Thursday, July 19, 2007

Week 6

This week you needed to:
Read Chapter 6, pick an idea from #2 on p95 to try this week. We’re still fasting from tv again, since Jared was at camp. My thoughts are quieting down again and the focus is coming back.

How did the acrostic help this week?

P Pray
E Enter into His presence
A Acknowledge He is in control of everything
C Cast all your cares, burdens, worry on Him
E Enjoy the time with Him

Chapter 6: Repent of All Your Offenses

Ez 18:30-31

Remember the cartoons of a bearded hermit, walking around town with a sign that said, “Repent!”? Maybe you saw the grim reaper instead carrying the “repent” sign. Have you ever seen a person with a sign like that? Do you think they’re a bit loopy or just plain scary? What kind of feelings does it dig up for you?

Repentance makes us hesitate…I agree with Katie. It’s looking in the spiritual mirror and finding all the cracks and flaws in our heart. It’s then turning that heart over to God and trust that He will help you make changes in your life to reflect Him. When we are in sin, we are distant from God. God will not come near sin, so when we choose a sin we are actually choosing to be nearer to Satan rather than God. Our pathway to purpose is removed from our sight by God. That’s chilling to me.

When we run from sin, God is pleased and draws near to us. We quiet the noise in our head that drowns out His voice. We see our purpose more clearly. We frustrate the plans of the enemy.

Why is sin such a big deal? Ask Adam and Eve. They had a great arrangement. They lived with God in a garden made especially for them. It was an enclosed area that had animals and unlimited supplies of food. They walked and talked with God daily…they could see Him face to face! Once they sinned, they were expelled from God's presence and the garden.

Sin is a big deal because it is a calculated turning away from God. There are several sins in the Bible. A fraction are listed in Eph 4:19 - 5:21. Do you see yourself there?

Don't forget that everybody sins. Romans 3:23

There is also a high price for sin. Romans 6:23

Repentance is “regret and sorrow that lead to a willingness to change.” Godly sorrow is the sorrow that leads a person to change their ways. Human sorrow is being upset because you were caught or had your pride wounded.

When we repent, our actions should say so. Acts 26:20 What are your actions saying? Are you snapping at people, chewing yourself out? Sounds a bit like you're mad you got caught or your pride was wounded.

Sin leads us away from God and His purpose for us. Repentance draws us closer to Him and His purpose for us. 1 John 1:5-10

Women of purpose are open to God’s pruning of sin from their lives.

Repentance will also help you focus on your progress, rather than be guilty over your failures.

I think Pride is satan’s favorite sin. It’s the one that got him kicked out of heaven. It is a very sneaky sin…masking itself as ambition, false humility, self-righteousness. Read 2 Chron 26:1-21 to see what God thinks of pride.


It’s hard to confess. Anyone remembering a childhood incident where you had to walk over to your parent and admit you did it may still get stomach aches over it. It’s downright awkward.

To approach our Heavenly Dad when He knows what we did, then confess it can seem like a huge task. But once it's over, the freedom it brings is amazing. He may still discipline you, but that's OK. He only disciplines those He loves. 1 John 2:1-2

“So many times you will see people wringing their hands, and saying, “I want to know what my Mission in life is,” all the while they are cutting people off on the highway, refusing to give time to people, punishing their mate for having hurt their feelings, and lying about what they did. And it will seem to you that the angels must laugh to see this spectacle. For these people wringing their hands, their Mission was right there, on the freeway, in the interruption, in the hurt, and at the confrontation.” Richard Nelson Bolles

I’m not sure if I agree with Katie about writing down the sins you have repented. The devil does a good enough job keeping score. I think it will be better when the smoke finally clears one day and you realize you have nothing holding you back from that purpose God intended you for. Psalm 25:7

Practice Repentance...the Steps of the Sojourner
  1. Turn toward God
  2. Memorize Scripture
  3. Consider the consequences of your Sin
  4. Consider Missed Blessings
  5. Accept Reproof
  6. Be Honest with Yourself about Five Sins (p109)
  7. Pray for God to help you repent of a particular sin
Luke 15:7, 10, Hebrews 12:1, 2 Corin 7:9

This week:
Read John 4:7-42
Ask God to prompt you to repent of one particular sin this week
Read chapter 7 and 8

Remember we don't meet this week--we're volunteering for Vacation Bible School!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Week 5

This week you needed to:
  • Tell us about a random act of kindness you were able to perform this week
  • Read Chapter 5
  • How did the commandment "love one another" work for you last week?

Chapter 5 Pursue Peace

Seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:14

“Peace…is a state of mind that is free from annoyance, distractions, and anxiety. It is a quiet knowing that God can be trusted.” K. Brazelton

Psalm 34:14 is a command, not a suggestion. Check out Matt 5:9 to see the reward of makers of Peace.

Peace is also a fruit of the Spirit. Read Galatians 5:13-26 to see what kind of fruit you are bearing. Do you need pruning?

Seeking peace helps us grow in intimacy with Jesus and learning God’s voice. You will also acquire a focus for the day. Jesus himself did this by going off alone in a boat or the garden to pray to His Father. When the crowds were pressing in, or when He had a big decision, you could find Him in solitude.

Katie mentions “pain relievers”. What kind of “pain relievers” do you use?

  • Not so good: Spending, hyperactivity, eating
  • Good: Taking a walk, enjoying nature, praise music

And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. James 3:18

Can the pursuit of peace be as simple as Psalm 46:10? "Cease {striving} and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Psalm 107:23-30 illustrates how God brings about peace in our lives. You know the disciples had this Psalm going thru their mind when they were on the stormy sea with Jesus asleep in the bow!

How do you measure up to the “Inner Peace Checklist” on p88? Can you truly say you seek peace, or are you rushing around trying to find it? Seeking peace is a lot different than seeking a good bargain or parking spot. You have to cease striving...stop the merry-go-round and be still.

Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up {with} wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31

And {you} will know that I am the LORD; Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame. Isaiah 49:23b

The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him. {It is} good that he waits silently For the salvation of the LORD. {It is} good for a man that he should bear The yoke in his youth. Let him sit alone and be silent Since He has laid {it} on him. Let him put his mouth in the dust, Perhaps there is hope. Lamentations 3:25-29

Take daily 3 min breaks with God and your Bible. You can spare 3 minutes can’t you? That’s a regular commercial break in between tv shows. Put on the mute button and pick up your Bible. See how a message from Our Sponsor can impact your life.

Peacebusters: depression, fear and perfectionism. Beware of these 3 amigos and head them off early before they become hopelessness.

  • Practice Silence
  • Stop the Mind Chatter
  • Shoot Bullet Prayers all day
  • No Nap Guilt! (If you found yourself napping, you achieved enough peace to rest in the Lord)
  • Change Your Pace
  • Avoid Peace Killers: people pleasing, keeping up with the Joneses, worry about things out of your control

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7

Don’t forget that Jesus wants to spend time with you. Put down the remote, the car keys, the credit card, the bowl of ice cream and come sit with Him. Martha learned that lesson from her sister Mary. Luke 10:38-42

P Pray
E Enter into His presence
A Acknowledge He is in control of everything
C Cast all your cares, burdens, worry on Him
E Enjoy the time with Him

This week:

  • Read Chapter 6
  • Pick an idea from #2 on p95 to try this week