Thursday, February 28, 2008

Week 18 - Proverbs Chapter 18

The Way to Go Lightly, Healing Spiritually, Mentally and Physically

1 Thessalonians 5:22, 23, 24
Abstain from every form of evil. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

As I was checking Biblegateway to cut and paste our theme verse, I noticed verse 22 for the first time.

Abstain (don’t do it) from every (not just the easy stuff) form of evil.
What areas of your life should you abstain from every evil? Vs 23 Spiritually, mentally and physically.

How would you define every evil? James 3:16 (NKJ) For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there

James 1:14 AmplifiedBut every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions).

What then brings on every evil thing whether spiritual, mental or physical?
Self-seeking and lusts of our flesh – we are enticed and baited by our own evil desires.
#1 on your homework – Study and determine what James meant when he said, “Every person is tempted when she is drawn away, enticed and baited by her own evil desires.

What a powerful talk Carol Waters gave last week. She was thrilled that we allowed her to come and be instrumental in jumpstarting her new ministry of traveling around speaking to groups telling her story of God’s healing powers over her body. We didn’t do anything but respond to God’s prompting when He ask us to let her speak. Now she has received the confidence to proceed with her ministry! Praise God and may she always have the Lord’s confidence as she steps out into a world that may not be so receiving.

I wanted to go repeat a few of the statements Carol made and review some of the verses. If you have had a chance to read her book, you probably are already using them in your own personal healing.

Psalm 119:50 This is my comfort in my affliction; For your Word has given me life.
She said, “The lack of miracles today is not that God has chosen to disregard His people, but that we have chosen not to believe what he says. We need to change our thinking.
We have chosen …. Everyday we make choices. God gives us that freedom.
It is our responsibility to do as much as we can to help our bodies heal. Whatever it is. From headaches to heart attacks. From anger to angina. From laziness to laryngitis.
If something is not 100% right, it is our responsibility to figure out why.
Psalm 118:8 says: It is better to trust in the Lord then to put confidence in man.
John 18:31, 32 If you continue in my work, then you are my disciples and the truth will set you free.

Set me free. What am I bound up with? What has me in bondage? Is His word enough for me?.
In Carol’s book she mentions that Jesus had 32 stripes and there are 32 classifications of diseases, one for each strip. Surely, she says, this is no coincidence.
She said, we dismiss miracles as part of a bygone era. How sad for us that we have limited God’s ability to do almost anything past salvation.

Carol’s book ends with this statement: What great benefit is there if I die from cancer and people say a few nice words at my funeral. Is that all the praise and glory God should get? How sad.

How much better for me to stand before God’s people and tell them how He delivered me from the hand of my enemy and fulfilled the promise of long life and peace to His child. His promises are still good for today and my hope is complete in that. Yeah and amen!

Psalm 118:17
I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord!

Thanks Carol: Our lives have been blessed for the honor of meeting you.

The following are answers to Chapter 18. I pray that God blessed you as you listened to His voice this past week.

Chapter 18 vs 1 rewritten: A woman who willfully separates herself from God and lives her life for her own pleasure, is seeking her own desires and not choosing wisdom and sound judgment. God calls us to separate ourselves from that which is unclean. He is referring particularly to the idolatry, the immorality, and the filthy pull of the world. Perhaps conversations, movies, TV, internet, diet, disposition, personality. There has to be a separation – a difference. Separate yourself from evil.

Vs 2 – Rewritten: If I stop to think before I speak, I won’t have to worry afterward about what I said. Talking too much is a downfall of mine. Do I think I am so smart that I cannot learn from listening? Is it a nervous habit? Do I really think others want to hear what I have to say? Vs 2 A self confident fool seems like an oxymoron. This verse hit me strong! Self confident fool! Self confident fool! I want more understanding of what God’s will is for me. Listen to God’s Word and learn my friend. Then act in the power of the Holy Spirit not in your own power.

Vs 3 – Rewritten: Some women cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go! Which woman are you?

Proverbs 18 Vs 4 – The words of your mouth are powerful. Do they come from within the power of the Holy Spirit or surfaced from the power of the flesh? Wisdom is like a gushing stream, pure and life giving. Do your words bring life or death to yourself and everyone else around you? Life giving words or death giving words.

John 7:37-38 The Promise of the Holy Spirit
37 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. 38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

Within our born again spirit comes the promise of the Holy Spirit. If anyone thirsts (for wisdom) let him come to Me and drink. If we do, out of our mouth will flow rivers of living water.

Not dying water. LIVING water!!!

Proverbs 18:5 Our country is guilty of compromising our original faith and constitution for the sake of greed of wealth. But what about me? What do I compromise? What do I engage in that is evil while overlooking right living?

Proverbs 18:6 – 8 Are about our mouth/lips. Where do these words originate? The flesh or the power of the Holy Spirit. Do we use the mouth and lips to stop the power of the fleshly tongue or do we open our lips freely and allow the power of the flesh to come forth? Vs 8 …the innermost parts of our body. What are we suppressing? What is really down there that we are covering up? {Anger, frustration, revenge, bitterness, disappointment, unforgiveness, laziness, fear, a no-care attitude, selfishness, worthlessness, diseased thoughts, etc}. What is down there?

We surface so well. We have learned to pretend. To cover up. God call us a fool. Vs 7

Ask yourself… are you a self-confident Christian? This is not a good thing, my friend.

What health comes from your mouth? A bee is can be known for its deadly sting or for its life giving honey.

Proverbs 9 – What makes us destroyers of life? Vs 9 rewritten: (from Amplified Bible) He who does not use his endeavors to heal himself is brother to him who commits suicide.

Whoa! Are you making endeavors to heal yourself or are you making strides to commit suicide (destroy your life)! Oh my friend, knowledge is so important. Do not let the world educate you for you are only destroying your life. Committing slow suicide.

Proverbs 10 – Where can you go to be totally protected from the evils of the world? If you are a born again Christian, Jesus is your is your strong tower. A tower of protection from the world is He. Why do we continue to rely on our own knowledge for answers when wisdom comes when we run into that strong tower and seek refuge.

How can we be a consistently righteous women, upright and in right standing with God. Remain within that strong tower and never leave it spiritually. There we are protected from evil and it is there that we will remain strong.

Proverbs 11 – God has blessed us not with material wealth (even if you are wealthy) but with spiritual blessings. Ephesians 1:3 (Amp) May blessing (praise, laudation, and eulogy) be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual (given by the Holy Spirit) blessing in the heavenly realm!

Material wealth is what we strive for though. We desire and want things. Get out of this trap should you be desiring something of material worth instead of spiritual value.

Again, where do you protect yourself from this pull towards earthly things? Within the strong tower. The wall surrounds you. Is that place a physical place on earth? Some room, some location you go? NO! We are fortified with the knowledge of the Word of God. We need to recognize that we are living in very difficult times and we are constantly being bombarded with evil. We are constantly pulled into the gravity of the world. Gravity pulls you down. Sickness, mind manipulations, spiritual warfare…these things destroy us. We are not fortified with the word of God.

The box of cereal says: Fortified with 26 vitamins and I thought, “Am I fortified with knowing 26 scripture verses that will keep me protected from the evils and testings that come at me on a daily basis? Do I have on the armor of God as I face the world each day? Am I substituting complacency with fervency?

What are some of those attacks for you? For me it is confusion, wavering in my faith, worry, fears. Do I believe or do I pretend to believe? Am I listening as I read the word of God or am I studying to fill in squares.

Proverbs vs 12 - Haughty – Am I arrogant, overbearing, high and mighty, snobbish, conceited, condescending, patronizing, stuck-up? I will fall.

Proverbs vs 13 Do I judge before ever knowing the facts? Do we ever really know the facts unless we were present when the situation happened? Am I quick to express my opinion without having all the facts? Could it be because we fear for our importance? Fear of our worth? Fear that if we do not get our opinion voiced that we will be assumed ignorant?

My confidence come from God. At least that is what I am striving to become. Confident because of the Word – that strong tower that surrounds me. Nothing else.

Proverbs vs 14 Oh this is so powerful! What sustains a man that is sick? Carol said it boldly. It is your strong spirit that comes only through the power of the Holy Spirit within you. That strong spirit sustains us when we are in bodily pain or trouble. But if we have a weakened and broken spirit, you can not bear whatever is coming at you.

The Word of God speaks to us about our healing. Man’s convoluted means of healing are killing us. Death comes from not LIVING off of the Living Waters of the Word of God. Death comes when we trust in horses and chariots instead of the Almighty God.

Psalm 20:7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will trust in name of the LORD our God.

Healing must happen spiritually, mentally and physically. When you are broken physically (like a broken bone) you immediately get to a doctor to take the correct measures to heal your broken bone. Why is it that we do not do the same thing for our broken minds and our broken spirits?

Joy is the flag that is flown in your heart when God is in your residence.

When God becomes first choice in your life, when He has top priority, then you will not have a broken spirit. There is nothing broken about your born again spirit. That is the only part of you that is not broken

1 Corinthians 11:24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you

His body was broken so that our spirit could be healed.

Proverbs 18:15 Wisdom defined: Never stop learning the Word of God

Proverbs 18:16 What gift do you have to gift to the Christ child? All born again believers have a spiritual gift.

Vs 17 This verse brought to mind how quickly we assume something is correct when we hear it without researching to find out if it is truth. We believe very quickly. I heard a statement that I want to pass along. “Research the researcher”. That means not to believe anything unless you have verified it through God’s word (He will tell you if it is truth).

Vs 18 In the OT, people would cast lots to see what the Lord would want. In all things, we should go to the Lord for decisions.

Vs 19 Once we get our feelings hurt we cannot be easily won over. Family feuds that were never resolved are an example of this. Have you ever seen a castle that has bars on the window openings? No man could get through these bars.

Vs 20 We will be rewarded for the nature of our speech.

Vs 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue! Think about that. Your tongue can be used to give out the gospel which is life and it can also be used to say things that would drive people away from God, which makes it an instrument of death. Our life and our death are also found in the power of the tongue like Carol mentioned and was a testimony to.

Vs 22 Is it a coincidence or a Godincidence that vs 21 and 22 are side by side! A good wife is hard to find. Am I one?

Vs 23 The poor beg for mercy, but the rich give rude answers.

Rich/wealth seems to command power. The poor are not powerful. The rich often use their wealth to manipulate the world whether it be through oil distribution, pharmaceutical power, or the boss of a company. Caution is given to determine if you are using money for power. Let’s bring this to our level of income. Do you possible control your kids indirectly with the money you have and they want?

Vs 24 A woman with many friends (a friend of all the world) will prove herself a bad friend, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a sister.

I see this to mean that we can surface many relationships with many people, just to feel like we are included or one of the gang. But the second part of this verse means to me that a true sister in Christ sticks to you no matter what. She loves you no matter where you stray off to. She remembers the verse: like sheep we have all gone astray, and is always compassionate and nonjudgmental allowing God to bring the sister back on track through her prayers.

Homework for Proverbs, Chapter 19
The Way to Go Lightly, Healing Spiritually, Mentally and Physically
Due March 5, 2008

1. Study James 1:14 and write out what this verse is saying to you.

2. Also study James 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. These two verses are teaching us about being a true Christ-follower friend. Now look up John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
Two verses tell you not to be a friend of the world. One says to lay your life down for your friends. Write your thoughts as God speaks to you concerning what type of friend you are.

3. Read Chapter 19 – make notes of what verse speaks the most to you.

4. If your last name begins with a “B”, then be prepared to teach what Chapter 19: verses 1-4 means and what God is teaching you through your studying.

5. If your last name begins with a “C” then be prepared to teach what Chapter 19: verses 5 – 8 means and what God is teaching you through your studying.

6. If your last name begins with an “E” then be prepared to teach what Chapter 19: verses 9 – 12 means and what God is teaching you through your studying.

7. If your last name begins with an “H” then be prepared to teach what Chapter 19: verses 13 – 16 means and what God is teaching you through your studying.

8. If your last name begins with a “K” then be prepared to teach what Chapter 19: verses 17 -20 means and what God is teaching you through your studying.

9. If your last name begins with an “R” then be prepared to teach what Chapter 19:
Verses 21 -24 means and what God is teaching you through your studying.

10. If your last name begins with a “W” then be prepared to teach what Chapter 19: verses 25 -29 means and what God is teaching you through your studying.

11. If your last name begins with an “L” then be prepared to sit and listen to what the other letters of the alphabet are going to teach from God’s Word. J

Healing Physically
Subject: High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

When you have your blood pressure taken, there are two numbers

The Systolic number is the top number; it measures the maximum pressure on the artery wall during a contraction of the heart. The normal range for the systolic pressure is 100-120. When it gets over 140 it is considered high and action must be taken to determine the cause. Before jumping into a medication which will never “cure” you of HBP, consider the changes mentioned below.

If the Systolic number is high, it can mean the muscles of the veins and arteries are getting floppy and they are loosing their muscle tone (Cardiac toners are suggested) below.

The Diastolic number is the bottom number; it measures the minimum pressure or the resting pressure on the artery wall between the contractions of the heart. The normal range for this number is 60-80. A number higher than 90 is considered high and action must be take to determine the cause.

If this number is high it can mean that the muscles in the circulatory system are getting hard and right and the heart can not pump smoothly.

The difference between the two numbers is called the pulse pressure which should be around 40.

You would probably be diagnosed with HBP if your numbers were 140/90 or above.

When your blood pressure is up the heart is under more strain because it has to work harder. This can lead to poor blood supply throughout your body. If left untreated it can cause stroke, a heart attack, kidney failure, congestive heart failure or hardening of the arteries.

The symptoms of HBP are very subtle. It could show up as dull headaches that come and go, heart palpitations, rapid pulse, unexplained fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath or flushed face or ears.

Some of the things that can cause high blood pressure could be emotional upsets, anxiety, tension, diet, anger, weight fluctuations or overweight (BMI), smoking, excessive us of salt in the diet (usually from eating out too often. You have no control over salt content when eating out).

Other causes of HBP are kidney malfunctions, thyroid disease, or tumors on the adrenal glands.

The following herbs are very beneficial in strengthening the heart. Should you not be able to locate these herbs, please let me know and I’ll find them for you.

Regaining Health Naturally is an excellent site to order or the Herb Corner here in Melbourne on Babcock is also an excellent local source for organic herbs.

If you desire to come off your HBP medicine, consult your doctor and tell him/her of your desire to stop taking it. The following method is an optional plan to eliminate medications. REMEMBER: You must eliminate the cause of the HBP before stopping your medication. Make these necessary changes and check your blood pressure daily as you withdraw from your current prescription. Slow down the process if blood pressure remains high.

1. One day herbs, one day medicine
2. Two day herbs, one day medicine
3. Three day herbs, one day medicine
4. Four day herbs, one day medicine
5. Five day herbs, one day medicine
6. Six day herbs, one day medicine
7. Seven day herbs.

HBP Formula - a part is equivalent to 1 tsp. Combine herbs yourself in a glass jar or buy in premixed packet.

1 part Hawthorn Leaf ½ part Linden Flower
1 part Motherwort 1 part Yarrow
1 part Dandelion Root 1 part Cramp bark

Take this by capsule or tea. I prefer tea because it adds beneficial water to your water as well. 4 cups a day as needed.

But the main thing is to correct the problem at the root cause. If your diet is causing the problem, consult a health practitioner to teach you how to lower the blood pressure, preferably one that takes your whole spirit, soul and body into consideration! Diet is crucial for this problem, but the spiritual and mental also play a huge roll as well.

Dietary changes:

Eliminate all meat, dairy of all kinds, salt and fatty foods. Definitely eliminate all fast food and eat out as little as possible. Eliminate canned foods, processed foods, and boxed foods. Replace with life giving whole foods. Your blood pressure will immediate lower. In order to maintain a healthy blood flow through your veins, I suggest not entering these foods back into your diet for the HBP will return.

Exercise to your current ability.

You must add essential fatty acids to your diet. I suggest a supplement oil that contains Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Think of it as a lubricant for your body’s vascular system. Try Udo’s Choice for the heart or a trustworthy brand found only at a health food store or online. Order from (much cheaper).

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Welcome to Week 17

Proverbs 17

1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life

It is He that sets us apart completely. Our part is to seek Him faithfully and strive for perfection. The Lord Jesus Christ is returning. That is guaranteed. He is faithful to do His part. Are we?
How do we do our part? It begins with giving ourselves completely to Him in service. Once you have made that commitment there is no reason to turn back. That commitment is the only thing that will completely set you free from the hurts and pains, struggles and frustrations that this world offers.

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me

John 15:19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

May God bless you and change you towards Christ’s reflection as you diligently study His Word.

Homework Questions for Proverbs Chapter 17

As you begin studying, get alone with God, praise Him for choosing you as His daughter. Think of ten things you are appreciative for and give Him the praise for them. Confide your worries, concerns, disappointments and desires with Him. Remember, He already knows what they are so nothing can be hidden from Him. Ask Him for forgiveness and then forgive yourself for whatever you have done.

1. Proverbs 17:1 What would you be willing to forego at your dinner table for sweet quietude? Is there sadness at your table? Even if you eat alone, is there a heart of anger or a heart of quietness. Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10) even at the dinner table. Are you angry when you prepare meals? Is there strife in your responsibility to prepare food for your family?

I challenge you to prepare all meals this week with love and with a servant’s heart. Prepare each meal as if Jesus Himself was coming to dinner. Did you know that He is? If you are there, Jesus is there. That changes things, wouldn’t you say!

A lot has been said here. First, it is crucial that we demonstrate the same love Jesus demonstrated to us at all times but this verse is specific about showing that love at the dinner table. What is so important about a family dinner table? What transpires? The day we forego family dining was the day the family began to diminish. Are we angry with our responsibility to prepare meals? Perhaps that is felt by the partakers. Are we angry because no one helps? It is almost as if we have to remove ourselves (mentally) from this world as we live. Transforming into a Christ follower is about representing “LOVE” to a lost world, including those who sit with us at our dinner table.

Strife means bitter fighting and quarreling, struggle, conflict, and discord.

2. vs 3 What does it mean to “try the heart”? The Lord tests the heart. Synonyms of test: examine, questions, probes, verifies, confirms, put to the proof. Where is the heart of a person? I think it is defined as “who you are”. thoughts of his heart ---- grieved in His heart ----. imagination of man’s heart---- integrity of my heart---- his heart yearned glad---his heart is hard ----a willing heart ---sorrow of heart ----to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul---- wicked thought in your heart

Ezekiel 36:26-27 says: A new heart also will I give (create in you) and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart (old heart) out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh (a new, living heart).

When you are born again, new life (a new heart) is created within you. We were given a new spirit and a new heart, but we act as if we have a dead spirit and a dead heart.
To the contrary: we have a born again spirit (alive) that is plugged into a new life source which is the power of the Holy Spirit and we no longer have our old human spirit. We have a new heart. The old corrupt heart is described in Mark 7:21 - out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders.

A person without God has no power within them to change their hearts…the way we think, act, or feel. The Ezekial verse says we have been given a new heart therefore a heart that can be changed by God.

Psalm 51:10: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
We have been given a new heart, but it is not perfect nor clean. David cried out because he knew his heart was stained. The difference between our heart and an unbeliever’s heart is that we posses the power of the Holy Spirit within us which is the only way our heart will change. The Holy Spirit does the changing. Christianity is not a formula where we can do this, do that and everything is perfected.

No, it is a daily surrender to die to self.

3. vs 4 What have you listened to lately that was not truth? Be careful, in every field there are lies and false teaching.

4. Let vs 5 speak to you personally by looking up the words -mock – to make fun of, insult – an act that offends, rudeness, calamity – an occurrence inflicting widespread destruction/distress gloats - brag, rejoice selfishly punished – corrected, disciplined.

5. vs 8 (NCV) Some people think they can pay others to do anything they ask. They think it will work every time. Pay may not mean specifically money. Give an example of what you have done to get your way. Then ask yourself if life is about your way or THE WAY?

In the past I have talked overly nice, pout, withdrew, fixed a favorite dessert or meal, given a present in hopes to receive one back. The Way is about knowing that you have been given the greatest gift of all and that is enough to stop me from trying to get my way. My way is foolishness.

6. vs 9 Forgiveness – who must you go to if someone offends you?__the offender not another person. If someone comes to you ragging on someone else, you can bet they are ragging to someone else about you! Its human nature but not God’s nature.

NCV – Whoever forgives someone’s sin makes a friend, but gossiping about the sin breaks up friendships.

OH, this is so true and I have experienced this so many times. I am leaning toward the halt method. Halt/STOP before you fall back into the bad habits that keep you in strongholds. If the Holy Spirit tells you to STOP, get out of the conversation quickly. It works my friend! Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Pray for them instead of gossiping about them.
Gossip defined: groundless rumor (unverified information)!!!! Refer #3

Love forgets mistakes; nagging about them parts the best of friends.

vs 12 How mad is a bear that has been robbed of her cubs? Look it up! {Conservation officers are hunting a black bear that mauled a woman who got between the bear and her cubs.}

Now site an example of a time when you were as mad as a bear that has just been robbed of her cubs. {So mad you could maul someone to death} Why were you mad? (self might have something to do with your answer). Be prepared to share your foolish folly. Why? I always ask why did I do that! Pure stupidity, acting merely in the flesh. Fools are less rational in anger than wild bears. We cannot see anything but our way. Not THE WAY! Proverbs12:15 says the way of a fool seems right to him…14:16 says she is hotheaded and reckless…20:3 quick to quareel…29:11 and give full vent to her anger.

{A Syrian bear of the Bible was over 500 pounds and 8 feet tall. David had slain a bear to protect his sheep.

vs 13 What does it mean to repay evil for good?

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Back up to Romans 17. Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord. 20 Therefore – If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.

I have never applied this verse to my relationship with my husband until today. Must have the last word, must be understood, must have my way, must explain, must control. Well this verse is very clear. I do not have to avenge myself. God will correct. God will direct the misguided. It is not for me to fix my husband’s waywardness, only my own. Walking in the Word is the only solution to a much overdue problem this has caused in our marriage.

7. vs 14 Starting a quarrel is like a leak in a dam, so stop it before a fight breaks out (NCV) Think about that. Put it into action. Then tell the class about your transformed soul. This weekend was very exciting for I saw God’s hand all over it but it was also very physically and mentally draining. I did not sleep much and between lack of sleep and driving almost 20 + hours, I knew I was ready to cause a quarrel. But I stopped because I also knew it would only result in a fight. Instead I chose to small talk and appreciate. I knew God was blocking my tongue because my old nature would have engaged in a quarrel. I see the beauty of being obedient. Be like Christ. It is the only way the lost will see Jesus in us.

8. vs 17 When does a friend love you? {at all times} So if you truly do what you answered on that line, why is it that we are not available when a sister is in trouble? A true friend sticks closer than a sister (18:24) Never abandon a friend when in need. Never say, “I’ll pray for you, but refuse to give up “time” for a friend. Walk instead of talk.

9. vs 19 Do you love to argue? Do you love to sin? Do you brag a lot? Do you always have to have the last word? Is what you have your own?

Arguing is sin. I am not battling anymore. It is also very physically destructive as well. What does it benefit? People are not going to behave and do exactly what we think is “right”, but we do not always acts and do exactly what is right either. Let God deal with them, not us. Take your actions from God’s Word. It is planted in us and we need to focus on watering ourselves not just others.

10. vs 20 Define deceitful heart. The tongue has two guards on it. Why?

Deceitful: dishonest, deceptive, and insincere. It is no longer necessary for us to engage in deceitful behavior for we know it is destructive. What purpose does it fulfill? Temporary happiness? Engage in loving others first. Selfishness is sin.

11. vs 22 Find a funny joke to share with the class. No one has ever died from laughing too much, but sadness dries up the bones. Check your laughter gauge.

If you don’t get right, you will be left! God loves kne-email.

Attitude affects your physical well-being. According to Proverbs, family strife (1), gossip (9) quarrels (14) foolishness (21,25) are caused by a broken depressed spirit. Choose to dwell on what is good in the person or situation. (Phil 4:8)

12. vs 24 What do you keep your eyes glued to? Everything is filtered through the eyes and through the eyes ones’ soul is revealed. My girls watch too much TV against my instruction. But if I walk past the TV, I find myself camping out with them mindlessly being sucked into ½ hr or more of uselessness. Sometimes what I have seen and heard remains in my mind. Most is reflective of the depravity of man. There are teens wanting to be pregnant at 14 because they want a baby, women wanting to have their entire body surgically redone, women wanting a brand new wardrobe because theirs is not fashionable. That makes me wonder if my wardrobe is adequate or if my face could use a lift! The Bible tells us that a discerning person keeps their eyes glued on wisdom, but a fool’s eyes wander everywhere. Get Glue on God!

13. vs 27 Memorize it! NLT A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered (stays calm). Write it out in your notes 7X70! J

This works. Every word in the Word works.

14. vs 28 What does this verse say to you? Even fools seem to be wise if they keep quiet; if they don’t speak, they appear to understand.

If you speak, the other person knows what is going on. If you don’t speak, you will learn about their heart! STAY QUIET! It is Biblical and it makes sense.

2/3 of the intent of the message is communicated nonverbally.

1/3 of the message is communicated with words!

Thank you for persevering. Doing homework is God’s way of talking to you. Be excited about the new creation that you are becoming!

Physical Healing

Acid/Alkaline Balance

Typically our body should be 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. With this balance all of our metabolic and enzymatic processes will run smoothly.

Unfortunately, because of our stress levels and diet, most Americans are 80% acidic and 20% alkaline. Perhaps this is why Americans are so sick.

When your body is balanced you will feel more optimistic, have clarity of thought, better stamina, and you will find that you will not get sick.

We must learn to eat foods that are more alkaline to the body.

Examples - potatoes, green vegetables, salad greens, cabbage, kale, spinach, carrots, beets, corn, cottage cheese, butter, almonds, bananas, brazil nuts, dates, raisins, almond milk, black olives, avocado, cold pressed oils, natural sugar.

Acidic food examples: white flour products (check the label), pasta, white rice, cakes, pies, cookies, soybeans, chickpeas, red beans, garbanzo, red meat, salmon, lobster, shrimp, mussels, pickles, mustard, ketchup, mayo, coffee, tea, chocolate milk, milk, soda, tomato juice, orange juice, grapefruit juice, wine, and beer.

So as you can see, some foods that we would think would be healthy should be eaten in moderation along with alkaline foods.

Other contributors to an acidic body include: cigarette smoking, being in a smoke filled room, strenuous exercise, medications, flying in an airplane, chronic medical conditions, aging and stress.

Your body knows that in order for it to remain healthy it must be alkaline. If you continuously eat acidic foods, your body will naturally trigger the circulatory system and the respiratory system to neutralize the acidity in the body with the production of chemicals in the pancreatic juices and from other cells in the body. If the needed minerals are not provided through the diet and the digestive system then the body picks up alkalizing compounds from the bones (since our bones are mostly alkaline) eventually this will leave us with weakened bones. That is why osteoporosis is prevalent in this country because our diets are too acidic.

If the body is too acidic the following disease will occur: kidney stones, osteoporosis, constipation, low blood pressure, water retention, rheumatoid arthritis, bladder infections, weight problems, digestion disorders, emphysema, allergies, cancers, weakened thyroid, and chronic fatigue.

If the body is too alkaline the following diseases will occur: heart disease, high cholesterol, seizures, nervous disorders, prostate cancer, chronic digestive disorders, unexplained muscle or joint pain.

It is crucial that we eat foods that are alkaline in nature. Please follow the different food charts and begin today balancing your body’s ph. One of the awful disorders that a too acidic body can cause is Osteopenia – or commonly referred to as Osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis – The Nature of Bones

The most important factor in strong bones is a healthy body. Old bone is constantly being dissolved and new bone being laid down to replace it. The bone-forming cells, Osteoclasts, travel through the bone in search of old bone that is in need of renewal. They dissolve bone and leave tiny unfilled spaces. Osteoblast cells move into these spaces and build new bone. When more old bone is eaten up than new bone is lad down, bone loss occurs. Around 50 years of age, the bone turnover rate increases. The osteoblasts become less capable of completely filling the spaces made by the osteopclasts. The peak amount of bone you started with and the rate of this loss determines the density of your bones. While estrogen can slow down the rate of bone loss in some women, it cannot rebuild bone.

The correct term for low bone density is osteopenia. As osteoclasts absorb more bone than is rebuilt, the micro-architecture weakens. The wrist and hip become more vulnerable to fracture and the vertebra may collapse on itself, causing a loss of height or ever a dowager hump if enough vertebras are crushed.

Myths: Drugs such as Fosamax increase bone density. Truth: Fosamax is a metabolic poison and will actually kill osteoclast cells which are required to maintain dynamic bone equilibrium. In addition, Fosamax can cause severe and permanent damage to the esophagus and stomach. It is also hard on the kidneys and can cause diarrhea, gas, rashes, headaches and muscular pain. Rats given high doses developed thyroid and adrenal tumors. Fosamax also causes deficiencies of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D; all essential for the bone building process. While the drug superficially appears to increase bone density (for a few years); in the long run it decreases bone strength.

Myth: Calcium supplements prevent osteoporosis. Truth: Most calcium supplements are not only ineffectual in rebuilding bone, they can actually lead to mineral deficiencies, calcification and kidney stones. There are at least 18 key bone building nutrients essential for bone health; boron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, silica, fluorine, vitamins A, C, D, B6, B12, K, folic acid, essential fatty acids and protein. Also, the body uses minerals more efficiently when they are in balance. Sea vegetables (kelp, dulse, wakame), sesame seeds (ground) alfalfa, dandelion, nettle, oat straw, horsetail, sarsaparilla, and red raspberry are high in calcium and other minerals.

Myth: Dairy products build strong bones: Truth: Dairy products have been proven to be a leading cause of bone loss, in addition to contributing to heart disease, allergies, kidney stones and arthritis. Countries consuming the most dairy products actually have the most osteoporosis. What happens is that the body attempts to maintain the proper acid/alkaline balance in the blood. A high protein diet of meat and dairy products poses a risk for osteoporosis because it makes the blood highly acidic. Calcium is the leached/extracted from the bones to restore homeostasis (balance).

How to build strong bones: Exercise (feet hitting the pavement increases bone density). Get at least 15 minutes of sun daily {vit D} (do not overdo for risk of skin cancer); eat organic dark green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, sprouts, sea vegetables, beans and whole grains (not dead grains please). You may want to use a natural (yam) progesterone cream from the health food store.

Calcium thieves: excessive animal protein and dairy products, alcohol, cigarettes, antacids, diuretics, drugs, carbonated drinks, sugar in any form, fluorescent lighting, electric blankets, fluoride, non-filtered computer screens, coffee, high salt and saturated fat consumption, birth control pills, dieting, sedentary lifestyle, stress, aluminum and other toxic materials, indoor existence, and any endocrine system problems (hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, adrenal, kidney) dysfunction.

Bottom line: Be aware of agreeing with a system that doesn’t agree with God’s Word.
Healing spiritually, mentally and physically is about continuously studying the Word of God and listening to God speak to you about healing your body. It is the truth. Everything else is false.

Homework for Chapter 18
Due February 27, 2008

Pray that God will speak to you as you read through Chapter 18. Now read Chapter 18. Listen as God speaks to you. Listen as God speaks to you. Listen as God speaks to you. As you read, listen for His still small voice. He will not yell over the distractions of this world. He wants your undivided attention. Attention only on Him.

Now get out a pen and notebook. His voice is heard through your thoughts. Begin practicing the Holy Spirit power within you to hear the voice of God. Remember: be still and know that He is God and that you are hearing Him speak to you through reading His Word.

Are you listening? Is He speaking?
Are you writing? Is He speaking?

Read Chapter 18: 1 Are you listening? He is speaking. What is He saying to you? Write it down.
Read Chapter 18:2 Are you listening? He is speaking. What is He saying to you? Write it down.
Read Chapter 18:3 Are you listening? He is speaking. What is He saying to you? Write it down.
Read Chapter 18:4 Are you listening? He is speaking. What is He saying to you? Write it down.
Read Chapter 18:5 Are you listening? He is speaking in a still small voice. Reduce the distractions. What is God saying to you? Write it down.

Read Chapter 18:6 He is speaking to you through His Word. What is God saying? Write it down.
Read Chapter 18:7 The words you speak can possible ruin you. We are all fools if we do not listen to what God is saying to us through His Word.

Read Chapter 18:8 Gossip girl or Gospel girl. Which are you? There is your foolish way or God’s Way.

Read Chapter 18:9 Are you listening? Are you lazy and are half-stepping this homework. Why? What is more important than listening to God’s voice?

Read Chapter 18:10 He is speaking in a still small voice. Get alone and listen to what He is saying. Write it down. Write it all down. Don’t skimp. Pour out what He is saying to you on that paper. Get more paper. Write. Keep writing.

Drink ½ of your body weight in purified water today. Water yourself physically and water yourself with the purification of the Word of God. Cleanse yourself today.

Read Chapter 18:11 Trust in God or trust in your money. Now that seems like a simple choice. But are you? Write down what God just said to you as you read these words. Write my friend, write.

Read Chapter 18:12 Destruction – replace the word destruction with the word disease. Is it possible that disease is caused by the pride in a woman’s heart? Do not separate the two. Disease is a wake up call to our bad choices. We choose to destroy our bodies. Humility – we are so honored to be a child of the King that we humbly glorify God with our body. Write down your thoughts. It is God speaking to you.

Read Chapter 18:13 Be still and know that God is God. Don’t write down anything. Listen. Listen for clarity. He is talking my sister. We just are not listening.

Read Chapter 18:14 Wow! Powerful! Is this verse shouting powerfully or what? You have within you the perfect born-again spirit that will heal your body IF IF IF IF you believe that no one can crush you. Listen to God. He is speaking. Write down what you just heard. You are free indeed to be free of all disease and sickness.

Read Chapter 18:15 Listen, learn, understand. When you talk, you do not learn. What have you learned today from listening? Write it down.

Read Chapter 18:16 Who is the most important Man you know? Do you think that giving yourself as a gift back to Him is what would please Him the most? Give yourself to your God. Stop trying to live independently of what you think is your own. You are not your own, but bought with a price….He bought you. He gave you the gift of salvation. What gift will you give back to Him?

Read Chapter 18:17 Are you listening? Oh this one is hitting home with me. What is truth? Be careful. There is zillions of false stories but only one place to find truth. God Word speaks truth.
Read Chapter 18:18 Are you willing to come to an agreement? Listen to what God is teaching you about your desire to be right all the time. Don’t blow this off. Listen, He is talking.

Read Chapter 18:19 Are you an insult slinger? Are you the victim of insult? Listen to what God is telling you regarding the emotional damage that insults cause. Listen closely. Guard your tongue whether you are the slinger or the slingee. And the greatest of these is love REGARDLESS!

Read Chapter 18:20 Choose the right words. Your health of your body will depend on the words of your mouth. Think about that. Listen for God to teach you the importance of speaking love ….not just when you “feel” loving but all of the time. Regardless if you are under attack by the world around you. Speak words of love. Edifying words, sweet as honey words…oh my friend it is not easy but it is what will make the difference between the lost seeing what they always see or the lost seeing Jesus.

Read Chapter 18:21 Are you listening? He is speaking again. Write down what He is saying. The tongue can kill! The tongue can heal (life). Are you a murderer? Are you a healer? Let God heal our tongue so that we will kill another person.

Read Chapter 18:22 Awe. We go from being a murderer to being a good thing! Good thing huh? Now that God desires that a man should be married, shouldn’t we stop murdering our husbands? What is God saying to you right now?

Read Chapter 18:23 Listen. What does this verse say to you?

Read Chapter 18:24 We are sisters in Christ. That means that we all have the same spiritual Father. Praise the Lord! We are gifts to each other. Spiritual sisters/friends are commanded to stick closer to each other than a biological sister sticks with her sister. We sit together each week and learn of the Words of our spiritual Father. As sisters, we are to “stick” to each other. What does it mean to “stick” close?

This week’s homework was different. Different is good. Different is what we are called to be. Change happens when change happens. Sameness stays the same when same stays.

I commit to following The Way to Go Lightly!

Signed and sealed with the Power of the Holy Spirit that is within me.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chapter 16

January 30th, 2008

When there is nothing left but God that is when you find out that God is all you ever needed to begin with.

1 Thessalonians 5: 23, 24

23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

The goal for which we have set for ourselves, is to sanctify (set apart) ourselves completely, spirit, soul, and body. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are to striving to become blameless women. Why? Because He has called us and He is faithful in overseeing us become the woman He created us to be.
Another reason why?

James 4:14
Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen tomorrow. What is the nature of your life? You are [really] but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while and then disappears [into thin air].

We are beginning to recognize that the life of a person with a born-again spirit is not about selfish motives but is defined by the daily effort to die to the self nature (1 Cor 15:31). The gifts/talents that God has given us are to be used and multiplied and bring glory to the Kingdom of God. (Matt 25:28) We have begun reaching out to those in need of a helping hand by understanding what it means to be a good Samaritan (Luke 10:33). By doing so, we are learning to love. For since God is love, the only way we are going to reflect the Son of God on this earth is by displaying to others the same love that He showed us.

Deuteronomy 10:12
And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul,

Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

(Romans 5:8) That while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

I believe physical and mental health will follow spiritual health. When you believed that Jesus died for your sins and accepted Him to be Lord and Savior of your life, you received a born-again spirit. Remember 1/3 of you became perfect when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Redeemer {from past, present and future sin} and as the Savior of your lost soul.

That 1/3 part of you is perfect, whole, complete. No need to change the part of you that is complete and perfect, but there are two other parts of you that are far from perfect. Our journey through life is about growing in wisdom and understanding and striving to perfect the other two areas.

Our goal for this class is to truly understand the spiritual healing that has taken place in your spirit. The way we do that is to stay in continuous communion with our Lord and Savior. Many times we continuously remain the same physically and mentally because we do not listen to God’s voice.

2 Corinthians 3:14
In fact, their minds were grown hard and calloused (they had become dull and had lost the power of understanding); for until this present day, when the Old Testament (the old covenant) is being read, that same veil still lies (on their hearts), not being lifted (to reveal) that in Christ it is made void and done away.

Mark 15: 37-39
And Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed out His life. 38 And the curtain (of the Holy of Holies) of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. 39 And when the centurion who stood facing Him saw Him expire this way, he said, Really, this Man was God’s Son!

How is it that you hear from God? Only through the reading of His Word.

We continue to repeat the same behaviors because they are enrooted in our DNA, unless we rely on the strength and power that resides within us which is the Holy Spirit power. Everyone is born with a spirit. God changed our spirit and gave us the power of the Holy Spirit when we freely accepted Him as our Savior.

Matthew 7:14
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Remember the definition of “few”? Few means not very many but more than one.

Praise God for your salvation and be filled with appreciation as the glaucoma begins to be removed from your eyes.

The eyes reveal your born-again spirit to the lost world.

Tonight we begin our mental healing with how the Word of God speaks to us about our thoughts.

Ephesians 4:23 says: And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind (having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude).

Your attitude/mind needs constant renewing through the spirit that resides within you.

I have spent a lot of years waiting and waiting for someone to love me. I would say, “If my mother would have loved me”, “If my husband would just love me”, “I my kids would just love me”, THEN I’d be OK.

Well guess what? Love is something we need to do on purpose. We cannot wait to feel loved, but instead we need to start choosing to be loving.

Romans 12:10 says: Love one another with sisterly affection {as members of one family}, giving precedence and showing honor to one another.

Precedence means: priority - it should precede everything else in your life…it should come first. Love shows precedence over everything else.

We must learn to think good thoughts about people.

This week we will practice doing this. We must learn to look for the good in everyone, not the evil. We all have faults and weaknesses, but we all also have things about us that are good.

Kelly sent out an email about a man who sent his four sons out at different times of the year to discover what life was all about. Each experienced a different season thereby having a different view of life.

It is like our life. One season might seem rather dismal with lots of problems and disappointments while another season may be filled with abundant blessings. But regardless of the season, there are blessings to be found.

And the reverse is that we need to understand that other people are in different seasons of their life too.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
[ Everything Has Its Time ] To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:

Studying God’s Word is Health to the Bones. Sure beats calcium supplements!

Homework, Proverbs Chapter 16 Due January 30, 2007

Question – If you would, close your eyes and go to a very quiet place in your mind. Imagine yourself “living” what you would consider a “perfect life”. Write down your very first thoughts. Do not try to sound religious or put down what you think I want to hear. Be honest and do not be afraid to write what you really, truly feel and think.

The perfect world for me: The world would not be confused about what truth is and satan would not rule. People would refer to God’s Word for healing their spirit, their souls and their bodies; families would be restored; pastors would lead their congregation without thought of money or magnificent buildings. I wouldn’t bite my fingernails and my hair would have a little curl to it and forever without gray. Everyone would understand me. I want to laugh more, stress/cry less. {This is a very interesting assignment!}

1. 16:1 (NCV) People may make plans in their minds, but only the Lord can make them come true.

(NLT) We can gather our thoughts, but the Lord gives the right answer.

Now, knowing what Proverbs 16:1 says, look back at what you wrote and then write yourself a note from God:

My dear daughter: I, the Lord can make your perfect life come true. You have gathered your thoughts, now allow me to give you the right answer as to how I want your life to be perfect. For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11 Your Father, God

Verses 1, 3, 9 repeat this very important point.

Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting for a mentor while all along I have had the Greatest Mentor of all available to me. All I had to do was ask the question. Lord, what will you have me do with my life?

2. 16:2 Sometimes we believe we are doing the right thing, but what is your motive for doing what you are doing? Self recognition? Selfish motives? NRS – All one’s ways may be pure in one’s eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit. Please take time this week to dig into your motives for doing what you are doing. Motive: reason for, intention for, inspiration for. If your motive is not doing the will of your Father, then your motive is purely selfish. (sin)

3. 16:3 Look up the word commit – then determine if you “commit whatever you do to the Lord. (commit: to act, give over to, carry out, put into the hands of the Deliverer)

4. 16:5 define pride.- self-glorification, vainglory, egotism, self-love, self-satisfaction, define punished –corrected, disciplined, imprisoned Are we fearful of being punished? ___ I have gambled with this for the majority of my Christian life. _I lived as if I would never die. Serving myself instead of my Lord.

4. vs 6 Fear and respecting the Lord…we see this again. We are called to love …show mercy….have faithfulness…. These things will cover sin. Why? 1 Corinthians 13:13
And so faith, hope, love abide [faith--conviction and belief respecting man's relation to God and divine things; hope--joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love--true affection for God and man, growing out of God's love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love,

5. vs 8 Why is that we continue to strive for more money and more things? Maybe to cover the bills? My husband and I recently met with a Christian financial advisor. We were amazed at how little we knew about different aspects of our finances. Are your finances glorifying God? This is a question that is between you and God. Take time to discuss the question of money, your job, and your time with God.

6. vs 9 I love this verse and it is important to keep this posted so that we stop thinking we have any control over our own steps. Give an example of a time when you made a plan, but the Lord had you walk a different path. It is an everyday occurrence with me. I planned to move to DC, but God halted that. I now see why. I planned to work as a teacher for awhile, but God halted that and had me teach this Bible Study instead. I now see why.

7. vs 16 My neighbor told me that years ago her son invested $40K in silver. Today it is worth a few dollars. What good is gold and silver if you are unwise and ignorant? Proverbs is about becoming wise. Never ever give up trying to apply the principles given in this amazing book. Surely we all have seen the real estate crash. The American made auto makers are suffering a huge loss because Americans are buying economy foreign cars that get better gas mileage. Many investors thought it was a ticket to instant wealth to buy several houses. Wealth disappears, wisdom remains. I vow to learn to seek wisdom over the things this world has to offer.

8. vs 17 The Way to Go Lightly woman avoids evil by _following His Way_(I am so excited how God gave us this title) Notice what the second half of the verse says: Following the Way is SAFE! Translation: all other paths are not safe. WHY oh WHY do we continue to choose the evil path. Have we not hurt God enough with our disobedience?

9. vs 18 Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Somewhere along the line we combined this verse to say, Pride goes before the fall, but take time to look deeper into this verse and determine what it is saying to you by defining pride, destruction, haughty and spirit.

Pride - self glorification – egotistic – arrogance, to be satisfied with yourself. Yuck!

Destruction – ruin, destroyed, havoc, devastation

Haughty – arrogant, swelled head!, overbearing, conceited

spirit – disposition, attitude

Now combine those definitions and rewrite that verse.

I am choosing havoc, devastation and for my life to be destroyed when I choose to be self glorifying and arrogant. My arrogant and conceited attitude will destroy me. Instead, vs (19) I am to live my life humbly (gentle, meek, unpretentious).

10. vs 20 The older I get the more I realize that the only place to find blessed assurance is with the truths in God’s Word. Man’s advice will fail you every time. Elaborate on this statement with vs 20. Vs 20 Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be happy.
Amplified version says: He who deals wisely and heeds (God’s) word and counsel shall find good, and whoever leans on, trusts in, and is confident in the Lord—happy, blessed, and fortunate is he. –

I want to prosper in the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, long suffering, Gal 5:22

Look at this verse

Psalm 92:14
[Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] and [rich in the] verdure – defined: flourishing vegetation, greenness, fresh [of trust, love, and contentment].

ADD vs 22 Understanding is a well-spring of life to those who have it, but to give instruction to fools is folly. {I cannot fix people. I can only let them know who I am in Christ}

11. vs 24 Kind words, kind words, kind words are like honey. What else do kind words, kind words, kind words do? (previous vs) Health comes from kind words. Try finding 10 kind words….write them out…say them 20 times!!!! And see how much healthier you feel.

Did you know that another word for love is rapture! Sisters-in-Christ, friend and confidant, agreeable, cherish, treasure, proud of you, honor, rejoice,

12. vs 28 Are you a perverse, troublemaker? Gossip? Plant seeds of strife? Is the internet a form of gossip when you forward forwards that you have no idea if they are true or not. Whenever you become aware of an area you are being corrected in, you start to notice it in other people. I promised my husband that I would not discuss him or men with anyone. Then I got around two of my friends whom I usually engage in men-cutting remarks. It felt very wrong to me what they were saying but I was bordering on joining in with them. I praise God for the wake-up call to stop internet gossip and the desire to stop saying evil things against him. The battle now begins to stop doing it when the temptation comes.

13. vs 31 Gray hair…(.whohoo) is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a righteous life! Personally gray hair makes me look old and feel old. Is there vanity in that statement? Did Solomon have gray hair? Why would he say this?

14. vs 32 Find another verse in Scripture very similar to this. Slow to anger...are you getting there?

Proverbs 14:29
He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is hasty of spirit exposes and exalts his folly

Psalm 145:8 You see, God is slow to anger. It is a characteristic of His.
The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and abounding in mercy and loving-kindness

14. I love vs 33! Even something as simple as throwing dice, the Lord knows the outcome! People do just about anything to gamble with their life. Ultimately, the answer/decision about our life comes from the Lord alone.

Amplified Bible- The lot is cast into the lap, but the decision is wholly of the Lord {even the events that seems accidental are really ordered by Him}.

Homework Questions for Proverbs Chapter 17

As you begin studying, get alone with God, praise Him for choosing you as His daughter. Think of ten things you are appreciative for and give Him the praise for them. Confide your worries, concerns, disappointments and desires with Him. Remember, He already knows what they are so nothing can be hidden from Him. Ask Him for forgiveness and then forgive yourself for whatever you have done.

1. Proverbs 17:1 What would you be willing to forego at your dinner table for sweet quietude? Is there sadness at your table? Even if you eat alone, is there a heart of anger or a heart of quietness. Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10) even at the dinner table. Are you angry when you prepare meals? Is there strife in your responsibility to prepare food for your family? ________________________________________________________
I challenge you to prepare all meals this week with love and with a servant’s heart. Prepare each meal as if Jesus Himself was coming to dinner. Did you know that He is? If you are there, Jesus is there. That changes things, wouldn’t you say!
2. vs 3 What does it mean to “try the heart”?
3. vs 4 What have you listened to lately that was not truth? ______________________
Be careful, in every field there are lies and false teaching.
4. Let vs 5 speak to you personally by looking up the words mock, insult, calamity, gloats, and punished.
5. vs 8 (NCV) Some people think they can pay other to do anything they ask. They think it will work every time. Pay may not mean specifically money. Give an example of what you have done to get you way. Then ask yourself if life is about your way or THE WAY?
6. vs 9 Forgiveness – who must you go to if someone offend you?_______________
If someone comes to you ragging on someone else, you can bet they are ragging to someone else about you! It’s human nature but not God’s nature.
7. vs 12 How mad is a bear that has been robbed of her cubs? ______________
Look it up! Now site an example of a time when you were as mad as a bear that has just been robbed of her cubs. Why were you mad? (self might have something to do with your answer). Be prepared to share your foolish folly.
8. vs 13 What does it mean to repay evil for good?
9. vs 14 Starting a quarrel is like a leak in a dam, so stop it before a fight break out (NCV) Think about that. Put it into action. The tell the class about your transformed soul.
10. vs 17 When does a friend love you? ______________________
So if you truly do what you answered on that line, why is it that we are not available when a sister is in trouble? _____________________________
11. vs 19 Do you love to argue? Do you love to sin? Do you brag a lot? Do you always have to have the last word? Is what you have your own?
12. vs 20 Define deceitful heart. The tongue has two guards on it. Why?
13. vs 22 Find a funny joke to share with the class. No one has ever died from laughing too much, but sadness dries up the bones. Check your laughter gauge.
14. vs 24 What do you keep your eyes glued to? Everything is filtered through the eyes and through the eyes ones’ soul is revealed.
15. vs 27 Memorize it! NLT A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered. Write it out in your notes 7X70!
16. vs 28 What does this verse say to you?

Thank you for persevering. Doing homework is God’s way of talking to you. Be excited about the new creation that you are becoming!

Physical Healing – So often we take balance for granted. Gambling with our health and expecting it to remain indefinitely is ignorant (as the Bible says). The following is a test to see how physically balanced you currently are. Remember: If you find yourself out of balance, today is the day to press forward and “GET BALANCED”!

Balancing Act
With a counter or sturdy furniture near enough to steady you if needed, perform this test:
1. Stand straight, wearing flat, closed shoes, with your arms folded across your chest. Raise one leg, bending the knee about 45 degrees, start a stopwatch and close your eyes.
2. Remain on one leg, stopping the watch immediately if you uncross your arms, tilt sideways more than 45 degrees, move the leg you are standing on or touch the raised leg to the floor.
3. Repeat this test with the other leg.
Now, compare your performance to the norms for various ages:
¶ 20 to 49 years old: 24 to 28 seconds.
¶ 50 to 59 years: 21 seconds.
¶ 60 to 69 years: 10 seconds.
¶ 70 to 79 years: 4 seconds.
¶ 80 and older: most cannot do it at all.

If you are wise, whatever your age, you will want to strive for the norm of those younger than 50. To increase stability and strengthen the legs, stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms straight out in front. Lift one foot behind, bending the knee at 45 degrees. Hold that position for five seconds or longer, if possible. Repeat this exercise five times. Then switch legs. As you improve, try one-leg stands with your eyes closed.

You can also incorporate one-leg stands into daily routines — while on the telephone, for example, brushing your teeth, waiting in line or for a bus, or cooking and washing dishes.

Exercises to Build a Motor Skill

Two main routes improve balance — exercises that increase the strength of the ankle, knee and hip muscles and exercises that improve the function of the vestibular system.

Sit-to-stand exercises once or twice a day increase ankle, leg and hip strength and help the body adjust to changes in position without becoming dizzy after being sedentary for a long time. Sit straight in a firm chair (do not lean against the back) with arms crossed. Stand up straight and sit down again as quickly as you can without using your arms. Repeat the exercise three times and build to 10 repetitions.

Heel-to-toe tandem walking is another anytime exercise, resembling plank walking popular with young children. It is best done on a firm, uncarpeted floor. With stomach muscles tight and chin tucked in, place one foot in front of the other such that the heel of the front foot nearly touches the toe of the back foot. Walk 10 or more feet and repeat the exercise once or twice a day. Also try walking on your toes and then walking on your heels to strengthen your ankles.

Another helpful exercise is sidestepping. Facing a wall, step sideways with one leg (bring the other foot to it) 10 times in each direction. After mastering that, try a dancelike maneuver that starts with sidestepping once to the right. Then cross the left leg behind, sidestep to the right again and cross the left leg in front. Repeat this 10 times. Then do it in the other direction.
DEVOTION FOR REFLECTION THIS WEEK: Ask yourself, how wise am I becoming?

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

We live in confusing times. The world confronts us with complicated situations, dilemmas and issues. Knowledge is not enough. We must have wisdom. Wisdom goes beyond knowledge. It is the understanding and ability to make sense of things and then act with a wise decision in difficult circumstances.

Wisdom is practical discernment. It begins with respect for God. When we respect God we seek to live in a right relationship with Him and with people. Wisdom helps us in the most basic ways to tell right from wrong. God is willing to give us this wisdom, but we will be unable to receive it if our goals are self-centered instead of God-centered. In order to learn God's will, we need to read his Word and ask him to show us how to obey it. Then we must do what he tells us.

It is not enough just to have a good "take" on a situation. We must have the courage to act wisely and to make the right choice.

Where do we find this wisdom? James gives us a wonderful promise from God's Word. If you will seek, you will find wisdom. Whenever we need wisdom, we can pray to God, and He will generously supply what we need. Christians don't have to grope around in the dark. We don't have to simply hope we will stumble upon answers. We can ask for God's wisdom to guide our choices.

Jesus said: Ask and it shall be given Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened. But have you ever felt you were not even worthy to ask? James suggests a remarkable thing. He says that this wisdom is given by grace or "without finding fault". Even in our most difficult and broken times, when our minds are confused and clouded with our own failure, God is faithful to this promise and will give the wisdom needed. On the worst day of your life, God's ears are not blocked from hearing your cry.

Lord, I do not know what this day holds but You know the wisdom I shall need. Lord give me the wisdom to know Your will and Your way. Give me courage to act in obedience to Your wisdom. In Jesus' Name. Amen.