Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Week 3

Greetings! Rejoice!

James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings. 2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials. 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Father, as we begin studying together, our prayer is that we can eliminate any distractions that may preclude us from hearing the message that You have for us this week. We know that the enemy does not want us to grow in wisdom and knowledge, for it is when we begin to put our faith into action that we become a threat to him. Many of us have experienced various trials this week that we just do not know how to handle alone, but we now know that you have sent them our way for the mere reason to grow and mature us for the glory of your name. Help us to get to that place where we can count each and every trial joy and that these trials will produce godly patience in us so that world watching will see Christ in us. Thank you for choosing us for eternity. Through Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

A little review -

Why would James write a letter of this nature to Jewish Christians who had been scattered everywhere because of persecution? Shouldn’t he have been more understanding, more compassionate? Instead he is telling them to “Get their life in line with your faith!” Should he be saying something like, “I know of some good hiding places?”

James tell the brethren to: Count it all joy!

Count meant to number and bring to remembrance all the past trials you have experienced so that you can reflect on how God brought you through them. Moses had the children of Israel place huge rocks on the other side of the Red Sea so that they could remember how God saved them from the Egyptians?

I asked you to go back a few months or so and bring to remembrance your past trials. I asked you to determine if you walked through the Red Sea with the power of God on your side or if you took control of the situation and went back to Egypt or if you tried to take a detour around the Red Sea.

What do I mean by going back to Egypt? It means, did I repeat the same mistakes I have always done, and tried to handle things on my own, or did God bring you through my last trial?

You might say, “I got through it”. That is an example of taking a detour. We have to get to the point where we say, “God got me through it”.

Count …it (the trials)…ALL (everything) JOY…

Let’s look at the word ALL before we go onto JOY.

Romans 8:28 says: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Predestined means: (v) to determine beforehand. Those God chooses He predestines (to set apart for a specific purpose) sanctified – to purify (to get useful) or free from sin.

Destined means (adj) bound for a certain destination. Awesome!

Listen to this statement: I am a “destined” bond servant.

Those God chooses he predestines and conforms to His image, to the likeness of His Son. God wants to conform (mold) us to the image of His Son so that the lost will see Jesus in us.

Vs 2 Count it all – JOY –

How would you define the word JOY?

First of all, I was relieved to know that we are not capable of doing enough deeds/works to obtain this state of spiritual being. You see, I thought that if I got good enough at this Christian walk, and did “things” right, I’d find JOY.

I thought if I did this this and this and worked at it hard enough then I’d… “get happy”. I’d get joy. So for many years, I was depressed because I wasn’t happy. I knew that the Bible said that one of the fruits of the Spirit was Joy, but I couldn’t figure out how to grow that fruit.

Remember I told you…I am not one of those naturally “happy” people.

So WHAT in the world is James talking about,

Count it all JOY my brethren…. How was I going to get JOY in my life?

I learned that it has nothing to do with the things I do just for the sake of doing things for God, but has everything to do with what God does through me. It has nothing to do with religious behavior, but instead doing things that are in obedience to God.

Joy is simply an attribute (a character quality) of God. Deut 30:9,10

The Lord your God will make you abound in all the work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your land for good. For the Lord will again rejoice over you for good as He rejoiced over your fathers, 10 if you obey the voice of the Lord your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this Book of the Law, and if you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

The Lord rejoices (JOYFUL) if I obey His voice.

So it goes back again to one thing. We live to reflect the image of God so that the lost can see Jesus in us.

How? Not by works…then expecting to be happy. No, it is simply living in total obedience to the will of your Father, just as Jesus did.

Important: The word Joy should not be used synonymously with the word Happy.

If you have fun buying new clothes, shopping makes you happy. If your child is being obedient for a couple of hours, you are happy for those few hours. This is a temporary emotion! Happiness is a temporary emotion.

What happens if you don’t have any money and can’t go shopping? Are you then unhappy? If after a few hours the child flips out and starts screaming, are you then unhappy? Happiness is a temporary

JOY should be a permanent state of your being, regardless of the circumstances. Because of the reason mentioned above. Through all things, we are to reflect the image of Christ.

That is what James is saying. Through all your various trials, show the world that you can maintain permanent joy.

It is not about me doing a list of “good” things and then I’ll find joy, it’s about doing the Father’s will. Being obedient to God. That’s all He ever asked the Israelites and that is all He will ever ask of us.

JOURNAL entry – What temporary thing am I seeking to replace the permanent joy that God wants me to display in my character? Am I seeking happiness through things and people to replace the eternal JOY that James is referring to?

Jesus knew Joy at the cross (Heb 12:2)… looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross.

***Jesus showed the lost world who His Father was by accepting and fulfilling God’s will for His life.

And that is the same thing God asks of us.

Paul and Silas were joyful in prison (Acts 16:23-33)

That is what James is talking about. In spite of our circumstances, we have to

Count it all JOY!

For eternity sake…eternal joy…living each day striving to be Christ-like. To be like Christ. Obedient unto death.

Count it all joy when….not if….but when ….in other words no getting around those trial….you are going to fall so just brace yourself.

BEAUTIFUL - 1 Pet 4:12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; 13but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy!

Trials…1) Expect them 2) rejoice in them 3) entrust them to God.

It is the only way.

Count it all joy when you fall into various trials.

When you fall – (to pass into some physical, mental, or emotional condition)…

into various (being different ones, numerous)

trials – Greek word meaning trouble or something that breaks the pattern of peace, comfort, joy, or happiness in your life.

Interesting: the verb form of trials means: to put someone to the test with the purpose of discovering that person’s nature.

And do not be confused. These trials are not from the pit of hell, they are from God. Temptation (which we will discuss another day is from Satan) but the trials are from God. They are happening to strengthen you not destroy you. They are happening to you so you will grow more Christ like not more worldly.

Every trial becomes a test of faith designed by God and therefore from God to strengthen us. If we the believer responds with obedience, this is when we will become CHRIST LIKE.

But we also have another choice and that is to scatter during these fiery trials just like the twelve tribes did.

What are some of the way Satan scatters you during a trial? Has your past experience indicated that you go back to Egypt or take a detour?

What are some examples?

Walk away from other believers. Busyness. Priorities out of line. Stopped going to church. Scattered (not focusing on what’s right). Went into hiding? Fell into worldliness for answers? Pouted? Got depressed? Took medicines to cope? Spent too much money? Grumbled and complained to whoever would listen. Self-pity, selfishness.
What are my choices when (not if) trials hit?

Choose JOY (reflecting the attributes of God) or we can scatter (reflecting the world to the world).

What will be the reward for those who reflect Jesus to the lost world?

Eternal joy is our reward. Matt 25:21 His Father said to Him, Well done good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.

And for those who choose unbelief – Isaiah 16:10 Gladness is taken away, and joy from the plentiful field. Eternity without joy.

Personally I choose to be a Reflection of the Light!

This is soooooooo hard. But so right!

So it is inevitable that adversities or trails are going to happen. The question is: What are we going to do when they happen? Choose to be Christ like or like the world?

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,

Verse 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

Knowing (having knowledge) that this testing (trial) of what you say you believe (faith) produces (will bring into existence)

Patience – the bearing of annoyance, misfortune, pain, etc without complaining, loss of temper or irritation! Quiet perseverance! Endurance.

OH, that is what patience means! The bearing of annoyance, misfortune, pain etc without complaining, loss of temper or irritation.


Patience – give me some examples of when Jesus showed extreme patience? Regardless of the annoyance, he endured it without complaining, loss of temper or irritation.

On the cross…when the soldiers were mocking him-
When his own disciples feel asleep on him-
When he was very patient with the disciples explaining things in parables so they could better understand-
Palm Sunday knowing these same people would holler, “Crucify Him”-
Toward Pontius Pilot-
Toward the Pharisees who mocked him and tried to trap him-
Toward the prison guards
Toward the sick, sinners, the unworthy, the poor, the downtrodden

Do you see? It is all about us living to be like Him. Copy His behavior. Why? So that the lost will see Christ in us.

Trials are from God to create what in you? to produce patience.

What does patience mean? Rewrite the definition of Patience. Put it on your refrigerator.

Verse 4

And you are to let (allow) that patience (vs 4) have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Have its perfect work – this is not meaning sinless …perfection, but to grow into spiritual maturity. It is a journey, a race, and it doesn’t end till we die.

James tells us to get ready to be Spiritually worked out/exercised. Because after your work out is complete, you are on your way to being spiritually fit (mature) Hebrews 12:11


Trials are to produce strong godly character in us. We will never reach perfection, but we must continue to strive for spiritual maturity. 1 John 2:14… because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, And you have overcome the wicked one.

Why? The testing of our faith drives us to deeper faith which in turn produces a stable, godly and righteous Christ-like individual. (Gal 4:19) …Christ is formed in you.

That’s what I want to be. Don’t you. I just want to be Christ like so that others will see Jesus in me.

1Pet 5:10 is a beautiful verse: But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. 11To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen

So that you may be whole and complete, lacking nothing

God wants us whole – 1 Thess 5:23,24

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

And He will get you through these trials…its His guarantee to all who believe in Him.

Journal Entry: Am I bold enough to tell this to people who observe me going through a trial?

God has allowed this trial. He obviously has a reason or purpose for allowing it to happen. I don’t know right now what that reason is but I trust that He does. I want my life to bring glory to His purposes not mine!

One more thing before we leave. Like I mentioned in the first lesson, the book of James parallels the Beatitudes, which are found in first part of the Sermon on the Mount.

The Sermon on the Mount is found in Matthew 5 and the Beatitudes begin at verse 1. Jesus was teaching his disciples principles for good character and conduct. It is not a salvation message…

Instead, Jesus is describing what the behavior of an ideal citizen of God’s kingdom would be like.

There are 9 Beatitudes…1, 2, 3 4, and 6 …Jesus is telling you what the personality of a believer should be like. 5, 7 teach you how to behave toward others….8, 9 Jesus teaches what your attitude toward the world should be like.

Each beatitude begins with Blessed which means happy, fortunate, or blissful… Interesting! Do you suppose that Blessed means temporary happiness or eternal Joy.

From what we learned earlier about the difference between happy and joyful, I would like to say that by living your life according to the beatitudes you will find joy in your everyday life.

Because according to what I read, Jesus teaches that we should do just the opposite of what the world would teach us to do.

The world puts value on money, entertainment, having an abundance of stuff…Jesus says Blessed are those who are humble, meek, poor in spirit, who hunger and thirst for righteousness…

Does that sound like the world to you?

James 1:2 Count it all joy when you fall into various trials.

This lines up with the 8th beatitude… Matthew 5:10

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

You see, God has a purpose for your trial that you are going through right now, and the trials you have gone through, and all the future trials you will go through.

1 Peter 4:12 (repeated)

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you. 13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding JOY!

You see, trials are going to come. How you handle them is going to determine if others will see Christ in you, or if you will just handle them like the world does.

The way to heavenly blessedness, is to following the Beatitudes, the book of James and the entire word of God!

Easy, right? Remember, do just the opposite of what the world is doing, and you’ll be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

I want to teach you about the three kinds of Blessings.

  1. God blesses His people when he bestows (gives) them gifts rather earthly gifts or spiritual gifts.
  2. We bless God by thanking him for his mercies and grace toward us. We deserve nothing.
  3. One blesses another when he offers prayers to God for their welfare.

Adversity is going to come our way. Easy trials like a traffic jam or major trials like life-threatening diseases or prodigal children.

Matthew 5:10 says:

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

The kingdom of heaven is promised to those believers who suffer for doing right. Their integrity condemns the ungodly world and brings out its hostility. People hate a righteous life because it brings out their unrighteousness (own wrongdoing).

Prayer: Lord God, may you have mercy on us, forgive us for being so stubborn and not allowing You to command our life. From this day forward, I commit myself to your righteousness. I am tired of doing it my way and screwing it up. I choose today to “Count it all Joy” so that my life will reflect your image so that the lost will see Jesus in me.
I choose today to follow you.

We bless you Lord that your mercies are new every morning.

God bless you as you faithfully persevere through your various trials.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Week 2

January 17, 2007

James 1:1-4

Wow, is all I can say! God’s word is alive and kicking…. kicking me in the butt that is! I hope you are as excited as I am about becoming more Christ like, for it is evident that just in the first four verses of this amazing letter from James, that we are about to enter “changing” territories. The message is just too clear and practical to be confusing. Are you ready?

James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad.


2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Let’s pray God’s Word:

Father God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, I sincerely desire to become your bondservant, but I lack the wisdom and experience required to totally grasp this title. As I reflect on some of my past trials, I see now how I tried to get around them with my own power, rather than go through them with Your power. I see how I reacted to them, rather than counting them as joy. I am back again asking for forgiveness and I pray that you will continue to mold me into Your image, teaching me patience so that I can be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. I want to be a reflection of your Son.

In Jesus Christ’s name I pray.

It didn’t take me long to realize that verses 1-8 would be way too much to cover in one night. In fact we will barely get through the first 4. It took me forever just to get past, “James, a bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ”! I have never realized how much I have missed by trying to “hustle” through God’s Word. We are going to tackle James going at a snail’s pace. I’m excited!

James, a bondservant

Like mentioned last week, James was the half brother of Jesus. James grew up with Jesus but along with his brothers, (John 7:5) did not believe that Jesus was the King of the Jews, the promised Messiah, the Redeemer, their Lamb of God who’s blood was shed once for all to pay the penalty for their sins, the Son of God. Remember, the Jews were looking for a powerful King, one who would destroy and conquer all their enemies, not an innocent babe in a manger. Even though they grew up with Jesus, they did not automatically accept Him as their Messiah, personal Savior.

And in Mark 3:21, James was possibly one of those who thought Jesus was out of his mind. Crazy!

Remember James along with the rest of his brothers, Joses, Judas (Jude) and Simon did become believers until somewhere between the Resurrection and Pentecost. Acts 1:13

Skeptic to Believer…

But we see that James becomes the leader of the Jerusalem church in Acts 12:17; 15:13-22.

And in 1Cor 15:7, after the resurrection, James was one of the people Jesus appeared to.

So James, Jesus’ half brother, the leader of the Jerusalem church, and one of a very few that the resurrected Jesus appeared to introduces himself as:

James, a bondservant

Two things I want you to think about…journal/ponder:

How do you introduce yourself? By your husband’s position, the mother of (child’s name), what job or title you have, or who you know?

Why didn’t James introduce his letter by saying: Hi my name is James. I am the Messiah’s half brother. I am the leader of the Jerusalem church. Jesus appeared to me and he did not appear to you. I am an associate apostle.

Why does James call himself a bondservant? Just the exact opposite of what might be expected. As if he were nothing. James considers himself to be a slave to God and to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The definition of a bondservant is: a person who is the property of another.

James considered himself God’s possession, God’s property. A person bound to God to serve Him with nothing in return (wages). Nothing! We deserve nothing: We are to be totally devoted to God to serve Him, to be obedient and to carry out our earthly calling.

He knew exactly what level of influence he had! NONE! James said, I am a servant of God, the Lord Jesus, and Christ. He knew God and Jesus Christ were the same.

Just from his introduction of himself, we know that James is a true believer.

What are some of the character qualities does this man have just from his introduction of himself? Humility, servant hood, meekness...

So again, how do you describe yourself? Do people know that you are a follower of Jesus Christ after they meet you?

This is what we must do too. We must put ourselves in our rightly place and make sure we never think of ourselves as more important than we really are:

James puts it very bluntly: We are God’s property, bound to God, to serve Him alone, while desiring nothing in return.

Journal entry:

Write a short prayer to God, the Lord Jesus Christ that you are committing the rest of your life to being merely a bondservant, His possession, His property, living to serve Him and only Him. Make sure you ask Him to help you not to think of yourself as being that important!

Second: Remember I told you about Bryce, my son pointing out that I wasn’t any different even after doing all those Bible Studies? Well Bryce also said to me, “Mom, in spite of what I do or how I treat you or regardless of whether or not you agree with where I am going spiritually, you should not be any different around me then you are your Bible Study group.”

I am thankful for Bryce’s honesty.

How did James go from being a skeptic to being a bondservant? He was imitating the example that Jesus set for him. It is exactly what Bryce was saying to me. Do not be any different mom, no matter who you are around. Know who you are and live your life accordingly.

You see, Jesus continued to be Jesus around James in spite of the fact that he never believed in Him until after the Resurrection. Jesus did not change who he was because James was not responding the way He thought he should. Jesus just kept being Jesus, doing exactly what God had sent Him to do. Jesus was not flippant. He remained who He was in Christ regardless of the adversity.

Often rejected, Jesus continued to teach the great principles of the kingdom of God planting seeds of Truth along the way. It is not my responsibility whether or not that seed will germinate. I only have the responsibility to make sure that my fruit is blooming. That’s it!

But that is not the natural response to things. We naturally want to fix everyone and every situation. We naturally want to change everyone because if they change, we’ll be happy.

We’ll have “JOY” if so and so would love me. Or if so and so would change.

It is just the opposite. Let’s see how.

Journal: Do I know who I am in Christ?

James 1:1 cont. To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad.

As you recall from last week, the letter of James was written to the Christian Jews probably the first book of the NT (AD 44-49). James wrote this letter before Paul began ministering to the Gentiles, not long after Paul …who you remember was Saul before his conversion and was killing Christians.

In the Old Testament, the original dispersion (scattering of the Jews) took place when the ten tribes of Israel (Northern Kingdom) were carried into captivity by the Assyrians in 721 BC because of their disobedience. After many years of captivity, King Darius allowed the Jews to return the ruins of Israel (described in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah). The ones that returned were called the remnant. But only a few out of the many that were taken into captivity actually returned.

Read (Acts 2:4). This tells us that the Day of Pentecost had come. The Feast of Weeks or Harvest. The devout Jews would come to Jerusalem to pray. During the first celebration of this feast after Jesus’ resurrection is when the Holy Spirit first entered the hearts of believers, including James.

You must know that there was another reason why the Jews were scattering. Just prior to the James’ conversion, the early Christians were scattered throughout the land because they were fearing for their lives. A man named Saul was killing them by the thousands. They were afraid. Also King Herod Agrippa (grandson of Herod the Great) found favor with the Pharisees by killing Christian Jews.

This explains two reasons why the tribes were scattered. So the people (Christian Jews) that James wrote to were fearful for their lives, hiding out, and suffering from oppression (unjust authority over them). Their jobs had been taken, their possessions, some killed, some imprisoned.


Wouldn’t it have made more sense to write them a letter about a safe place to hide? Or a letter of sympathy?

If you had been James, and considering the current circumstances, what would your letter sound like?

James has the nerve to tell them to REJOICE!

“Greetings” he says which is Greek for REJOICE!

And then in the next breath he told them to “count it all joy when you fall into various trials”?

Is he kidding? What is he thinking? We are being killed because of our faith and he wants us to rejoice!

Are they really that strong (mature)? They are probably wondering at this point what they really believed in. Do I really want to die for a Man who was the leader of “The Way”? I barely knew Him. He only lasted three years! It sounded good then, but that Man is dead and I myself am about to die too because I am saying that I believe this! What was I thinking!

I believed Jesus was the Messiah, when I was in groups of 5000 and everything seemed to be so perfect. But now we are scattered everywhere.

He’s dead. It’s scary now. Am I really what I say I am? Do I really want to be persecuted and killed for my beliefs?

This is a serious trial.

And James is telling them to “Count it all joy!”

I cannot begin to understand what they must have thought when they read the letter from James. But let’s take a look at what James is saying to them and to us.

Brethren simply means: those of us who believe

Count: Two things to consider

Count means to number and bring to remembrance all the past trials you have experienced so that you can reflect on how God brought you through them. Do you remember when Moses had the children of Israel place huge rocks on the other side of the Red Sea so that they could remember how God saved them from the Egyptians? Same thing.

Count up all the times when God brought you through these trials.

Specifically: Journal the details and the results of your most recent trial.

Count could also mean to consider, to evaluate. Our human nature does not automatically REJOICE during trials, therefore we must do just the opposite of what we would do (Phil 3:1)

Count ….number it… ALL (everything) joy …. A state of emotion of happiness.

This is only possible with spiritual maturity. It is going to take a lot of work on my part.

Count it all joy when…not if…but when…in other words no getting around those trial…you are going to fall so just brace yourself.

Please read James 1:4-8 this week.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Week 1

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How exciting it is to be studying the book of James. I am honored that you have chosen to study along with me.

Every single time I have “felt” defeated because of “my” fleshly weaknesses, and I did not “feel” like I was worthy enough to teach His Holy Word, God reminds me that those same weaknesses exist to keep me humble. He reminds me that teaching His Word has nothing to do with my abilities or strengths but instead has everything to do with my willingness to be obedient.

Faithful is He who calls you, and He will bring it to pass. 1 Thess 5:24

All I have to do is persevere; trusting and obeying in my Savior.

Class Description: Study and Journal the book of James.

Each Wednesday, an assigned section of James will be given to each student. The student will be asked to read the section every day and to write or journal their thoughts regarding the passage. Since the book of James is very practical, we will be asked to put this book into action. No more pretending, no more facades, no more double mindedness, but instead we will learn how to become a brethren or follower of Jesus Christ just as James was. At the completion of the class, students will be aware of how they personally handle trials in their life; if they are doers of the Word or a merely hearers only; if they show partiality in dealing with people; if their faith is seen by their works; and finally if they are a friend of this world.

James will teach us the “how to” of Christianity. He is going to teach us how to totally surrender our life to Jesus and how to boldly live for Him.

Introduction to James

St. Francis of Assisi once invited an apprentice to go with him to a nearby village to preach. The young monk quickly agreed, seizing an opportunity to hear his teacher speak. When they arrived in the village, St. Francis began to visit with the people.

First he stopped in on the butcher. Next a visit with the cobbler. Then a short walk to the home of a woman who’d recently buried her husband. After that a stop at the school to chat with the teacher. This continued throughout the morning. After some time, Francis told his disciple that it was time to return to the abbey.

The student didn’t understand. “But we came to preach,” he said, and we haven’t preached one sermon.”

“Haven’t we?” questioned the elder. “People have watched us, listened to us, and responded to us. Every word we have spoken, every deed we have done has been a sermon. We have preached all morning.”

The Book of James teaches us that Christianity is more action on Monday than worship on Sunday.

What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?” James 2:14

James is straight to the point. Talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words.

We know that works do not save a person, but that works mark the Christian. Our salvation alone is more valuable than any earthly treasure. And because we have been given this free gift, it only makes sense that we who have been given so much, should give much. Not just with words, but with our lives.

St. Francis of Assisi said, “Preach without ceasing. If you must, use words.”

Characteristics of the Epistle/Letter of James

Definitely written to Christian Jews/Messianic Jews from the 12 tribes of Israel who were scattered abroad from Babylon to Rome.

Who was James?

Many argue which James wrote this epistle. But I believe and will teach that this James was the Lord’s half brother, with Mary and Joseph (Matt 1:24-25) as their parents because it best fits the evidence of Scripture.

James and Jesus’ other siblings did not believe that He was the Christ.

Even though they had seen His miracles and listened to His teaching, they still would not believe that Jesus was the Son of God. John 7:5

What does this show? The person themselves bear the responsibility for responding in faith, while the person who shares the gospel bears responsibility for communicating with faithfulness.

If we as believers ever start holding ourselves responsible for whether unbelievers accept or reject the message of Christ, we are wrong in doing so.

Jesus’ own brother’s rejected him in spite of His works and words. Is that true of me? Or do people dismiss our faith because our lives show little evidence that what we say we believe is true or that it makes any difference to us?

Assignment: Take some time to journal about this revelation. Ask yourself these questions and conjure up some on your own.

Am I feeling responsible for the salvation of others? Am I disappointed or mad because God hasn’t saved someone dear to me? Am I feeling like a failure because someone I know isn’t saved?

But eventually James did believe when the Lord appeared to him after his resurrection (1 Cor 15:7). Then he became a strong believer and was numbered among the apostles. He and his brothers were among the believers who awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 1:13-14). It was not long before he became an acknowledged leader of the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15.

James is described as a Hebrew of the Hebrews, a man of the most rigid morality, faithful in his observance of all the ritual regulations of the Jewish faith. He drank no wine nor strong drink. He ate no flesh. He alone was permitted to enter with the priests into the holy place, and he was found there frequently upon his knees begging forgiveness for the people, and his knees became hard like those of a camel. He was called, “Old Camel Knees” because he was constantly bending them in his worship of God and asking forgiveness for the people. He was called James the Just. James was faithful in the observance of all that the Jews held sacred, and more devoted to the temple-worship than most Jews. He was respected by the unbelieving Jews and the Christian Jews.

James talks little about Jesus but he acts like Jesus. Next week we will discuss the parallels that the book of James has with the Sermon on the Mount. Almost everything that James says, Jesus said. He remembered everything Jesus taught and he was repeating it for reiteration.

This letter was probably written around 45 A.D., which puts it chronologically during the book of Acts. But some think it may have been the very first book written in the New Testament because there is no mention of gentile Christians or their relationship to Jewish Christians.

James was probably the oldest of Jesus’ four brothers (Mark 6:3)…probably about 10 years younger. He was probably around 40 years old when he wrote the book, if it was written in AD 45. Jesus was born around 4 BC so he would have been 50 years old in 45 AD. He was killed (martyred in 62 AD).

What’s the Letter About?

For James, religion is not about church membership, tithing, or even leading Bible Studies. True religion is “doing the truth”, not just studying it, not just listening to sermons, or not just speaking it to like minded believers.

Action is what James calls authentic faith.

What’s the Theme?

Get your life in line with what you say you believe.

He seeks to challenge the Jewish believers to examine the quality of their daily lives in terms of attitudes and actions. A genuine faith will produce real changes in a person’s conduct and character, and the absence of change is a symptom of a dead faith.

How genuine is your faith? Apparently the teacher is the one who always needs the message of the book she is teaching! Amen?

I personally had the wind knocked out of my sails when my son who is nineteen years old made mention to my husband that in his observation I hadn’t “changed” a bit. He said, “She teaches Bible Study, she reads the Bible, she studies, but I don’t see any change in her”.


Why did God have Bryce say that? Because it is exactly what James is teaching in this letter. I personally know that I have changed, but my confidence around my son and those who “disagree” or question my beliefs, leave me pretty shaky. You see I am very spiritually “OK” when I sit amongst my Bible Study classmates…for they have watched me “change” over the last three years we have been together.

But my only son…what does he see in me? Or my husband who lives and works 759 miles away…does he see Jesus in me? Am I a genuine Christian, or am I a student of the Bible?

My first reaction was to say that they were judging me and that they shouldn’t be looking at me if they were looking for a “good” example of a Christian. They should be looking at Christ. (That’s funny since I just taught on that subject - that “we” were the only Jesus that the lost would ever see”!

My second reaction was to be hurt and say that I was not worthy to stand in front of another Bible study and teach. But I also tried to reason with the remark by thinking that they couldn’t possibly understand me. They don’t really know me.

My third reaction was to find someone to side with me to verify that I was indeed changing and was OK with God! I told my sister, “I’m this way, and it’s OK!”

I believe that statement is very true and I am very thankful for my sisters, but what does the Bible say about all this?

Then as I was studying last night I had my fourth reaction.

My fourth reaction was to laugh! JOY! Consider it all Joy, Joanie. James 1:2 JOY? You have got to be kidding? JOY? God used Bryce’s statement to begin the Bible Study! Isn’t that awesome? God uses everything we go through in life to teach us and to wake us up.

God was once again setting me up! All in a good way, of course. He was going to teach me TRUTH as I went “through” what I was about to teach.

I am about to “learn” how to show those who are watching me that I do indeed have genuine faith.

How am I going to do that? By living the teachings from the book of James and truly once for all believing what I say I believe.

Assignment for next Wednesday:
  1. Purchase a Journal or notebook.
  2. Read James 1:1-8
  3. Take each word except for articles (the, a, an) and dissect them. Write down what thoughts come to you as you study each word. Write down everything you think. Look up all the words in the dictionary. Write down everything you learn. Write the verses out in your journal everyday. Write down other concerns that you have during the week.

We are on a journey together. Let me warn you. This is going to require discipline on your part. I am not the one who can change you. Only God can. But we are delving in deep and it is in the deepest part of our soul that we will be healed spiritually, emotionally and physically.

All you have to do is say, “OK, Lord. I am willing”. He will do the rest. He promises us that He will.

God bless you as you journal your way through James. My prayer for you is that you will remain steadfast in following along. I have no idea how long this study will take. We aren’t in any hurry are we? And personally, I want to get it right this time because my only desire is that my life will truly reflect the Son, so that those who are watching me the closest will see Him through me.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Welcome to: Journaling James

James 1:2-9 Consider it pure JOY, my sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Is that even possible? It just seems like I get "through" one (what seems to be) endless trial and then God sends another one along. If that isn't enough, Satan is constantly dangling temptation in front of me and I instantly revert back to my old sin nature.

Sure we have read that these trials are to "mature us in the Lord" but sometimes I just want to be immature. Honestly, sometimes I have to admit it "looks" easier on the other side of Heaven.

How do I get "through" my life's journey and consider it pure joy?

Come along with me as we begin "Journaling James" and together we will find out how. It is only by studying the truths of God's Words to us that we will ever find pure joy.

Make sure you have a pen and a journal on hand!

Here we go!