Thursday, March 4, 2010

Acts 25

I have to ask, do you think Paul ever heard what God told Ananias in Acts 9:15-16?

But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel; for I will show him how much he must suffer for My name's sake."

Do you feel like you are chosen, like Paul? We may not face hordes of angry crowds who demand our blood...but we will may face a social death. Maybe some day Christians will be persecuted where we live like they are in China and the Middle East. I pray we are able to stand as strong as Paul did.

The king's heart is {like} channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes. Proverbs 21:1

The intent for the Jewish leaders was to have Paul transferred from Caesarea to Jerusalem, so he would be assassinated.

Festus is not governor. Felix has been deposed and Festus is now in charge. And being a people pleaser, listens to the charges all over again. Their charges underline the fact the Paul was a "ring leader of the Nazarenes".

So Felix proposes that Paul be transferred to Jerusalem. Can you see those officials just waiting, clenching their hands...ready to cart him off to death on the roadside? But no. Paul relies on his Roman citizenship once again. He appeals to off he goes.

King Agrippa and Bernice come. This is son of Herod Agrippa, who died in Acts 12:23. Drusilla and Bernice were his sisters. Bernice was married several times. She had discovered how women could wield power in that day in was sex-appeal. How many times do we see women falling back on their looks to get their way instead of their brains? We see that today still...politics, office power play and even the teen scene.

Festus talked to King Agrippa about Paul. He wanted to know what to do. He was a new governor and was not familiar with Jewish customs. King Agrippa was a Jew from by birth and understand...he hoped.

So the King and Bernice arrive in court with great pomp. The video that played in my head were those scenes from the old movies...lots of trumpets, slaves carrying their thrones, dancers, fan wavers...opulent overkill.

Felix appeals to the King. He brings the puzzle that is Paul before him and Paul speaks.

God has turned the hearts of several rulers for Paul, just so Paul can have the honor of presenting the gospel once an obedient child of God.

This week, watch carefully for opportunities to speak to others. Really listen to them, don't listen to what your head is going to say. Look into their eyes and really listen. And when God says speak...SPEAK.

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