In verses 6-11 we see an account of his conversion. The word "hear" means understand. It does not contradict Acts 9:7.
Ananias is mentioned--a disciple but also a devout Jew. he kept the law. He stood beside Paul when he received his sight. Paul gives his testimony that he "saw Him". He saw Jesus, thereby giving him the title of apostle. You could not be an apostle and never had seen Jesus. For more of his testimony, ready 1 Cor 9;1, 15-18.
Three years after the conversion he came to Jerusalem. He had a trance in the Temple. God warned him and sent him to the Gentiles. This immediately sends the group into a fury.
The People's New Testament says, "Amid their long sufferings from foreign oppressors, the Jew took comfort in the thought that when his Messiah came the Gentile would be abased and the Jew would put his feet upon his neck. Hence, nothing so stirred their passions as an intimation that Christ would be a Savior to the Gentiles."
The commander probably had no idea what Paul was saying since he spoke in Hebrew. A Roman would not know that language. The commander assumed that Paul said something that was criminal and bound him to be scourged. The had to keep order...a riot could get this soldier in deep trouble. Once Paul was bound, he asked if it was lawful to scourge a Roman. I Acts 16:37 he did this too, but only after torture.
In Roman times it was a capital offense to lay hands on a Roman citizen. The officer assumes Paul purchased his citizenship--but no, Paul was born into it.
Remember, as citizens of God's Kingdom, we have a similar right. When we feel trapped or chained by sin, we need to remind our spiritual captor that we are a citizen of Zion--AND THE CHAINS WILL FALL.
We are free indeed dear sisters!
Something to think on from Carolyn: "Why do we expect an immediate response from God, when we ourselves take our own sweet time?"
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