade away in his way (pursuits)".

Every temporal (noneternal) thing is going to die. This includes our beauty. It is all going to die. So why do we get so attached to our earthly possessions, (including our looks)? If we lack earthly possessions, why do we yearn to possess them?

This is a beautiful conclusion that brings us right back to verse 2! I love this book!

Vs 12 Blessed (REJOICE, count it all permanent JOY)

is the man who endures (hupomeno) long suffering (fruit!) receives patients from – suffers – waits through –never turns his back on God!

temptation – (peirasmos) trials with a beneficial purpose – divinely permitted or sent.

Interesting – it also means (that this same temptation could lead to wrongdoing)

For when (not if) he has approved (dokimas) when he has completed the trial or passed the test, the believer has successfully and victoriously gone through his trial, indicating (proving his genuineness) because his faith has endured (longsuffering…suffered through)

he will receive (be rewarded)

the crown of life – an emblem of life, JOY!, reward and glory! A symbol of victory or triumph

In the Roman games, a wreath of flowers was placed around the head of the victor. In the Olympic games, an emblem is placed around the head of the top competitors.

I thought of the crown of thorns that was put on Christ’s head by the Roman soldiers and I rejoiced in knowing that Jesus was the victory for us…that crown may have symbolized JOY…Jesus was counting it all joy that He was suffering through this trial and being obedient to the Father…

all for you and me…

OH, my…I am so unworthy…

and to think that I received the reward of eternal life (crown of life) because of His death and obedience to His Father.

verse 12 cont.

Which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

This is so exciting to know that God loves us this much! Praise Him now for blessing you.

The Lord Jesus Christ rewards those who will endure trials on earth…that is His promise to us who love Him.

That’s the key…to those who love Him.

You see, when the trials hit, we have two choices:

  1. to draw closer to God or
  2. to move farther away from God.

Personally, these first twelve verses of James have awakened, revived, excited, stirred up, stimulated, and given me a new kick start to my spiritual life.

I pray that they have done the same for you.

Thank you for being diligent to studying and “doing” the Word of God.

Praying God’s Word:

Our Lord and Savior –

I pray that You will equip each of us with the strength that only comes from knowing You as our Personal Savior. You teach us to Count it all Joy when we fall into various trials, and for us to recognize that it is you that has brought this trial upon us to teach us patience. I pray that we will not fail these testings but that we will come through them victoriously and that we will be made perfect and complete lacking nothing. I pray that we will come boldly to Your Great White Throne and ask for anything in faith, without doubting. We know that we are but a flower that quickly dies, and we desire not to place any value on earthly possessions. As we endure our trials, grant us victory over the enemy who is walking about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. We pray instead to receive the crown of life which you have promised to those who love you. Thank you Jesus, for that promise.

In thy name we pray. AMEN!

After thought.

My heart was telling me that there was still more to these verses than I received from studying. I don’t know why I am always amazed by this but God always sends me the answer to my many quandaries when ever I ask.

This morning as I listened to music through the night, the answer came.

Even if all the poor became wealthy, they would still be in need of a Savior. If all the sick became well, they would still be in need of a Savior. If all the wrongs became rights in our world, the bottom line is everyone would still be in need of Jesus Christ as their Savior because everything in this world will die. Jesus is the only person that will ever make things right. It doesn’t matter what economic level you are, what you have, what you want, what you are wish you had, those things are perishable. Jesus is the way.

Eternity is forever.

If you would like your name removed from this Bible Study, please let know.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Week 4

John 6:28 Then they ask him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” 29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

To believe…not doubt. Meditate on that thought.

This week I have discovered the excitement of looking up every main word of a verse and defining it according to the original Greek meaning. Oh how amazing is that! Time consuming yes, but it is absolutely crucial to understanding the true meaning of God’s Word. As you will see from the study tonight, we might think we know the definition of a word, but we really may not. Apparently it is difficult to translate other languages to English because of our limited word usage. So I want to encourage you to get out your Strong’s or Vine’s Dictionary, and start finding out what God’s words really mean.

I have figured out how I want to divide the book of James.

There will be 13 different parts as indicated below:

A. True faith is purified by trials (1:2-12)
B. True faith does not attribute evil to God (1:13-18)
C. True faith obeys the Word of God (1:19-27)
D. True faith does not show partiality (2:1-13)
E. True faith produces good works (2:14-26)
F. True faith controls the tongue (3:1-12)
G. Definition of true Wisdom (3:13-18)
H. Wisdom in our spiritual life (4:1-12)
I. Wisdom in our everyday life ((4:13-17)
J. Wisdom in the use of wealth (5:1-6)
K. Wisdom in waiting for the Lord (5:7-12)
L. Wisdom in our prayer life (5:13-18)
M. Wisdom in restoring an erring Christian (5:19-20)

Read James 1:1-8
James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings. 2 My brethren, count it al joy when you fall into various trials, 3knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all ways.

So far we have covered James 1:1-4 which spoke of “Why trials were given to us” So far we have learned that trials are designed by God to produce joy (1:2) patience (1:3) maturity (1:4) and tonight we will learn about trials producing wisdom (1:5), and stability (1:6-8). Next week we will learn about trials producing humility (1:10), blessings (1:12) and love (1:12).

The believer must go through the trial with joy, allowing God to bring them through it and not just get through it on their own. As we learned, each trial has various lengths for which they are to last and patience is the reward for which we receive at their completion.

Make sure you know the difference between Joy and Happiness. Joy is permanent, happiness is temporary.

So let’s dive in.

1:5 If (in the event that it may happen)(meets certain conditions)

any of you lacks (to have a deficiency – to have a need for—suffer from the absence of or deficiency of)

wisdom – deep, thorough, or spiritual mature understanding. The ability to make sensible decisions based on Biblical principles. These decisions give the glory to God and not man.

Greek work for wisdom (noun) is: Sophia meaning - human spiritual wisdom – choosing spiritual wisdom over worldly wisdom – the insight into the true nature of things based on the Bible.

The dictionary gives the meaning of wisdom as: accumulated, philosophic or scientific learning or knowledge.

You can see that definition describes how the world understands wisdom, but that wisdom will end just as if it were a materialistic possession.

The world puts great value in a learned person, but James teaches us what spiritual wisdom means.

Spiritual wisdom comes when we live life for God’s glory and not ours. Obtaining worldly knowledge is all focused on us, not God. It is useless for the Kingdom.

Divine Biblical wisdom is the only wisdom that will result in enduring trials with Joy.

Job 28:12-28 – But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? 13 Man does not know its value, Nor is it found in the land of the living… 20 From where then does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? It is hidden from the eyes of all living, And concealed from the birds of the air. Destruction and Death say, We have heard a report about it with our ears. 23 God understands its way, And He knows its place. 24 For He looks to the ends of the earth, And sees under the whole heavens. 27 Then He saw wisdom and declared it; He prepared it, indeed, He searched it out. 28 And to man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil in understanding.

Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your way acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

Proverbs 2 (The Value of Wisdom) READ and highlight specific verses that God uses to speak to you.

let him ask (to call on for an answer)… we as followers of Jesus Christ call on God for answers through prayer.

1 Thes 5:17 – pray without ceasing

Matt 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Jer 29:12-14 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity. (your strongholds)

Ask – greek – aiteo – meaning to petition – the petition of one who is lesser in position than he to whom the petition is made (servant).

Interesting note: Jesus never aiteo His Father. Any time the Bible speaks of Jesus asking His Father anything, the greek word is erotao which means they had equal dignity.

of God,

This is a command of God’s and is a necessary part of the believer’s prayer life. We just keep trying to do it ourselves, because we lack faith.

God intends trials to drive the believer to greater dependency on Him, by showing them their own inadequacies. We keep trying to show the world our adequacies and our independence while never showing them God.

As with all His riches (Eph 1:7, Phil 4:19), God has wisdom in abundance (Rom 11:33) available for those who seek it. (Prov 2:1-8)

who gives – Greek – charizomai) to show favor or kindness; to bestow graciously – meaning of that which is given by God. Free – to give free – nothing in return.

No where else can you get the only wisdom you will ever need and God give it to you freely. Remember: worldly wisdom will pass away…stop seeking man for advice.

gives to all (anyone, but those who believe would ask)

liberally – adv – describes the word gives…how does he give?

Liberally (Greek - haplos) meaning: with singleness of heart (strictly for you with you on His mind)!!!! Isn’t that awesome. He gives to you unconditionally – generously – simply – with you in mind. No matter what, God will help you out.

and without reproach – without meaning: the absence of

reproach (words expressive of strong disapproval) an implied criticism, disgrace, shame, disapprove

and it will be given to him. That is pretty clear.

What will the believer get? Spiritual wisdom (knowledge) about what to do when we are going through these various trials…Knowledge as to what to do. But we have to ask and we have to believe God for the answer.

Vs 6 but let him ask (with a servant’s attitude) in faith

In faith – ref Mark 11:23,24 For assuredly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be removed and be cast into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

What is faith?

Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Spiritual faith is trusting in a divine God even without physical evidence.

Faith is a gift from God. Faith is a personal surrender to God and our conduct should reflect this surrender.

With no doubting (n) - with no lack of faith, uncertainty of belief or hesitation.

For he who doubts (v) or uncertainty which way to go is divided between God and the world.

Journal entry: If I call myself a believer, which means, I believe God for everything, than why do I doubt? Shouldn’t I then call myself, a doubter?

is like (compared to, resembles)

a wave (surge, a billow, a raging of the water. Raging – violent, wild, surge of high water of the sea).

of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.

driven (greek – anemizo – meaning to be driven by the wind) We are driven by earthly decisions…that toss us around.

Does this describe you?

1:6 explained: The person who doubts God’s ability or willingness to provide this wisdom is like the billowing restless sea, moving back and forth with its endless tides, never able to settle.

Joshua 24:15 – And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

Rev 3:16 - So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.

7 NKJ For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord.


7 NIV That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord.

In other words: If you are going to work out your problem for yourself, then God cannot work it out for you.

8 he is a double-minded (Greek – dipsuchos) meaning two souled. Having one’s mind or soul divided between God and the world.

You occasionally believe God but fail to trust Him when trials come, and then receive nothing. You are tackling the trial on your own.

man, unstable in all his ways.

Unstable means: not constant, cannot control your emotions, easily swayed, restless, wishy washy.

Interesting –

"ways" means: your life’s journey; your path in life.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Journal entry: Am I double-minded? How do I handle difficult trials? What does double-mindedness say about me? Can you describe it before looking below?

Double mindedness – 1. leaves us continuously chasing for the right answers. 2. discredits our witness 3. shows insecurity 4. shows insincerity 5. shows weakness 6. shows fear 7. shows inconsistency 8. Say one thing, do another. No one knows what to expect.

All these are not God’s characteristics. Therefore who is the world seeing?

A Single-minded person knows what she believes and sticks with it.

Single-minded (adj) meaning innocent sincerity, having one purpose and sticking with it. And for a Christian, that one purpose is to show the unbelieving world JESUS!

What do you do when problems occur? I get frazzled and want them solved immediately. I do not like chaos or draggling problems. I like peace. I hate unresolved issues. So I make irrational decisions without ever thinking them through. No thought, no reflecting on past errors, no reasoning, but most importantly….no asking God for HELP.

Without consulting God as to His purpose for this trial, I am doing it my way.

You might succeed in shortening the trial, but what you might be doing is thwarting (stopping) God’s plan for your life. Remember why the trial is there in the first place. To grow you in wisdom.

So then what happens. It’ll happen again. And if you continue to stop it from happening, you will remain immature in the Lord. You will live your life in a rat race…running around in circles. And many many many people do.

We can’t continue to stop these trials. We have to go through the Red Sea with God carrying us so that we will not get wet. We are drowning in our own stupidity.

By cooperating with God, we will become spiritually mature.

As hard as it may seem, we cannot get discouraged. Stop covering up with whatever means you are using.

I’m sorry to say but the Bible says sometimes God never takes the trials away.

2 Cor 12: 8-10 Three times I asked the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness”.

God did not remove Paul’s physical affliction. God sometimes chooses to show his power through Paul because of the affliction and in the meantime makes sure we remain dependent on him.

I don’t know about you but I am tired of being strong on my own accord and making the same mistakes over and over. Why is this so hard to turn over to God.

It is OK to be weak. It is then that you become strong in the arms of your Heavenly Father.

The more I pull toward the world’s description of being self-sufficient, the more I pull away from God.

God removes the trial when we become spiritually wiser.

As soon as God sees we are reflecting His image, because of a lesson learned, he gives to us liberally (generously) without finding fault with us.

We have to remember that God purpose for giving us this trial is to grow us spiritually (Psalm 4:1)

The cool thing is as believers we don’t have to face the problems of life in our own wisdom.

God’s Word does not give specifics for every problem you are facing, but God’s Word does give us principles by which to follow for every trial we are facing.

Seek Him daily. Ask and you shall receive. Believe that God loves you and will not abandon you during this trial you are facing. He cares for you and remember that nothing is impossible for God. If we doubt his power, we will have no stability in times of trouble.

He is your all in all.

Run to Him. Your only source for wisdom is God. You get it through asking (prayer) and it is available to those who believe.

Read – John 6:28 again.

You are not a doubter, my friend. You are a BELIEVER

Remember, the Lost are watching!
