Thursday, June 7, 2007

Week 2


It was a dark and stormy night...but we made it to Bible study anyway!

Acts 2:28
'You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of gladness with your presence.'

Tonight we’re going to step toward the pathway for our purpose. It’s time to start unloading that stuff you’re carrying.

Chapter 1 Is Your Life Out of Sync?

We have some ladies who have no idea what their purpose is. We have some who have an idea, but need help in finding the path. We have others who are in transition from one purpose, into another. We’re in this study because we feel a little out of sync. (sync means harmonious relationship)

How can we get into sync or back into harmony?

In the book, the writer tells of her different ways she took for her path. One is a trip to India to visit Mother Theresa. Although many of us do not have the time or money to make this trip, we can glean some advice from the writer’s experience. (We're going to look for the movie to share on another night. The name of it is listed at the end of the chapter.)

Mother Theresa is undeniably one of the most selfless women of purpose I’ve ever heard about. As a young girl, she had a normal family life but her heart was burdened for mission work. She became a nun and traveled to India to work with children. After teaching orphans, she decided to work with all orphaned and unwanted people, the sick, the leprous…Why do you think God’s love for people spilled out into this woman’s life? She was in sync with God.

What other women can you think of that have found their purpose in life?

Our GPS alarm is going off…we’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere and we need to get back on track. If our car is not running properly, do we take it to a plumber? Who put that longing for purpose in our hearts? We need to go to the Creator of this longing for answers, not run to Oprah or Dr. Phil.

Let’s look at what some consider a Biblical Martha Stewart: Proverbs 31:10-31

Some women think this example is a huge burden to hold over women—a super mom/super wife that can do it all. I would propose to you that this is a woman and the different seasons in her life. And those that are single, you think this does not pertain to you—I disagree. Aren’t we all considered “Brides of Christ”? If we consider Jesus our husband…look at the passage again. It is rich with meaning and purpose for every woman.

Let’s get out a piece of paper and write down some things we know about ourselves. No put downs allowed!

Let’s start out with the different hats we wear, start out saying, “I am…” If you get stuck, think about your day and list the person you are to each person you meet. Ex: I am a mom. I am a daughter.

Now lets get a list of skills. What were you good at in school? What was your favorite class? What skills have you learned since then? Make a list by saying “I can…” Ex: I can cook. I can drive.

Finally, what do you have a passion about; what would you do without being paid? Make a list by saying “I enjoy…” Ex: I enjoy cooking new recipes. I enjoy writing.

Brazelton says, “Do today what God is asking me to do today in my family, church and community. Be more like Christ. And then, do the distinct and bold work God has specifically designed for me to do before I die!” (This is the Do-Be-Do concept)

We start getting into sync or harmony by doing our daily tasks and by doing what we love, or being who we are, for those we love. We are showing them the love of God in a practical way. By interacting with people who cross our path and doing the things we have the skills and passion for, we find ourselves in training for our purpose like a marathon. We will be going farther and getting stronger than we ever thought we could. We will be breaking thru walls that once seemed too high for us to climb over.

I’ll give you an example. A woman who enjoys painting might offer to paint her elderly neighbor’s kitchen a bright happy color. A step further would be for her to organize community service team for the elderly. Reaching out in Jesus’ name to others with a paintbrush may be that woman’s purpose!

Ask God every morning before your feet hit the floor, “What do you want me to do today?” Philippians 1:6

Chapter 2 Leave Your Past Behind

Have you ever been camping? What do you take along with you? What do we leave behind? Why can’t we take all our belongings?

Brazelton says, “We really can’t forget something until we have experienced some type of healing.”

What is it in your past that seems to be holding you back? What do you need to do about it? Would you consider prayer or counseling? What can you do today to deal with this? I agree with the writer. No one should rush through healing. We only end up stuffing it and have it pop out somewhere else in our life.

If someone did something to you, forgive him or her. If they’ve died, write a letter to them anyway. If they’re still alive, try to reconcile. You are called to reach out. If they do not want to reciprocate, that’s not your problem. You have been obedient. (Ephesians 4:26)

If you have hurt someone else, you need to ask for forgiveness at the next possible opportunity. (Matthew 6:12) If they’re still alive, reach out. Again if they refuse to forgive you, you have done what you are supposed to. Then ask God for forgiveness.

I agree with Brazelton. Skipping this step will only cast you into a cycle of the same lesson over and over. How can God fix something that you won’t admit is broken?

What’s eating you? (p35-36) Annoyances, Chronic problems, The unexpected, Sin, The Unspeakable.

Psalm 56

God knows what you've been thru. He keeps your tears in His bottle. I think the ocean is His tear else can he contain the tears of all his children?

God will also use your positive experiences in your life. What amazingly good things have happened to you?

Remember a time that you survived a bad experience? You came out the other side. Remembering that God brought you thru something will help you survive another crisis. Remembering how He brought you through it shows you how to make it through another trying time.

What good or bad experiences have you drawn from to help others?

What do you think about Mary Magdalene’s story? Luke 8:2, John 20:1-18

How far will you go to try and discover your purpose? Would you go to India? Would you revisit your past to find healing?

This week:
  • Pick one or more suggestions on pages 37-39 and follow the steps.
  • Read Chapter 3
  • Read about Mary Magdalene Luke 8:2, John 20:1-18

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