Thursday, September 24, 2009

Acts 5

We left off Acts 4 with Barnabas bringing his offering to the disciples after selling a piece of land. This was a peek inside the early church...people were not pressured to give. They gave willingly as it was needed to help other believers in the church.

In Acts 5 we see another act of giving. Ananias and his wife Saphhira also sold a piece of land. Ananias brought the offering and lay it at the disciples' feet. But somehow Peter saw through to their heart and began to ask questions.

But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back some of the price of the land? "While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not under your control? Why is it that you have conceived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God." Acts 5:3-4

You see, they were not compelled to give this large amount. They were "ambitious of being thought eminent disciples, when they were not true disciples." (Matthew Henry Commentary) They wanted the praise of men for their "godliness" and did not trust God to provide for them. So they held back. They would soon find pride and distrust of God is deadly.

I have to examine my own heart when I enter church. What is my agenda for coming here? Am I doing what I think will get me brownie points with God or others? Will this look good on my resume with God? Know this: you cannot serve two masters! (And let me tell you, there is a reason why they call it Mastercard!)

"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. Matthew 6:24

So after confronting the two, they both drop dead and are buried. 1 Cor 5:5 suggests to some commentators that their souls were spared.

Their act put the whole young church in danger. People talk, and I am sure many knew exactly how much was paid for the land. It would give the church a black eye, and God was not going to stand for it.

that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. Ephesians 5:27

There are stages to lies. First you lie to others, then yourself, then you lie to God. Think about it, you lie to someone enough, you start believing the lie. Then to avoid the guilt, you lie to God. God is sending a warning to hypocrits and non-christians that there are dangers of church going for selfish motives.

We must examine our motives every day. What does our heart say about why we go to church or to Bible study? Allow the Holy Spirit to do surgery on your heart to remove any cancers of pride and distrust.

Yes there was fear in this church, but it was a good fear. These people had seen too many times how temple officials had interpreted laws to benefit man, rather than God. They could tell a counterfeit when they saw it. And more came--because they saw the evidence of something real going on.

Can you see them teaching and preaching at Solomon's Portico? This was not inside the Temple, but just outside. And I would imagine as the crowds grew, the officials started to take notice. They were jealous. And they laid hands on Peter and John and threw them in public jail.

A city jail in that time was a single room in the govenor's cellar. Earth floor, with one window. All criminals were thrown in--murderers as well as small time crooks. There was one bench to sit on, which was usually occupied by the strongest guy in the room. The rest would sit on the floor or stand. There was no "facilities", so the air was foul. The keepers stood outside the door.

But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the gates of the prison, and taking them out he said, "Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life." Upon hearing this, they entered into the temple about daybreak and began to teach. Acts 5:19-20

Did you know that God visits us in our darkest times? He offers us freedom--we just have to move forward.

So they go back to their interrupted ministry and were found in the TEMPLE this time! So instead of packing up and "going home" or moving their ministry to another town, they took a step deeper into trouble and went on the temple authority's turf. This would be a very surprising military tactic get whooped in a battle, then advance to the enemy camp!

[following notes from People's New Testament Commentary on]

27, 28. The high priest asked them. As president. He charges (1) that they had disregarded the authority of the Sanhedrim; (2) they had filled Jerusalem with their doctrine; (3) they would work up the people to indignation against the rulers for condemning Christ.

29-32. Peter's defence asserts (1) that God must be obeyed rather than earthly rulers; (2) God raised up Jesus whom they hanged on the cross; (3) exalted him to his right hand; (4) to be a Prince and Savior, to grant Israel the opportunity to repent, and to obtain forgiveness; (5) that they were witnesses of these facts, and so was the Holy Spirit. Given to them that obey Him. The Holy Spirit is given only to those who have submitted to the Lord (Acts 2:28 and John 7:38, 39). It dwells only in the obedient heart.

The officials were "cut to the quick". Which means literally to slice the flesh clear through to underlying flesh or bone. It's not a scratch! Figuratively it means to injure someone emotionally. They were ready for blood.

Then Gamaliel stood. This is the grandson of Hillel, a very famous rabbi. He was also Saul/Paul's teacher. He advised the council after having Peter and John removed. It is amazing how God raises up defenders of his servants wherever He likes!

He calls to their mind two men, Judas and Theudas. There was discussion about a timeline discrepancy on this. He talks of Theudas, a man "claiming to be somebody*". In the writings of Josephus there is a Theudas who led people to the Jordan river, claimed to be a prophet and said he would divide the river. He was killed by officials.

*To be somebody (einai tina). Indirect assertion with the infinitive and the accusative of general reference (eauton) and tina, predicate accusative. Tina could be "anybody" or "somebody" according to context, clearly "somebody" of importance here.

I wonder, did Theudas claim to be Messiah?

Judas was a zealot who opposed the payment of tribute to ceasar in AD 8. He was also wiped out by officials.

"So in the present case, I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God." Acts 5:38-39

A wise man indeed.

An imposter will only put up with so much torture, persecution and heat. This is more evidence of something real when after scourging, they did not pack up and leave Jerusalem. They continued to teach in the Temple as well as house to house. Small group ministry!! "Private instruction and admonition brings the teacher and the taught into closer contact, and secure an individuality of effect not attainable in a public assembly."

They were not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.

They knew because Jesus had said to them, "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory, and {the glory} of the Father and of the holy angels. " Luke 9:26

We should take this to heart since difficult times are coming for the church. We will be persecuted, insulted and worse. Are you ready for this? Will the heat make some of us leave the kitchen? Time will tell.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Acts 4

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet." ~Juliet

In this chapter, the Priests, temple guard and Sadducees came up to Peter and John and seized them....they were not happy that the name of Jesus was being used.

You see, when someone does something in another person's name...they are doing it as them. And this made them nervous, because they had put Jesus to death. They thought the Jesus issue was taken care of. So they grabbed them and threw them into jail overnight.

But the evidence of a miracle and Peter's words had already made an impact. 5,000 believed that day. Wow! What a move of the Holy Spirit! Eyes and ears were opened to God's word and the Good News.

The next day Peter and John had to answer to a familar name: Caiphas. This is the same one who interrogated Jesus before His death. Peter knew this guy. Would he sit on the sidelines again?

Those who had seized Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were gathered together. But Peter was following Him at a distance as far as the courtyard of the high priest, and entered in, and sat down with the officers to see the outcome. Matthew 26:57-58

Not a chance. He got another filling of the Holy Spirit (yes, you get free refills of the Holy Spirit!) and spoke boldly to this group of officals. He quoted scripture to them, he made it very clear whose name they performed this miracle in.

And they threatened Peter and John. They commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus.

Just what is it about a simple name, Jesus? These days you can still get in trouble for saying His name. It has the same impact as a lightning rod in the middle of a storm. People don't like it, don't want to be near the one saying it and will do what they can to shush that person.

" that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth..." Phil 2:10

This is why when you pray, you pray "in Jesus name". He is our advocate with God...He pleads our case before the highest court in the universe. He's got clout.

If I were to walk into a ritzy restaurant with no reservation, there's a slim to none chance I'd get a seat. But if I go in and ask for a table and say I'd like one "in the name" of know there would be some scrambling in that place. I'd probably be offered the chef's table.

Doing things in the name of Jesus gives us access to GRACE. (God's Riches At Christ's Expense)

The people seemed to pressure the officials. You see that today as well. When the people speak, politicians ususally listen. They don't want to anger their constituents. They might get voted out next time. The temple officers think twice about sending Peter and John to prison. Can you see them surrounded by 5,000 believers? You know they were sweating a bit!

So Peter and John are released and they go back to their companions. They tell them what happened. And do they ask God to zap those temple officials? No. Do they ask God to deliver them from possible imprisonment? No. Do they ask for another ministry? No. They asked for more of the Holy Spirit to keep on performing signs and wonders and to preach the Gospel!

Did you know you have the same access to do the amazing things that the apostles did? Yes, you can preach. Yes, you can heal. Yes, we can--in Jesus name.

What was the result of this prayer, this unity? People started taking care of the hungry, the homeless, the widows and orphans. They sold off their excess and shared with those in need. They obeyed Christ's commandment of love.

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35

These days the church has abdicated it's authority in caring for those in need. We have allowed the government to take over our job. More and more these days the church is stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility back. There are soup kitchens, shelters and sharing centers...all ministering in Jesus' name.

The last verse, 36, seems to be a "hook" for the next chapter. Luke was very precise in naming "Joseph, a Levite of Cyprian birth, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles (which translated means Son of Encouragement),". This man sold some land and gave the money to the apostles, to be distributed as they saw fit.

Do you trust your church with your tithes and offerings like Joseph?

What I'd like for you to try this week during quiet time is a specific prayer request. Don't just pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you about Chapter 5. Ask Him for a special free refill this week.

Take care not to ask for the wrong reason. We don't want to just be filled for the experience. We have something to do for Jesus this week. I don't know what it is yet, it might be the guts to speak to a family member about Christ. It might be healing. Just remember, to be filled with the Spirit means that some other stuff has got to move out to make room. Confession and repentance will be key. Allow the Holy Spirit to bring to mind what it is that needs to go.

Time for a spring cleaning of your soul.

Acts 3

Acts 3 is the start of the Apostles' outward mission. It begins in Jerusalem. They obeyed Christ's command in Acts 1:8: "but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth."

This is the start of the mission in Jerusalem.

It is important to note that just because they became Christians, Peter and John still attended prayer times at the temple. They were going there at 3pm when this recorded incident happened.

They came upon this lame man who had been this way since birth. Every day his family would leave him at the gate called, "Beautiful". He would collect alms from temple attendees. It was a form of Social Security. You know that he would've been an expected fixture by the gate, and had been seen there for years. And here come Peter and John.

They were used to being together since they fished together and actually lived in the same town. They were probably schoolmates as well. The lame man caught their attention and they "fixed" their eyes on him. The lame man looked, hand extended, expecting a handout.

How many times have we walked by homeless people with their hands outstretched, looking for handouts? We avoid eye-contact. Sometimes we toss coins at them...but to linger, to look into the eyes, to way.

Peter said, "Look at us!"

The lame man's attention turns to Peter. Can you see him? He's sitting in the dust, arm outstretched, expecting some coin to fall.

Peter said, ""I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene--walk!" (Acts 3:6) And Peter grabbed his right hand and pulled him up. Can you see that burly fisherman yanking that man to his feet? Like hauling a fish into the boat, Peter catches his first "man".

He had witnessed Jesus heal in Mark 1:31, Luke 8:50-54 and Matthew 8:14-15. But Jesus would touch the hand...Peter added his own "touch" to the ministry. He is a boistrous, outgoing, strong guy...Not long ago he avoided being called a disciple of Jesus. Now he's diving headlong into the ministry and he's not holding back.

How often do we stick to our seat in the church and nod in agreement to what the pastor says? But when it comes time for application, do we shy away or do we jump in with both feet?

Note too that the lame man is totally passive. Peter doesn't ask him if he wants to be healed. He doesn't offer it to the man. He gives it to him without asking. So wasn't the faith of the lame man that healed him but the faith of Peter and John that did it.

When his feet and ankles were healed, he lept and praised God. This is a sign that anyone who knew the Torah would've recognized: "Then the lame will leap like a deer, And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy..." Isaiah 35:6a

Remember it was prayer time at the temple. There were a lot of people there. And they saw this man walking around, probably at Solomon's court, praising God. And they recognized him as the lame man who used to lay at the gate called "Beautiful". And I can hear the verse from Romans: "How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!"

The man clung to Peter and John. Did he worry that the healing would fade if they left? Or was he just so thankful for them taking the time to heal him?

Then Peter gives glory to God.

How humble are we when God acts in our life? Is our faith strong enough to yank someone into a new life? What comes out of our mouths, blessings or curses?

Remember too what Paul said in Romans 1:16, 2:10. That salvation was to come to the Jews first.

Peter preaches and lets them know that the Jesus they crucified was responsible for this miracle. He preached the Gospel and quoted scripture. He didn't condemn them, he offered them repentance and forgiveness.

Why do we forget about how refreshing repentance and confession can be? We sit in our pity party, hoping for someone to hand us some coins of encouragement when really it's time to get right with God. Time to confess and repent!

This week I challenge you to do two things:
  1. Get on your knees in prayer and do some serious business of confessing to God.
  2. And then when you talk to someone, take the time to look long enough into their eyes. Look deep enough to see what color their eyes are. You will be amazed at the connection you make.