Thursday, December 6, 2007

Week 10

As we continue to learn from God’s Word how to heal spiritually, mentally and physically, I want to start this lesson with our theme verse.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 – 24 May God Himself, the God of peace sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

God is the ONLY one who can purify our whole spirit, soul and body through and through. Why is it that we struggle with believing that? We say that we believe, but saying it is easy. Walking it out is not.

Do you have a sinus headache? Maybe you ate nitrites, or mucous forming foods. Did you give in to the temptation to overeat the sweets the last couple of days? Or perhaps you made the choice to eat processed foods or fast foods. Did you let up on the water intake or exercise because of the busyness of the season? Did you relate the sinus headache to bad choices? They go hand-in-hand.

OK, so you slipped a few times. Your options are to get depressed and have a pity party and eat more or you can ask God to forgive you and get back on the “Way” immediately.

Don’t stay pitiful, get blameless!

Sick and tired of living a double life? Strive to live according to TRUTH. How do we do that? Stay in the WORD and then LIVE it out! Living the Word is the hardest thing you will ever love doing!

Someone share with the group about blessing a neighbor this week?

I have been bringing in the neighbor’s garbage cans. Yesterday I was gone all day and guess what??? Someone brought mine in!

Let’s go back to several previous lessons where we compared our body (temple) to Solomon’s Temple. What were the 3 main sections of the temple?

1/3rd Body- outer courts
1/3rd Soul – Holy Place
1/3rd Spirit – Holy of Holies

We are a Spiritual being. Everyone is born with a spirit, a soul and a body. When you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you then were given a born-again spirit as a gift from God. That is the part of us that is perfect. Our born-again spirit is perfect and no one, not even Satan can take that gift from us. Now the key is to understand that our born-again spirit is indeed a gift from God and we are to treat our bodies as we would if someone gave us a priceless gift. We would handle that priceless gift with tender loving care.

How do we do this? First we have to understand what the Word of God says about our body. Jesus must be our only true healer. Because Jesus became man, He understands our struggles, pains, our feelings. He can show us the real “root causes” of our problems; and ONLY He can remove them.

We want to be genuine Christians, not outer court fronting Christians, playing the Christian façade games. We must desire to peel back the layers of disgust that cause us to continue to act from the emotional segment of our being and remove these roots from our being. We have to take responsibility for making wise choices regarding our body, and not because of pressure we receive from a doctor or husband or friend.

It’s scary, but exciting! Beware! Satan does not want us healed. Beware! Satan will whisper lies of deception in your ears. “Who do you think you are? You’ll always be sick! You’ll always be a hypocrite! You’ll always be fakey! You’ll always be fat! You’ll never change! If they knew the truth about you, none of them would like you.” “Who do you think you are trying to be something you’ll never be”!

But those are lies from the pit of hell. Do not believe them. Believe what God’s Word says about you.

Get behind me Satan!

Ephesians 1:22 He (God) put all things under his feet (Jesus’) and gave Him (Jesus) to be head over all things to the church.”

If all things are under Jesus’ feet, that includes Satan. So the question is for each of us to resolve once and for all:

Is Jesus Head over me?

Remember: This battle between you and Satan whether it be mental or physical, can end today because the Bible says that the battle is the Lords.

Proverbs 21:31 People can prepare everything for a battle, even the horses. But they can't win unless the Lord gives them the victory.

We spend a lot of time planning, preparing, and trying to figure life out. Why not allow the Lord to take the reigns of your life and leave the horse for someone else to prepare.

Psalm 103:2-5: 1 Bless the LORD, O my soul, And all that is within me, {bless} His holy name. 2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; 3 Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases; 4 Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you with loving kindness and compassion; 5 Who satisfies your years with good things, {So that} your youth is renewed like the eagle.

I love this verse! It says everything that we have been talking about and then some.

Why are we looking for redemption from inside the pit of hell when we have a Lord and Savior who crowns us with loving kindness and compassion and He will make our years of life as free as an eagle!

Praise HIM!

Remember as you begin to change towards becoming this new creation, it took you 30, 40, 50 years to get to the point of misunderstanding that you currently are in, so take it easy on yourself because total transformation takes a lot of reprogramming. Pay attention to everything you do and say. Take every thought and action captive. Does it line up with God’s Word? Is it a Truth that is transforming you or a lie that is keeping you unchanged.

Hopefully pieces of the your life’s puzzle are beginning to be put together and you are feeling better about your body and your relationship with God. I want each of you to live your lives in victory and that only comes from the Holy Spirit’s power within you!

Renew your mind. That is how to transform. The mind is located in the Holy Place. Our thought life chooses between the world’s advice or God’s righteousness. Go into the Holy of Holies for complete mind renewal not into the world.

Transform by the renewing of your mind. We cannot continue to think the same thoughts and expect different results. Won’t happen.

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

2 Cor 6:16 For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, "I WILL DWELL IN THEM AND WALK AMONG THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE

Ladies, we should be in complete humility to have our God and creator dwelling within our decaying body. His dwelling within me is the only incentive I need to take care of my body every day including not allowing my thought life to be toxic.

Many do not understand this TRUTH. You do! What are you doing to transform yourself spiritually, mentally and physically because of understanding this truth?

Gotten a little off “the Way” lately? Get back on the righteous path toward righteous living. We will be judged

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

The Word of God is alive. There is a division between our spirit, soul, and body. And God will judge our thought life and He know the intentions of our heart.

Are you waiting until January to recommit? Don’t wait. Get back on the WAY!

Let’s get working on cleaning up our spirit, soul, joints and marrow! Use the Word of God as your cleaning material!

Proverbs Chapter 10 – Healing Spiritually

Let’s first answer the questions I gave you regarding Adam and our Spirit, Soul and Body target.

God’s word clearly divides us into three segments as we have discussed before: spirit, soul and body.

Did you look up James 2:26, Gen 2:27, Job 26:4, and Proverbs 20:27?

James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Gen 1:7 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Gen 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Breath in Hebrew means spirit. The same meaning in Job 26:4 (whose spirit (breath) came from you and Proverbs 20:27 ; The breath (spirit) of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart.

Adam’s body and soul (physical, mental and emotional parts) had no life in them until God gave Him his “spirit”. Your spirit is what gives you life.

One of the questions was: When did life enter Adam’s body? When was Adam able to walk and talk with God? It was when he breathed life into his body. I don’t think Adam could have had a soul at this point because he was totally without sin and in order to walk and talk with God (who cannot be in the presence of sin) Adam could not have had sin.

Proverbs 20:27 The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord. Searching all the inner depths of his heart.

The next question was: What happened when Adam sinned? God gave Adam a choice. It was at this time that I believe the soul was created. I did not research this thought for verification. I just don’t believe that Adam and Eve could have been walking with God had they been with sin.

How long did it take before mankind was able to walk and talk with God again? When Jesus Christ died on the cross to take away the sin of the world, it was at that point that anyone who believes this TRUTH, can indeed walk and talk once again with the God who created us.

Jesus died for the original sin of Adam that continues today. Sin originates in the soul. How can we be sinless and talk with God? Believe that by the stripes of Jesus, we are healed.

Look at your diagram. Only you can decide if you will open up your soul and let the spirit control your body and soul or close your soul to your spirit and let the soul rule the body without the spirit.

Hopefully that made sense! J

The TRUTH is that Christians are depressed, angry, sad, bitter, not willing to forgive, ungrateful, selfish, angry when all the while we possess God’s love, joy, and peace in our spirit and we never learn to open our soul to our spirit releasing the gift we were given when we became born again.

It is like we live leaning against a well full of water, but being too lazy to dip our bucket of knowledge into the well to drink from the Water of Life!

We have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead living within us but we all know that only a few will ever utilize this power.

What a shame. I want to know my born-again spirit. I want fully charged Holy Spirit batteries running at full pace all the time.

If we are dominated by our soul (how we feel) we will operate in the flesh.

“I am sick and I have this disease and that disease and my doctor said, “I will never recover” and that it is genetic and that I will get this when I am 55 and then I’ll be dead by the time I am 60. "

You have the Holy Spirit within you. Why oh why can’t we shake this strong desire to just react with our emotions.

Don’t these words sound amazing?

Victory, deliverance, healing, power, joy, prosperity, anointing!!!

It’s is indeed possible. Keep the opening between your soul and your spirit open and put a plug in the opening between your soul and your body. Only unplug it when the spirit is pouring in!


Answers to Chapter 10 of Proverbs:

Chapter 10 begins the Practical application of wisdom, on how to fear the Lord in daily life. We will begin to see the contrast between the Godly and the Wicked.

Glance over chapter 10. What word is repeated over and over?

But: The word but here means: on the contrary – the opposite…how not to act!

1. What is the definition of grief? _heartbreak, sadness, suffering, __Also define foolish? _unwise, stupid, When I apply this verse to my relationship with God, I can see why it is that my Father wants me to be wise. It breaks His heart when I am stupid. Stupidity is when I allow my soul to rule my body.
2. What is an example of “treasures of wickedness?” ____being vindictive, insisting on having your way, facades, mean temper, vs2
3. What can save your life? Or in other words: deliver you from death? ___right living__
4. Is that eternal death or natural death? _____both!_
5. vs 7 NLT We all have happy memories of the godly, but the name of a wicked person rots away. What legacy do you want to leave behind? Scary thought.
6. vs 9 People with integrity have firm footing, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall. How again is it that we follow The Way? _meditating, studying, discussing, walking the walk, filling our spirit with TRUTH.
7. vs 12 Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love covers all offenses. Would this verse come in handy the next time you feel a quarrel coming on? Who amongst us needs to win the quarrels? Could I possibly stand to lose just one battle?
8. vs 17 Are you seeing a repeated command here? We are to accept correction. Define correction and does this differ from criticism? Correction is done in love for improvement, alteration, change, revision, adjustment of our wrong living. Criticism to me means judgment, find fault with, disapprove of and believe you are better than.
9. Or intentional ragging on for humor? _This is a sore spot for me because I hate humorous criticism. Am I able to evaluate the correction for validity? I should try to understand and evaluate the comment.
10. vs 19 Where was this verse hiding on Monday when I talked too much about my “unrealistic” expectations of a Cinderella Thanksgiving? It fostered sin alright. Forgive me Father. Your Word teaches me righteous living. I ignored it.
11. The fears of the wicked will all come true, so will the hopes of the godly. Whoa. As a man thinks, that He will become. What are your fears? Be careful. According to this verse they will come true. Take every thought captive!
12. 26 Are you a pain to your employer because of your laziness? ________ Vinegar to the teeth (would that be sour????)
13. vs 27 We have seen this before. Why do you suppose Solomon keeps repeating himself to his son?
14. 29 The WAY of the Lord is strength for the upright! I am on the Way to go Lightly!
15. Who will not inhabit the earth? The righteous! Do you believe you are one of the few?
16. What do you want written on your epitaph? (gravestone)…How about this: Here lies a woman that brought forth wisdom. Wow!
17. Do you want to reflect the image of Christ in that mirror you look into every morning? Just as a tree naturally produces the fruit of what type of tree it is, so you will naturally produce the fruit of wisdom if your roots flow deep into the TRUTH of righteousness.
18. Verses 30, 31, 32 describe a godly woman.

-A godly woman will never be disturbed
-A godly woman gives wise advice
-A godly woman speaks words that are helpful.

Write these three characteristics on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket. Read it throughout the day. Put it into action. All advice must be wise (from scripture). All words must be helpful. You are not to get disturbed by anyone or anything!
19. Weigh yourself. Exercise harder than your flesh desires. Eat only foods that God created. Resist the devil and he will flee.
20. Make someone happy by doing a random act of kindness everyday this week. Compliment the checkout person. Take muffins/cookies to the neighbor with your phone number on it.
21. Park as far away from the store as the parking lot allows. Walk around the store once before putting one thing in your basket. Are you an impulse shopper? Look at the items you have in your basket before checking out? Is there a food item that is not beneficial to your body? Put it back. Is there a food item that is processed, full of additives and chemicals? Put it back. Is there a drink in your basket that will give you headaches, stomachaches, and high blood pressure! (coffee J)! Put it back!

Pray without ceasing. I need your prayers. You need mine. Commit more time to prayer than to worry. Christmas will still be on Tuesday, December 25th regardless if we get the cards mailed, the packages wrapped, the tree decorated. What’s truly important? Prayer. Pray for wisdom in knowing who to bless, not out of obligation, but because we want our mirror to reflect the image of a godly.

Homework Due December 12, 2007
Proverbs, Chapter 11

Don’t forget December 17th we will be sharing dinner together. Please sign up for what you would love to bring to share. I will provide the main dish “Ginger Garlic Chicken Breast”.

My house will be overflowing with Kathleen’s Jewelry Friday night so please come.

1. Pray for each lady represented in our class. Call someone or send an email to encourage them sometime throughout the week.
2. Give an old friend a call.
3. Smile at everyone you see.
4. Read Chapter 11 several times this week.
5. Funny! Verse 1 of chapter 11. Aren’t all scales dishonest? I like my scale at home. It cost $9.99 from Walmart and it weighs me less than the one at the gym. The gym scale is honest and so is the one at Publix. I’m sticking with my dishonest scale! Oh but look after the but………….. God loves a just “weight”! No excuse now J
6. vs 2 Are you a Self-centered person? Look up the definition. While you have the dictionary out, look up pride, shame and humble. Which one best describes you?
7. Where does integrity come from?
8. vs 4 verifies our prosperity discussion. Riches do not…______________________________________
9. vs 7 This is very interesting. Expectations…I have a lot of those. But this verse is telling me not to have them because expectations are for a wicked woman. Is that what I read here?
10. vs 7 what hope does a unbeliever have?
11. What part of your body destroys your neighbor? ______________
12. I want knowledge, knowledge and more knowledge (vs 9)
13. vs 13 I remember telling my sister she was getting an etch-a-sketch for Christmas one year when we were little. I have a real hard time keeping a secret. My daughter “inherited” that trait from me. It is a weakness really. We want to be the one who gets recognized for being “in the know”. But really it makes us foolish. What comes after the but _______________________
14. vs 16 A gracious woman is retains honor. She does not come and go with her character. She keeps her honor. The Way to Go Lightly woman has only godly characteristics. Honor is one of them. Forgive yourself for being anything other than honorable; then ask God to forgive you. THEN get back on the Way!

15. vs 18 Do you sew? How long does it take to make a home sewn garment or a hand quilted quilt? How long does it take to sow righteousness? The completed project is so rewarding. Why not give both of them a try?

16. vs 24 What is one scattering? ___________If you are not scattering, you are withholding something. What is it and why are you withholding it? It doesn’t belong to you anyway? Is it yours to withhold?

17. vs 25 The soul is described as generous. Because you understand the difference between spirit and soul, you understand that you can now CHOOSE to be generous in your soul. If you choose to be generous, what will you become? _______________Is that monetary?

18. vs 25 what are you watering with? ____________________ Find the verse to back up Living Water? Restate this verse changing the word water to explain its meaning.

19. Are you seeking evil of any sort? Are you trusting in your money? Vs 28

20. Is your plant still alive that you planted at the beginning of the class? I bet you thought I forgot about that plant. Vs 28 says what? _________________________________

21. What does vs 31 mean? _____________________________________________

22. Read and study Romans 14:1-23. Write down your thoughts regarding if you believe this verse is saying to you about food.

22. PLEASE start paying very close attention to what you are eating. I believe that if we would only eat God-created foods, most disease would cease to exist. Don’t ever say that whole foods are expensive. What is expensive are doctors and hospitals.

Oh, my sincere desire is for you, my friend to let go of the addiction of Satan created foods that will destroy you. We are to become whole spiritually, mentally and physically. We cannot do that with Satan created foods fueling our bodies.

Physical Healing

Wonder why you are sick? May it is because you are eating explosives! Some ingredients in processed foods are flammable and will explode if certain conditions exist. Processed food is killing you!

Ever wonder what the ingredients in a twinkie are? Pick up and read a book called: Twinkie, Deconstructed. Your knowledge of processed foods will make you one smart cookie!

The flour to make a twinkie is processed in mills that go through eighty mechanical steps overall. No one smokes in a flour mill because flour dust is explosive. Dried milk, white sugar, instant coffee, powdered soup and powdered sugar also go through a high milling process that makes the factory dangerous.

Suppose you buy a product that the first ingredient is bleached flour. Is that the same bleach you use to get your clothes whiter?

One of the largest industries in the world is the chlorine maker industry. The same ingredient that makes household bleach makes bleach for flour. That same ingredient is chlorine.

Because it is so dangerous, chlorine (gas) for bleaching flour is usually shipped in accident proof pressurized tanks to the factory for making any product that contains bleached flour.

What starts out as a wholesome, nutrient-giving soft wheat berries, is now denatured, life taking bleached flour. The manufacturer adds “enriched” vitamins to enrich the “food”.

Bleaching flour began in the early 1900’s. People were dieing of a disease called pellagra because the bleached flour at that time had not been enriched. In 1942 the FDA simply told the flour mills to add certain vitamins to the nutrient destroyed grain. That made another trillion dollar industry come into existence.

In 1912, a biochemist realized that people who ate brown rice were immune to the disease beriberi and those who ate white rice got the disease. So he discovered and isolated the anti-beriberi factor and sold it as a vitamin. The word vitamin comes from two words: vital (necessary) and amine which means a chemical term for something made from ammonia and contains nitrogen.

After reading about how vitamins are made, I resolve to stick with eating whole foods. I am not taking any chances of what is actually contained in that little pill. Oh, the ruin that man has brought upon himself.

You probably thought vitamins are squeezed from fruit or extracted from vegetables. But they are created synthetically. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Actually synthetic is more consistent in strength and quality, but personally I prefer and recommend just eating God created organically grown whole foods.

Another thing is that the synthetic vitamins that are used to enrich flour are made in China and other foreign countries. You have no idea what you are ingesting. No idea L

Ever wonder what high fructose corn syrup is? It is way too complicated to explain. I don’t have the brain to understand it. All I know is that it is not something that I will ever eat. It is overwhelming to read about what the process consists of not just with raw sugar, but with all refining of products. How much in demand is it? One high fructose manufacturing plants produces 5 million pounds – that’s twenty five railroad cars – each day!

Satan is loving this.

Soda is 55% high fructose corn syrup. Did you know it began as only 14% but the consumer demanded it be sweeter.

Resolve today to eat only God created organically grown whole foods. If you continue eating manmade foods you are putting yourself at risk for disease. There is no mystery here as to why Christians are sick. They are eating man made greed.

You are not only killing yourself, you are killing everyone you prepare food for. Why would you want to do that?

It makes me sad how we gamble with our bodies. All for the sake of our taste buds.

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