Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Week 11

Chapter 11: Anticipate God’s Vision

Amos 4:13

What would you like to think God’s vision for you is? Remember it’s going to be a purpose that brings other people closer to Him, not shine a spotlight on you. If you can’t think of anything, could it be you’re afraid of what He has in store for you? Are you just not interested in knowing right now? Or could you be like Katie, you’re getting strange ideas or thoughts when you pray and they seem disjointed like a puzzle? Write them down.

It’s a scary thing to finally receive a vision of your purpose, because you’re crossing a line of commitment. Once you have that information, you must do something with it. James 4:17

God still speaks to His people. He never changes. He may not speak in an audible voice, but He will let you know. You just have to be still and stay in His will.

For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for {once} he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. James 1:23-24

This unique vision will “steal your heart”. Might I also say it will “steel” your heart? Nothing will stop you…you will be compelled to reach for that vision. It may cost you your normal life as you know it. It may take you across oceans and to a place you could’ve never dreamed.

“It is your personalized way of leading people from emptiness to surrender to significance in Christ.”

Vision will increase your faith, inspire you, give you clarity for decisions, add definition to your goals, embolden you, organize around God’s priorities but most of all, it invites God to speak to you more and more often about His best plans for you!

Jeremiah 29:11

When doubts creep in, remember to put the past behind you. You are a new creature in Christ! 2 Corinthians 5:17

Don’t be in a big rush to receive you’re vision, you’re only rushing God. He’s working on character issues, teaching you new skills, showing the value of trusting in Him. To wipe the slate clean, repent and confess your impatience, thank God for His wisdom, then pay attention to what God is doing in your life TODAY. (see table p190)

Once you receive that vision, and you find you’re still frozen and not moving forward…don’t think about demanding safe passage from God. He would not give you a vision and then wait for you to fail. Luke 6:46

God is not into creating “superstars”. He’s finding women who are dedicated, unswerving and persevering. Think about Noah, Esther, Jonah, Abraham, Sarah, Rahab, Peter and Saul who became Paul! They were regular people who found an amazing purpose in God.

Don’t worry about measuring up, your purpose is going to be uniquely tailored—a perfect fit!

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