Thursday, August 9, 2007

Week 8

Chapter 8: Walk with Integrity

Just last week a busy bridge collapsed because of the integrity of the structure. The shuttle lifted off this week only after it passed all inspections and the integrity was approved. When you purchase a car, you are confident that the integrity of the vehicle is sound--or it wouldn't make it out of the factory inspection.

With people, you don’t get a safety rating, checklist or factory inspection. You take a chance every time you shake someone’s hand and pursue friendship. Are they who they seem to be?

How did you feel the last time a friend let you down because what they said did not match with what they did? A woman of integrity and duplicity will look the same on the surface; it’s the motive that needs to be evaluated. James 1:6-7, Ephesians 4:14-16 Are you leading a double life?

God will not put up with secret motives. If we are to be a reflection of God, why then do we find it hard to be “doers of the word?” God looks on the heart. 1 Sam 16:7

He doesn’t tell us right away what our purpose is because He knows us too well. “Once her curiosity is satisfied and the excitement wanes, she won’t follow through on the hard work of completing the mission he crafted for her before she was born.”

Don’t do anything until you’re ready to do it without grumbling. Haggai 2:14-15

No ministry by guilt—give with a thankful heart. 2 Cor 9:7 Watch out for the words “should” and “supposed to”. These are huge flags for guilty motives.

A humanistic mindset says, “it is our duty to be helpful to others in order to promote the survival of the species and the earth”. God says we do it because of the love of Christ. 2 Cor 5:14 Jesus still loves His children and sometimes we can be the vehicle for that love.

What’s my real motive for wanting God to reveal my unique life purpose? Is a motive in need of being examined, or does the job just need to get done asap?

Are we like Miriam (Numbers 12) who wants her time in the spotlight? What’s our motive for finding our purpose?

Is it to BE somebody, or to SERVE Christ?

Ask God to examine your heart. Psalm 139:23-24 Make sure to confess it and repent. Then you might think about finding an accountability partner who will help you stay focused on integrity.

Are you ready? Don’t be discouraged if you have not yet heard from God on your purpose. He may still be working on the hearts of those you will be serving or, you have some more training to go thru. I agree with Katie…don’t let your head hit the pillow tonight without making a commitment to seek integrity. He will complete the work He began in you.

God is searching the world for women of integrity! 2 Chron 16:9

This week:

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