Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Week 7 1/2

This week’s lesson was a little late getting posted due to a computer and computer user malfunction. The following are the answers to last week’s homework. We spent the class discussing Chapter 7 in detail and did not have a mental or physical section. Also, don’t get confused if you see Chapter 7 written twice in your notes. I was getting confused with chapters and weeks. In order to line chapters up with weeks in session, I repeated week 7 twice. It’s all good!

Remember, if I can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to email me:

  1. Solomon (God) devotes three chapters in Proverbs to the dangers of adultery indicating His seriousness towards the marriage covenant. I believe that as women, we can be seduced into adultery (immoral behavior resulting in damage to our marriage ..expanded definition) in ways other than another man. What are examples: _gluttony, neglecting to take care of our bodies physically resulting in disease, selfishness, career first instead of family, too busy for grow in Truth, busyness, being a Martha instead of a Mary, not preparing nourishing meals, comparing your husband to other men.
  2. Keep my word, treasure my commands, write them on your heart, call them to mind. This is not an option.
  3. vs 6-9 what causes the young man to be seduced by the crafty harlot? _putting himself in the wrong place, among the wrong company, where temptation lingers.
  4. What causes us to be seduced by the ways of the world? _same answer.
  5. vs 11 Are you loud and rebellious? _I talk too much and do not listen enough. It makes me feel smart, needed, important but actually the Word tells me to be compassionate and to listen to the needs of others. That’s being wise.
  6. vs 11 Do you have trouble staying home and running your household? __It isn’t what is glamorous. I can see the importance of it, but I am struggling with the balance.
  7. vs 12 At times she was at the mall when her money was none, at times she was in front of the tv mindlessly passing time, at times she was lying in bed wondering why she should get up, at times she pulled into the drive thru window ordering foods that were damaging to her body. She was being seduced by her sin nature vs 12 lurking at every corner.
    Men, idleness, food, doesn’t matter what it is; they will find you if you allow them to enter into your life vs 15. What have you allowed to enter into your life? _chaotic thinking, not living in the present, yearning for someone to approve of me.
  8. Oh how these things “seem” so appealing. Vs 21 enticing…vs 22 go to the slaughter…you are a fool………and vs 23 it will cost you your life.
  9. PAY ATTENTION: vs 24 to the words of my mouth (THE TRUTH/God’s Words) Do not stray into these paths.
  10. vs 26 – you think you are strong enough to handle temptation, seduction, allurement? You are not. The flesh is weak.
  11. vs 27 This path leads to hell, descending to the chambers of death.
  12. Remember what calamity meant? Disaster/destruction/distress 2 Chronicles 7:22 Because they forsook (disobeyed) the Lord God and worshiped other gods therefore He has brought all the calamity on them.
  13. Oh, it is so clear in God’s Word. Obey me and calamity (including disease) will not afflict you. Why is this so difficult to do?
  14. Go deeply into the recesses of your hidden chambers and start/continue digging up the roots of sin that linger there. In order to totally heal spiritually, mentally and physically they must be dug up.

My personal confession: During my twenties, I ashamedly entered relationships with married men. I honestly do not know if I will ever be able to stop the emotional memories of how foolish that was and the emotional scarring that has resulted because of it. I know I caused a family to dissolve and I do not know the extent of the damage I have caused the wife and son. I have sincerely apologized to both of them. I honestly hate the person I was but by the mercy of God and His amazing grace, He forgave me. I was lacking understanding (Chapter 6:32). I can forgive myself only because God says He has forgiven me. What a fool I was.

Praise God that He saves filthy sinners and washes us clean with His Living Water. Praise God He chooses us in spite of our past. Praise God He forgives and forgets. Just how far is the east from the west? I have often asked Him. I just need to make sure I stay in constant communion with Him before I crawl back to the past and allow Satan to destroy my mind. He will if you do not keep yourself sealed up in the Word of God. No cracks in the surface to let the poison sliver in. Where does that get me?

Since we had a very short turnaround from week 7, week 7 ½ foods are being repeated.

  1. This week’s harmful food to eliminate is: Candy of any kind.
  2. This week’s food to add is: Eden plain or vanilla soymilk - There are a lot of soymilks on the market, but Eden is 100% perfect for your body. Drink at least 1 cup a day / 4 X during the week.
  3. Next Wednesday is your first “Great Physician’s” doctor’s appointment. Everyone will be weighed, ph level checked, and an individual evaluation of progress will be given. Remember, we are all about change. Nine months towards a new creation.
    Exercise at least 5 times this week.
  4. Go into the Hidden Chambers of your Temple and clean out the dirt that remains in there. Remember just dusting won’t cut it, you must clean it with the Water of Life.

Revelation 7:17 - for the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes

This is a powerful verse. It helps me a lot whenever I get allow the dirt from the past to creep into my hidden chambers.

Go Lightly!


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