Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Week 13

This week you needed to:

  • Read chapter 13
  • Choose an action step against your fears:
    >List your fears and work on giving them one by one to God.
    >What has fear stolen from you in the past?
    >Use the “just eat your spinach approach on one fear.
    >Feed your courage with the Word of God.
“If you seek to be understood, then dedicate your life to understanding others. If you seek to be comforted, then dedicate yourself to giving comfort. If you seek a greater faith, then commit yourself to planting it in others.” Sue Monk Kidd

John 17:1, 4

It’s a comforting thing to know that God’s glory is never dependent on little ol’ us. We’d let Him down a lot, wouldn’t we? The Bible says that if we don’t give Him glory, the stones will cry out. I think I’d rather do the job than some piece of granite. I am God’s workmanship. He made me the way I am with all my strengths and weaknesses, desires and passions. I consider it a privilege to give God glory in what I do every day.

It gives me a better perspective on today. Being unemployed, I’m searching for a “boss” right now. But I have to remind myself when I get down I do have an employer. I am employed by the King of the Universe! I just need to show up and ask Him, “What do you want me to do today?”

How do we go about it? Jesus tells us in Matt 11:29-30.

Trust that God will accomplish the work and handle all the details. There will be delays and setbacks; we just have to accomplish the task for today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

Discover joys and miracles, just for you. Imagine if you had never started down the road for your purpose, you may miss these. A good example would be a person always talking about taking a trip to Italy. You can talk all you want and read books, but you miss all the sights and experiences. If you just go and show up and let Italy happen, imagine what you’ll see and do!

Hang on tight, God expects there to be no turning back. It’s that dreaded roller coaster ride you finally stepped onto and the seat belt is in place. You ticka ticka ticka to the top of the first hill and look down—what an amazing sight before you. You couldn’t have imagined the view or the potential for thrills that lay before you. We’re all on the same ride.

Let’s hang on!

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