Monday, July 13, 2009


I want to welcome everyone who came last week to our new study called, "In the Dust of the Rabbi: Becoming a Disciple".

The video by Ray Vander Laan included scenes from Galilee where the disciples were called from. I didn't know that some of the disciples grew up together in that region. No wonder some of them bickered like brothers!

In Session 1, we were taken to Bethsaida in Galilee...a simple fishing village. We were puzzled as to why Jesus didn't go straight to Jerusalem to call His disciples. But when we learned that this area was rich in the knowledge of God's Word--that very devout and famous rabbis came from this area--it made complete sense. These people lived, breathed, ate and worked God's word. They taught it to their children in the morning, debated in the afternoon and recited it in the evening during prayers.

We learned that the building blocks of discipleship is:
  • Community
  • Scripture
  • Synagog
We also learned that to become a disciple we had to first find a rabbi we wanted to be like. The student would then approach the rabbi and ask to follow him. The rabbi would take his request into consideration and observe the potential student. For weeks or months he would allow them to follow, then one day the rabbi would tell the student, "Come, follow me."

The student would then leave his family and follow the rabbi for years. He would follow 24/7 and eventually learn everything the rabbi had to teach him. Then one day the rabbi would tell him it was time for him to acquire his own disciples. He would learn that a student is not above his teacher. That it was enough to be like his teacher.

When Jesus tells us to, "Come" there is something different and similar about His calling. What is different is that Jesus does not observe someone for months or weeks. He already knows us. He simply says, "Come."

What is similar is that in our walk with Jesus, we become like Him.

What I have to ask you now is, are you ready to follow Jesus so closely that the dust of Galilee clings to your soul? Are you excited that He has already called you, He chose you and knows that you are ready to follow Him?

What are you going to do about that? How will you make changes in your life to reflect that passion for Christ?

Come join us again Wednesday night. We will then discover what happens when the Rabbi says, "Go."

Memory verse:
Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did. 1 John 2:6