Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Week 20, Proverbs Chapter 20

March 12, 2008

How are you feeling about the United States of America right now?

It just seems like every time I have a discussion with someone, it is more information regarding the demise of our country. I just don’t remember ever feeling like our country was in such a devastating state of affairs in so many different facets. It is almost to the point where it cannot be turned around. Take a moment to pray for God to have mercy on our country for it is very obvious that it is only through His mercy that we will be able to survive.

Psalm 57:1 Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.
We know that God is in control of those who take refuge in Him but according to 1 John 5:19 the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

1 John 5:19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
Now is the time to set aside all selfish ways and realize the importance of living like tomorrow may not happen

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Christians have to be different than the rest of the whole world.
Are the choices we are making, make us different?

Homework Due March 12, 2008
Proverbs Chapter 20
We have 11 weeks left until we finish the book of Proverbs so that means that we are 2/3’s finished and have 1/3 left to go! Do you feel 2/3’s finished? J

What part of your body is 1/3 perfect?

Chapter 20 has 30 verses. You have 6 days to complete your homework. If you divide the verses equally by the number of days you have to complete your homework, how many verses do you have to complete each day?

What lust or passion is controlling your willingness to lay your life down for a friend? John 15:3 Last week we talked about the meaning of laying down our lives for a friend. We talked about who that friend may be and agreed that anyone and everyone is the answer to who is my friend. Jesus died for everyone, as should we.

1 Corinthians 9:22 To the weak (wanting in discernment) I have become weak (wanting in discernment) that I might win the weak and overscrupulous. I have [in short] become all things to all men, that I might by all means (at all costs and in any and every way) save some [by winning them to faith in Jesus Christ].

Evaluation time: Write out the obvious changes God has made in your spiritual, mental, and physical life since you began this class.

The biggest change I see in myself is awareness of what the Truth teaches me. I am much more focused on my speech more so than ever before. I am much more aware when I am sinning due to the teachings in Proverbs.

If nothing changes, nothing changes. When God changes you, you change.

Read Chapter 20

vs 4 Define sluggard – one who is spiritless! Lazy, lifeless! Great definition because when you do not have the Holy Spirit living within you, you have do not have LIFE! (– repercussions of our previous choices are evident today. What area of your life are you seeing this verse scream truth to you? I am not in prayer/communication with God near enough.

vs 5 How deep is a deep well? Refer back to 18:4 How do we grow wise? Where do we find living water? What is understanding? We can only find living water (Christ) and wisdom through understanding the truths of His Word.

vs 8 – are you a queen on the throne of judgment? I would have to say I am quick to judge and worse I am quick to fix everyone because I have judged them. I am recognizing this in me which is the beginning of change. Through our eyes we receive the world with all its evil. How does the Word of God teach us as far as judgment is concerned? Proverbs 24:23 These also are sayings of the wise: To discriminate and show partiality, having respect of persons in judging, is not good.

vs 9 - look up Psalm 51:5; Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. 1 John 1:8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.; 2 Chron 6:36 "When they sin against you—for there is no one who does not sin—and you become angry with them and give them over to the enemy, who takes them captive to a land far away or near; and compare them to verse 9. What is God saying about your heart?

It is evident from God’s Word that I am sinful and always will be. The minute Adam sinned, the sins of man will forever exist. That is why we are all in need of a Savior, one who took the sin off of us and He became sin because there was nothing we could do to save ourselves. Sin and God do not mix. This verse is telling me not to ever believe I am ”arriving” spiritually for God quickly reminds me how sinful I truly am.

vs 11 - we are a child of God. What actions are we portraying that are making us known to a lost world? Friend or enemy to the world? We always looked at this verse as something to do with child, but when you think of it speaking to us as a child of God, it changes the meaning. What am I doing that is impure and not right? Mainly, I believe that I am plugging more into Truth and unplugging more from the world.

vs 14 How great a deal did you get at Belk’s, Walmart, Macy’s or Target this week? It will all be sold in a garage sell or thrown in the Goodwill bag. Worthless. Are you boasting of the “deal/bargain” you obtained? Is it the thrill of seeking or perhaps the thrill of passing time through sedating ourselves with stuff. Worthless. What has value? It all seems so worthless anymore. As I saw the mega amounts of folks walking the streets of Chicago buying endless amounts of shoes, purses and clothes, I realized how we work to shop, only to shop again, but never to really be content with the items we bought. Shopping is really just a drug as is food.

vs 15 the lips of knowledge are far more important than gold or pearls. What does this mean? Things just aren’t important. …the lips of knowledge are a vase of preciousness (the most precious of all) ..How beautiful is that.

vs 18 Would you pray for the upcoming leadership in Washington, DC that God will be the deciding factor as to when to pull out of Iraq. Will you pray for the leadership in your home that God will be the deciding factor regarding plans and purposes for everyone in your home?

vs 20 why is it so important to honor your father and mother? God is saying that our light will not shine without first showing honor and respect for our father and mother. How could it?

vs 24 Do you believe that God has set the day and time you will die? Do you believe that you have anything to do with that outcome? I believe we do indeed have everything to do with the outcome, but He still knows the choices that we will choose. He knows if we will choose to turn our back on Him, thereby shortening our lifespan, if we will destroy our bodies with destructive foods, if we will destroy our witness with our mental anguish (depression, anger, bitterness). Oh how selfish we are to do such a thing. Greater is He then is in us than he that is in the world. Why do we allow he that is in the world to destroy us and make our days shorter and less honoring in fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives.

vs 26 God is our King. He is going to separate the chaff from the grain with the threshing wheel. What does that mean spiritually? The believers will be separated from the unbelievers. Matthew 3:12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire." and Luke 3:17 His winnowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." Hell will destroy those who do not believe in the Lord Jesus as their Savior.

vs 27 The spirit of the man {that factor in human personality which proceeds immediately from God} is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost part (1 Cor 2:11) For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Two things I see here. We are to allow the light of Christ within us to shine but also the light of the Word is to constantly be shining within us looking for destruction sinful behaviors.

vs 28 What are the characteristics of your King? {loving-kindness and mercy, truth and faithfulness} You are called to be loyal to the throne by displaying those same characteristics. Are you?

vs 30 What are your thoughts on vs 30? When life sends blows (problems) our way, we are then tested to see what direction we are going to go. Total faith, or questionable faith. Stepping outside the realm of this world and stepping strictly into a spiritual world is a huge step to take. But the safety net of God’s arms is the only total truth with unwavering failure.
Reread Chapter 20 and have a pen and paper close by. What do you hear God saying?

Homework Questions for Chapter 21
The Way to Go Lightly, Healing Spiritually, Mentally and Physically

The title of our class is listed above. Find the verses in the Bible that reference the following: The Way; Go; Lightly; and verses in reference to healing. Refresh your thinking regarding the “reason” that you are participating in this class.

The last stretch of a race is always the most difficult. Somewhat because we become complacent, somewhat because we grow weary, somewhat because routine and sameness set in, somewhat because we wonder if we will ever change and get life “right”. Refresh your spiritual enthusiasm by finding verses in the Bible that tell us to persevere even when we do not want to. Find verses that tell us to run the race with endurance for which God has set the course before us.

Rededicate the last stretch of the race (the next 10 chapters of the book of Proverbs) to a strong finish where you come in the victor. Perhaps you have not made as many changes as we have talked about. It is OK. Because the end of the race is still not here yet and you still have time to kick it up a notch or two so that you will end with a strong finish.

Take time to ask God through prayer to strengthen you as you come into the home stretch. Without Him, we will not change. We will remain ignorant human doings (doing all the wrong things). Take time to list the areas of your life that you know God has brought to the forefront of your mind during the teachings in Proverbs. Write them down. Write them down. Write them down. Then find a Scripture verse that encourages you to stay on “The Way” to Go LIGHTLY in these areas.

Praise God for choosing you as His daughter. You are the victor even when you fail humanly. In fact I think God wants us to fail so that we can totally depend on Him for our successes. Success is totally opposite than the way the world sees it. Define spiritual success.

What did I eat today? Green/Yellow/and purple vegetables and fruits from every seed bearing tree? Whole grains, nuts and seeds? What did I drink today? ½ your body weight in purified water? What continues to sneak into my mouth that is destroying your temple? Write it down. It can only go into my mouth if you buy it and bring it into my home.

What did I think today? Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is …Philippians 4:8 . What am I thinking about?

Chapter 21:2 (NCV) You may believe you are doing right, but the Lord judges your reasons. (Amplified) Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weights and tries the hearts. Reference Luke 16:15 What do these verses say of our thoughts?

vs 3 – define righteousness, justice and sacrifice. (Amplified) To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. What exactly does it mean to “do right and fair” rather than sacrifice?

vs 4 – Much more is said through our eyes in a conversation than our words. Are we condescending and proud with our tone of voice. That’s sin. Look up the word tillage. The amplified version says: the tillage of the wicked is sin in the eyes of God. What is sin? Are God’s eyes condescending, demeaning and judgmental?

vs 5 Again we see the need to wait and not act hastily. Define impatient and hasty. Does this describe me?

vs 6 Honesty versus deception in my character wealth is what God brought to my attention when I read this verse. When someone describes me, I want them to define me as a woman of honesty. To me it is far more important to be wealthy in character than financial wealth with a lot of treasures that easily are tossed, sold or inherited! But I have to be “honest” with myself after studying verse 2. What is the reason for my honesty? What areas of my life have I been dishonest before God?

vs 7 What is destroying me?

vs 8 What am I feeling guilty about?

vs 9 Wow! Nagging, faultfinding, quarrelsome me. Define those words and see if they define you. Better yet, ask your husband if they define you.

vs 12 It is clear in the Scripture that God will bring ruin to the unrighteous man. What does ruin mean?

vs 13 Being a helper of the poor can be confusing for some will take advantage of your help. Hearing from God is crucial in helping the poor because if God has called you to a certain purpose, we surely want to respond for vs 13 says that the day we cry out for help our cry will not be heard if we were ignoring the poor ourselves. Let’s talk about this! (refer to James 2:13)

vs 16 Very interesting verse for it happens to me all the time. Missing my study time with God zaps me right back to my old nature. When I wander from the Word, my mind wanders to the world (of the dead not LIFE). Comments?

vs 17 Why?

vs 18 I find it very interesting that Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs as if he were living in the year 2008. Humans have not changed. Why?

vs 19 define vexation and contentious. Does that define a character trait of yours?

vs 20 NCV Wise people’s houses are full of the best foods and olive oil, but fools waste everything they have. What does this verse (check other versions) say to you?

vs 21 righteousness, mercy and loving-kindness … that is what LIFE is all about. Look up these words on and reference some other verses that speak of these three character traits that we must possess.

vs 23 Are we hearing this enough to realize that God must want us to shut up?

vs 24 Do you find yourself bragging? I find myself wanting people to think I’m “OK” so I let them know too much of what I am doing for the Lord…or am I doing it to get them to think I am OK. Am I being complicated? J

vs 26 letting go of things is a command for they only hold us back from giving. It is time to let go of the things that hold us back. Clean house spiritually, mentally and physically. What are you holding on to? Things, expectations, desires, disappointments, comfort, security, anger?

vs 27 This is a repeat of verse 3. How does the word sacrifice apply to us today?

vs 28 hears attentively…oh I need to work on that J I do not know why I keep refusing to listen more and talk less. Maybe because of #25. Many times we think communication has to do with talking more. I am beginning to see that communication depends more on talking less, listening more and putting the effort towards understanding what the person we are communicating with wants us to know.

vs 29 (NCV) Wicked people are stubborn, but good people think carefully about what they do. OK, we have seen it said several times that we need to stop, pray, listen, and then do. No haste, no waste…. of our life.

vs 30 This is a great verse for us today when everything seems so chaotic. The sun just peeked through the window blinds and it reminded me that God is in control of everything. Human wisdom and understanding cannot possibly match the wisdom of God. Man errors when God is not consulted first. Are you beginning to see how frivolous it is to depend on the wisdom of man to be that woman God has created us to be? We must stop depending on man’s wisdom and seek to compare ourselves to the wisdom of our Creator.

vs 31 (NCV) You can get your horse ready for battle, but it is the Lord who give the victory! Isn’t that great! Great is His faithfulness. I am comforted knowing that He has the victory. What horse are you trying to get ready for battle? In other words, what thing or things are you using to carry you through life instead of allowing God to carry you?

Do not grow weary of doing good, but in all things with prayer and supplication, give God the glory.

Isaiah 40:28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding

Galatians 6:9 And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

Hebrews 12:3 Just think of Him Who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against Himself [reckon up and consider it all in comparison with your trials], so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting in your minds.

Revelation 2:3 I know you are enduring patiently and are bearing up for My name's sake, and you have not fainted or become exhausted or grown weary.

Healing Mentally

Ask yourself the following questions:

How many “should-have”, “could-have”, “would-have” statements have you said today?

How many “if onlys” were part of your vocabulary today?

How many times have you replayed a conversation or situation in your head that pained you?

How many scenarios have you created of the unpredictable future?

How much time do you spend speculating?

Is your mind passive, cloudy, or comatose?

Do you go through the motions of the day, not really committed to a goal, saying one thing but meaning another?

Is your thinking distorted? Are you forming a personal identity around a problem or disease? Do you speak about “my HBP”, “my depression”, “my heart problem”?

Do you ever make comment like “nothing ever goes right for me,” “everything I touch fails,” or “I always mess up”?

If you answer yes even to one of these, your thought life needs detoxing right now because it does not line up with the Word of God.

Are you being honest with the questions?

Taking every thought captive is a discipline but it is the main step in cleaning up our thoughts.

Thoughts cause physical pain. But the good news is that if thoughts are powerful enough to cause physical pain, they are also powerful enough to make us healthy as well.

Pay attention to your thoughts. Write them down. It is essential for our health to take a look at our thoughts so we can learn about our mental health condition and then get involved in actively changing it.

Healing Physically Checklist

For the next 8 weeks I will give you a week by week outline of what you can do to improve your health. Please try to incorporate as much as possible. May God bless you for your willingness to keep your whole spirit, soul and body blameless before Him.

Go through your pantry and refrigerator and remove all oils other than olive oil that is unrefined and first cold pressed and has been refrigerated. Get rid of margarine, shortening and lard. Get rid of any product that has partially hydrogenated oil and trans fats. All of these fats are unhealthy in one way or another. But a bottle of extra-virgin unrefined, first cold pressed olive oil in a dark green bottle. Follow the oil handout for temperature recommendations for other oils such as soybean, sesame and peanut. Always keep your oils in the refrigerator.

Start eating fresh broccoli at least 3 times a week. Frozen is OK if fresh doesn’t look so good. Check for added salt.

Eat walnuts and ground flax seed. These are to be raw and unsalted. One to two tbsp of flax seed is good and ¼ cup of walnuts. This will help get the need Omega 3 fatty acid. I recommend eating wild Alaskan Salmon if you can afford it, if not buy a high quality Omega 3, 6, 9 oil taking 1 tbsp daily.

Start taking Vitamin C preferably in the form of Vit C crystals. Take 500 milligrams daily or 250 twice daily (preferred if you remember). Take a garlic oil tablet 1000 milligrams daily.

Eat 80% fruits and vegetables that are alkaline.

Determine how much money you have to spend on your food budget and spend at least ½ of that money toward vegetables, fruits, seeds, grains (whole grain pastas) and raw nuts.

Try to walk ½ hour at least 5 days per week. Deep breathe as you walk swinging your arms only slightly. Suck in your gut, smile and enjoy your walk.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week 19, Proverbs Chapter 19

Welcome to Week 19. We are a group of dedicated ordinary women who want to gain spiritual knowledge through studying the Word of God. We know by studying God’s Word that we will hear God speaking to us. This is how we go about becoming the woman He has created us to be. Our goal during these 31 weeks is to begin the journey towards healing spiritually, mentally and physically. We are thankful for our inheritance into His Kingdom.

Our theme verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24 Now may the God of peace sanctify you through and through and may you whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who has called you is faithful and He will do it.
Stay on the Way! It is the only Way to Stay!


1. Study James 1:14 and write out what this verse is saying to you. “But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions)”. I never really know from week to week why it is that God has me put down certain verses for which to expound upon. We do not think of ourselves as evil or having evil desires. But we are. Evil is anything other than Godly focus. Evil is defined as sinful. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So what is it that continues to cause sin in my life? For me it is lack of prayer and discipline. Whenever I am drawn away from God’s direction, I am being enticed and baited by the enemy to follow my own direction. What is God teaching me through my recent decision to help Kay with Abby? It is now that I must pray for His direction rather than being enticed by my disappointments with adults. I am to love these children and show them Christ’s love.

2. Also study James 4:4 (NKJ) Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Amplified version: You (are like) unfaithful wives (having illicit love affairs with the world and breaking your marriage vow to God}! Do you not know that being the world’s friend is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world takes his stand as an enemy of God. These two verses are teaching us about being a true Christ-follower friend.

3. Now look up John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

Two verses tell you not to be a friend of the world. One says to lay your life down for your friends. Write your thoughts as God speaks to you concerning what type of friend you are.
It just hit me. Laying down my life doesn’t mean to die physically for someone; it simply means to put other’s lives before your own. You are not your own, you were bought with a price. Our life has already been redeemed. We are living with eternity in mind. Not the here and now. When we are a friend to the world, we are merely existing for ourselves. When we are a friend of God, we are laying our lives down for others as John 15:3 indicates.

Amazing teaching! God through His Word is right there whenever life seems to come at you too fast. We are the bride; He is the bridegroom. The adulteress relationship is living for ourselves

4. Read Chapter 19 – make notes of what verse speaks the most to you.
5. If your last name begins with a “B”, then be prepared to teach 1-4
6. If your last name begins with a “C” then be prepared to teach verses 5 – 8
7. If your last name begins with an “E” then be prepared to teach verses 9 – 2
8. If your last name begins with an “H” then be prepared to teach verses 13 – 16
9. If your last name begins with a “K” then be prepared to teach verses 17 -20
10. If your last name begins with an “R” then be prepared to teach Verses 21 -24
11. If your last name begins with a “W” then be prepared to teach verses 25 -29
12. If your last name begins with an “L” then be prepared to sit and listen to what the other letters of the alphabet are going to teach from God’s Word. J

Everyone did a fabulous job in researching and studying their verses. I cannot include all of what they said, but what a blessing it was to hear how many things God taught each lady. The following is a brief look at all 29 verses.

My thoughts on Chapter 19: 1-29
Vs 1 It is better to be poor with integrity (character), than a wealthy/self-confident perverse speaking fool.
Vs 2 I am often very quick to hastily offer to “fix” whatever situation needs fixing without (knowledge) checking to see if God desires for me to fix it! I often move too quickly because I do not like to hesitate whenever a need arises. But hasty decisions may not be the best. It may be the wrong decision.
Vs 3 Blaming God. It takes a developed matured spirit to agree with God sometimes. In my mind, it doesn’t always seem “fair”, but perhaps the result of foolish behavior is the cause of certain outcomes.
Vs 4 Wealthy people seem to have a lot of friends, but what are the “friends” wanting from a wealthy person? The popularity, the stuff, the food and parties? It there any substance to that friendship or just notoriety? Why do I want to be friends with someone who is Godly wise and poor? (James 2:2-3)
Vs 5 vs 9 is almost the same as 5. We are always caught somehow when we lie. Gossip is lying too because you do not know if it is the truth for sure or not.
Vs 6 Boy isn’t this true. Everyone wants to be friends with the prince. One of the saddest things is when someone is dying and how greed sets in to accumulate the dead person’s wealth.
Vs 7 We often just do not have anything to do with the poor. We just ignore them thinking they do not fit into our busy life. Politicians promise to help the poor, but cannot even relate to the poor. Can we believe that the man begging for money and food in a big city could go get a job? Should I help him? Doesn’t he have a choice to work and live “normally”?
Vs 8 Understanding – what are we to understand? The Word of God. That is when you will prosper for eternity.
Vs 9 same as 5
Vs 10 Solomon’s opinion or God’s truth? Not really sure.
Vs 11 Wisdom results in controlled anger. Overlook and forgive those who have wronged you and according to you have done some really stupid things. So have I. It does absolutely no good to hold onto an unresolved issue and to not forgive.
Vs 12 The King’s anger (God’s anger) is always justified when we are disobedient. Dew on the grass replenishes the dried grass as does God’s forgiveness. Ask for it.
Vs 13 We can be a foolish child to our Father. I do not believe God thinks of me as a calamity, but I do know that unrighteous behavior is not a good choice. Does a dripping faucet describe your annoying behavior of nagging your husband’s bad habits?
Vs 14 It is just plain to see that we women need to understand the definition of understanding for God wants us to be an understanding wife.
Vs 15 Can’t get much done sleeping but it is crucial for health to get enough sleep.
Vs 16 This is very important and many people believe that since the commandments are in the OT that they are not relevant to us today. This is simply not true and this verse reiterates the importance of following God’s directions for life.
Vs 17 Contribute what you can and bless someone else.
Vs 18 What age is there no more hope? This is so evident with kids today. They are so many troubled and neglected kids today that are having to become adults much sooner than we did. Shame.
Vs 19 This is indicating that it is important to stay out of the way of short tempered angry people because they are not going to listen to you.
Vs 20 Yes, shut up and listen. Read to educate and grow spiritually, mentally and physicall.
Vs 21 When you make plans make sure they line up with God’s plans
Vs 22 Loyalty is far more beautiful in a person than botox.
Vs 23 Fear and revere God. That is what gives life. Security and harm from the enemy that wants to destroy you.
Vs 24 I do not know anyone like that. But a lazy person wants everything handed to them without lifting a finger. I wonder how many street people could work somehow. Are they lazy or mentally incapable of keeping a job? Am I lazy? Sometimes I think I am spoiled more than lazy.
Vs 25 It is OK to defend your beliefs so that those who are unbelievers can see that you are strong in what you believe. Wise believers must strengthen and encourage other wise believers. Sometimes we just don’t feel that wise.
Vs 26 Am I a disgrace to my Heavenly Father? Am I a disgrace to the faith?
Vs 27 Knowledge. Continue to grow. Continuous knowledge. Never feel like you have arrived at a level of completion in your faith.
Vs 28 Before I allow too much evil to take over my mouth, it is crucial that I pray for God to get me back on the Way track.
Vs 29 By His stripes we were healed. Interesting that vs 29 speaks of stripes for the backs of {self-confident fools} {Isaiah 32:6}. A fool has a choice to allow Jesus’ stripes to take their place or they can choose to be forever beaten for their sins.

Homework Due March 12, 2008

Proverbs Chapter 20

We have 11 weeks left until we finish the book of Proverbs so that means that we are 2/3’s finished and have 1/3 left to go! Do you feel 2/3’s finished? J

What part of your body is 1/3 perfect?
Chapter 20 has 30 verses. You have 6 days to complete your homework. If you divide the verses equally by the number of days you have to complete your homework, how many verses do you have to complete each day?

What lust or passion is controlling your willingness to lay your life down for a friend? John 15:3
Evaluation time: Write out the obvious changes God has made in your spiritual, mental, and physical life since you began this class.
If nothing changes, nothing changes. When God changes, you change.
Read Chapter 20

vs 4 Define sluggard – repercussions of our previous choices are evident today. What area of your life are you seeing this verse scream truth to you?
vs 5 How deep is a deep well? Refer back to 18:4 How do we grow wise? Where do we find living water? What is understanding?
vs 8 – are you a queen on the throne of judgment?
vs 9 - look up Psalm 51:5; 1 John 1:8; 11Chron 6:36 and compare them to verse 9. What is God saying about your heart?
vs 11 - we are a child of God. What actions are we portraying that are making us know to a lost world? Friend or enemy to the world?
vs 14 How great a deal did you get at Belk’s, Walmart, Macy’s or Target this week? It will all be sold in a garage sell or thrown in the Goodwill bag. Worthless. Are you boasting of the “deal/bargain” you obtained? Is it the thrill of seeking or perhaps the thrill of passing time through sedating ourselves with stuff. Worthless. What has value?
vs 15 the lips of knowledge are far more important than gold or pearls. What does this mean?
vs 18 Would you pray for the upcoming leadership in Washington, DC that God will be the deciding factor as to when to pull out of Iraq. Will you pray for the leadership in your home that God will be the deciding factor regarding plans and purposes for everyone in your home?
vs 20 why is it so important to honor your father and mother?
vs 24 Do you believe that God has set the day and time you will die? Do you believe that you have anything to do with that outcome?
vs 26 God is our King. He is going to separate the chaff from the grain with the threshing wheel. What does that mean spiritually? Matthew 3:12 and Luke 3:17
vs 27 The spirit of the man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost part (1 Cor 2:11)
vs 28 What are the characteristics of your King? You are called to be loyal to the throne by displaying those same characteristics. Are you?
vs 30 What are your thoughts are vs 30?
Reread Chapter 20 and have a pen and paper close by. What do you hear God saying?