Friday, January 11, 2008

Week 14

2008 -- a new women He will create!

Spiritual Healing

The following are the notes from homework on Proverbs Chapter 13.

  1. Exercise your spirit by reading back through chapters 10, 11, 12, and 13. This is where the practical teaching began. Write out anything you missed before and be ready to share it in class on the 9th.
    Does anyone have anything to share with the group after rereading Chapters 10-13?
  2. Exercise your soul by practicing random acts of kindness. This may take a little preplanning or might come spontaneously. If a thought comes to you, act on it immediately.
    Does anyone have an example of this?
  3. Exercise your body by walking a little further than usual, stretching, practice your yoga positions, or lift weights. Do not allow the enemy of laziness creep into your life. You’re on “the Way” to Go Lightly!

    These questions were taken from NLT.
  4. vs 1 We have been seeing this word discipline over and over and over. Make a list of the areas God is speaking to you about because I know He has brought up a thing or two! Then exercise your spirit by applying the Word to this area of your life. The soul and body will love you for it!
    A heart of self absorption:
    Galatians 5:13For you, brethren, were [indeed] called to freedom; only [do not let your] freedom be an incentive to your flesh and an opportunity or excuse [for selfishness], but through love you should serve one another.Galatians 5:12-14 (in Context) Galatians 5
  5. Proverbs 13:2 (Amplified Bible) (Whole Chapter) vs 2 2 A good man eats good from the fruit of his mouth, but the desire of the treacherous is for violence.
    I took this verse to mean that if we “love” others, others will want us to feast at their dinner table. (Not exactly sure where my mind was on this interpretation, but it is good…must be God’s idea). You know, I think we should start inviting each other over to eat at our dinner tables. Then when we get comfortable with that, I think we should invite neighbors over to eat at our dinner table. It is easy to invite family (sometimes), but how about people that don’t look, sound, smell, or act like us. This is something I want to work on. Perhaps you do too. Who will you invite today for this weekend’s dinner?
    Something else this verse might imply. You are known by your fruit.
    Matthew 12:33Either make the tree sound (healthy and good), and its fruit sound (healthy and good), or make the tree rotten (diseased and bad), and its fruit rotten (diseased and bad); for the tree is known and recognized and judged by its fruit.
    Luke 6:44For each tree is known and identified by its own fruit; for figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor is a cluster of grapes picked from a bramblebush
    Matthew 12:34You offspring of vipers! How can you speak good things when you are evil (wicked)? For out of the fullness (the overflow, the superabundance) of the heart the mouth speaks.
  6. Diarrhea of the mouth is a curable disease! Take one “Proverbs 13:3 verse” and call me in the morning! I teach people how to eat in order to obtain a long life, but now I see that Scripture says that shutting up will have the same results! Guard (protect it from speaking) your mouth…a quick retort: speaking too quickly without thinking…. Can ruin everything.
    I want to settle things immediately and talk and talk until things are settled, but should learn to be quiet. Don’t they need to know my opinion? Isn’t it important to let them know what I think as to persuade them to go along with my way?
  7. vs 4 It is hard not to judge obvious laziness. But I need to look at the hours I spend idle. How much time am I spending being “busy” but yet unproductive for the work of the Kingdom? How much time am I spending complaining; checking email more than once a day, talking about people, dwelling on things I cannot change, not loving my neighbor. Sin is not just what we do wrong, it is also, what we don’t do right.
  8. vs 6 Godliness (doing what is righteous) guards the path of the blameless (no willful sin), but the evil (sinful) are misled (deceived) by sin. Apply this verse to our theme verse (1 Thess 5:23-24) Why is it that we are not blameless (There is willful sin in our lives)? We are obviously choosing to act in the flesh. Choose the spirit instead. (Walk away and pray)
  9. vs 9 The life of the godly is full of LIGHT and joy, but the LIGHT of the wicked will be snuffed out. The Way to Go LIGHTLY ministry is about choosing the LIGHT of the WORLD. Am I seeing this repeated over and over? Repetition is a good thing. It breaks through hard heads and stubborn personalities and begins to penetrate the soul. JOY JOY JOY How is it that we change? Through God’s intervention only not our own doings. Pray for the areas in your life that you know are evil. Romans 7:18For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I cannot perform it. [I have the intention and urge to do what is right, but no power to carry it out.]
  10. Get rich quick (vs 11) Multi-level marketing, stock markets, real estate…it is all a gamble as we have seen this last year. God’s word says, wealth comes from hard work. Slow and steady wins the race. Vow not to be sucked into any thing that promises quick wealth.
  11. Try in 2008 to receive constructive advice from those you respect (vs 13). Don’t take it personal (like I do) but see if there is any validity to what they are saying. We can’t see ourselves other than through a mirror and mirrors are often pretty distorted and blurry. J God brought to my attention that I am dwelling too much on an illusion of how I think “It” should be. It’s not. Instead He said to dwell on what is good, right, positive,

    Philippians 4:8For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].
  12. vs 16 Wise people think before they act. I act before I think. Again this is natural, but can be (through God’s interception) stopped. I have to resist the natural and overpower it with the spirit. STOP ME LORD BEFORE I MAKE A FOOL OF MYSELF.
    vs 17 This made me think of how distorted a conversation can become about someone you are talking about. It not only doesn’t make you healthy but also does not make them healthy. In 2008, vow to only talk words of edification (building up someone). OK, that’s a biggie!
  13. vs 18 - 20 Accept criticism, walk with the wise, or be foolish. Elaborate on this verse from an incident in your life. (I received a gift from my sister on Christmas Eve. I didn’t call to thank her. She called me and I wondered why she was upset until I realized how inconsiderate and selfish I was for not taking a few minutes to acknowledge her thoughtfulness. Lesson learned here: Call or send a thank you card immediately before you cloud your mind with life. I blamed my dislike for Christmas…being away from gatherings, and family but the bottom line was I was being selfish. I didn’t get relief from blaming my selfishness. I ask for forgiveness and like this verse implies, I accepted the criticism and will never repeat that foolish behavior.
  14. vs 24 – this rod is between you and God. Stop judging others for the way they discipline their children. We have not lived their life nor have we walked in their shoes. It is so easy to criticize other women’s parenting. STOP and LOVE them. Offer to help them. They are doing whatever they can for the life they are in.
  15. vs 25 NLT says: The godly eat to their heart’s content, but the belly of the wicked goes hungry. There you go! God gave you permission J

    Wait a minute……….the New King James version says this:

    The righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul, but the stomach of the wicked shall be in want.

    Now you see the difference between versions of the Bible and how some versions may lead a godly person to actually believe they could eat to their heart’s content. But what does this verse actually mean? (so sorry L)
  16. Do not forget to study the verses I gave you from last week’s lesson.
    Romans 14:1-23 Gal 5:13-26 Gal 6:7

    God bless each of you and may the God of peace be with you and keep you safe until we meet again on January 9th, 2008!
    I love you!

Mental Healing

Happy 2008 – May it be honoring to God

Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.

1 Thess 5:23, 24 May God himself, the God of peace sanctify you through and through and may your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2008 has been declared “the year of new beginnings”.

Why is it that so many of us need a new beginning? Why is it that we just never seem to get it right? Why do we need to make New Year’s resolutions? You would think that we would have figured life out by now.

Resolve means: to find the solution for

Resolution means: The power to make choices and set goals and to act upon them firmly in spite of opposition or difficulty.

It 2008! Another 365 days…whoops 366! Leap year and election year. January, we say is a good time to change.

What did you “resolve” to find the solution for in your life? You have the power within you to make the right choices to do exactly what you resolved to do. You have the power within you to set goals and keep them. You have the power within you to act upon (walk the talk) in spite of all opposition (satan) or difficulty.

What is that power?

The same power that impregnated a virgin woman 2000 years ago.

Matthew 1:18Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place under these circumstances: When His mother Mary had been promised in marriage to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be pregnant [through the power] of the Holy Spirit

Acts 1:8But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.

Romans 8:13For if you live according to [the dictates of] the flesh, you will surely die. But if through the power of the [Holy] Spirit you are [habitually] putting to death (making extinct, deadening) the [evil] deeds prompted by the body, you shall [really and genuinely] live forever

Ephesians 3:16May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].

Our goal...our to become whole; to heal spiritually, soul (mentally) , and body (physically).

The power of the Holy Spirit was given to us when we were born again to achieve that resolution.

Matthew 5:10Blessed and happy and enviably fortunate and spiritually prosperous (in the state in which the born-again child of God enjoys and finds satisfaction in God's favor and salvation, regardless of his outward conditions) are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake (for being and doing right), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!

Let’s take a closer look at

Proverbs 14:10 and discuss what a wise woman does when she encounters someone who is angry or bitter with her.

Anger and heated yelling between family members is inevitable. Responding to anger with anger or responding to bitterness with bitterness leads only to an intensified battle. Someone slams out of the room yelling at you and you are yelling back.

The hardest thing for me during arguments is that I want resolution immediately and can’t get it through my head that maybe it would be easier to resolve later.

But Proverbs tells us to back off. Consider the truth about the situation. What really happened? Am I at fault? Try to reconstruct what just happened with honesty.

Listen carefully to what the angry person is saying or take a deeper look at what you are feeling. Bitterness and anger are usually the offshoots of deep hurt; either your hurt or the other person’s. Unvented anger will eventually vent some how and it is usually during an argument when words come out that otherwise you probably could have restrained from saying.

Security in the relationship is very important. Confidence in who you are in Christ is also important. Ask God to help you understand why this person feels the way he or she does and do not allow yourself to “push down” any toxic emotions.

It is important also to remember what God thinks about you. You are perfect spiritually but mentally and physically you have made many mistakes, but you are still his daughter and nothing can change that fact.

Ask God to help you respond with His love and grace. Reflecting His image is always the key.

Homework for Proverbs - Chapter 14

  1. As you begin your homework, take a minute to be thankful. J
    Colossians 3:15 (Amplified Bible) And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].
  2. Proverbs 14:1 NCV -A wise woman strengthens her family, but a foolish woman destroys hers by what she does.
    I had mixed emotions about this verse. My emotional side wanted to scream, “Another verse to make me feel guilty”. Being a “home maintainer” is a huge responsibility. I don’t want to feel guilty any more about not having the “perfect Christian” family. Where does that guilt come from?

    I searched a commentary to find the usual clichéd narrative to this verse: A godly wife attends to her house and her family. The foolish woman neglects her husband and children, and wonders why her family goes to ruin.

    OK, that’s sounds perfect. I am not. It has guilt written all over it. I try to do the best I can with the cards I have been dealt in this game of LIFE. This includes our spiritual condition, our mental condition, and our physical condition. I am thankful for that 1/3 perfect part of me. Knowing that my spirit is born again and I am forgiven from past, present and future sin, creates in me a willingness to persevere. (Defined: to continue without halting…….going forward without looking back…….carry on….) Stop the guilt. Press on for Jesus.

    Luke 7:48 And He said to her, Your sins are forgiven!

    Luke 14:27 Whoever does not persevere and carry his own cross and come after (follow) Me cannot be My disciple.

    What is your cross? Cross defined: something hard to bear emotionally or physically.

    Write out at least one “cross” that you are bearing: Be specific and detailed. This is between you and God unless you want to share it with the class.
  3. vs 2 Define the word: upright . Define the word: respect
    Define the word: evil, perverse and devious

    The Way means:
    The wrong way means:
  4. vs 3 I need to hear this over and over until I get it in my head. We will be punished for our foolish words. Define the word punished: ___________________

    Why again does God correct us? What Proverb says so?
  5. vs 7 Why does God command us to stay away from foolish women and men?
  6. vs 8 says that a wise woman gives thought to how she acts (her foolish ways) and does something about it but an unwise woman pushes her foolish ways into suppression and pretends they don’t exist. Here is your opportunity to look at another layer of protection that you carrying around in your heart. Write it out. Talk about it to a kindred born-again spirit. God will release it from you because you contain the power of His Holy Spirit within you to do so.
  7. vs 10 No one else can know your sadness because they have not walked in your shoes. Sometimes we have tried to share ourselves with people along the way but only in vain. Who knows you more than your Father? Matthew 6:8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

    Share your bitterness, sadness, frustrations, concerns, worries, animosities, hurts, disappointments with Him. He understands. He knows you. Listen for His answer. Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
  8. vs 12 There is a way (path/journey) that seems right (I’m doing the right thing) to a woman (that’s you!), BUT in the end (after time passes and the hindsight is revealed) it leads to death.

    Wow! What does death mean in this verse? Can you lose your salvation? (Research that answer before saying yes or no) What way leads to life? What is the definition of LIFE?
  9. Ever been to an event where everyone is laughing; perhaps a wedding or birthday party? V 13 says that even in laughter the heart may be sad inside. When the laughter ends, the sad still remains. How can you be different? How can you have joy always in spite of your circumstances?
  10. vs 14 ---backslider, perverse, faithless and evil are words used by different versions of the Bible. What do these words mean? Look them up! J
    Perhaps you thought…..”I am too “good a person” to be called one of those names. A backslider…Oh that is Suzy S. who stopped coming to church…not like me. I come every Sunday! Be careful! Or maybe perverse is referring to a murderer or an adulterous or someone who smokes and cusses like the neighbor I wave to, or the dishonest politician or the fakey Pentecostals or my husband who falls asleep during the sermon or the tv evangelist caught in a gay relationship. Backslider in your mind might be a kinder word than evil. We use that word flippantly when we have not done our daily devotions for a month or so. It is an “acceptable” word sometimes…oh well, God forgives me.

    But take a deeper look and apply this verse to you. But please do not take another guilt trip…beating yourself up for all the things you do wrong….or just can’t get it right…..won’t ever be holy but instead base your response on what we have been learning about. What does this verse say to you about becoming whole spiritually, mentally and physically?

    Backslider defined: Slipping from a higher or better condition to a lower or poorer one! Wow!!!
  11. vs 15 and 16 a fallen world, every form of knowledge that comes your way needs to be interpreted using the Word of God. Are you believing everything you hear? Emails are filled with lies, people are feeding you lies, doctors are feeding you lies, salesmen are feeding you lies, politicians are feeding you lies, church friends are feeding you lies….. Why according to verse 15 and 16 do you believe them?
  12. vs 17 define quick - ____________________ define temper __________________
    Is one of your layers defensiveness? _________________________________
    Perhaps insecurity ______________________________________
    Not confident in what God thinks of you? Only man _________________________

    Peel that layer back and defensive talk (quick temperament) stems from insecurity and confidence in who you are in Christ. Nothing else.

    I’m preaching to myself…….. thank you for listening J
  13. vs 18 Fools make foolish decisions which results in a foolish outcome and that behavior is repeated until the fool decides one day to follow THE WAY and start making wise decisions. How do you become wise? By obtaining knowledge. Knowledge of what? _____________________________________________________
  14. deeply consider vs 20 and 21. Do you treat the rich better than the poor? Are you intimidated by the rich? Do you feel inadequate around rich people to the extent that you do not feel comfortable around them? Do you stereotype a poor person’s abilities to prosper? Dig inside and cleanse your sin (ask the Holy Spirit to change your desire to act in the natural fleshly response) before it raises its ugly head some day some other way. (like a nervous breakdown, children that won’t speak to you, or spiritual punishment.
  15. vs 25 define witness - something visible or evident (that’s you) that gives grounds for believing in the existence or presence of something else (your redemption/salvation).

    The lost are either seeing Truth in you (that makes your witness powerful) or they see lies in you (that makes the lost repeatedly say: those hypocrites…that’s what is in churches!).

    What is your witness screaming? TRUTH or lies?
  16. vs 26 & 27 – Define fear ______________________________

    Define respect _______________________________

    Do I fear and respect the Lord? __________________________Again the result is life or death. But you say, “I am saved, I am going to Heaven. I have life eternal guaranteed to me”. Perhaps this is speaking of abundant life versus disease and suffering. What do you think?
  17. vs 29 and 30 verify that question. Choosing to be angry and have a hasty temper, be envious and jealous rots our bones. But a tranquil (peace of mind) gives life to the flesh. Is there validity to this? Do you see that the Word of God speaks Truth about your physical body where so many lies have been told we “assume” they are truth. Think this through.
  18. Wisdom is not found in a woman who chooses to follow “The Way to Go Lightly”.

    A Godly Wise Woman – is that beginning to describe you?
  19. On a separate sheet of paper list (in one column) the manmade foods you have eliminated from your diet. If you can’t come up with any, write the ones you know you should eliminate and begin today. They are slowly killing you! In the next column list the God grown foods you have added. Work toward variety for that is the key. Venture away from the ordinary and add variety to your diet. With variety comes all the nutrients God created for you to have amazing health. Steer clear of too much meat especially red meat. Go for beans, nuts and legumes for protein Physical health comes from eating God grown foods. We cannot continue to eat high acidic foods and expect our bodies to be well.

    Turn the paper over. Write: Thursday – Wednesday Make note of the amount of time you spend this next week exercising. The pressure is on. Get that pedometer out again. 10,000 steps a day is your goal. Do not give in to the laziness of the flesh. It will convince you to sit instead of move. Moving means Life.
  20. Congratulations! You completed the longest homework yet in this course. I am proud of you for giving your homework 100% effort. Well done. You are on your way to becoming the wise and buff woman God created you to be. J

Physical Healing

This week I would encourage you to check out a vegetarian cookbook from the library and bring in a recipe that you have tried and want to share with the class.

Here are some recipes - let me know how you like them.

Un-Southern Cole Slaw

½ head red cabbage, shredded
½ head white cabbage, shredded
2 carrots, grated
1 cup chopped parsley
A little less than ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
¼ cup lemon juice (fresh)
1 inch fresh gingerroot
½ tsp sea salt
1 tsp mustard powder

Toss the cabbage and carrot in a pretty bowl. Combine the remaining ingredients in a blender and blend until thoroughly mixed. Pour the mixture on top of the salad and stir.

Three Bean Stew

1 ¼ cups of brown rice
2 cups water
½ tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
1 ½ cup onion, chopped
3 – 4 cloves of garlic
2 cups cooked or canned pinto beans
2 cups cooked or canned garbanzo beans (retain liquid)
10 oz frozen lima beans
¼ tsp salt
Cayenne pepper

Rinse the rice two or three times in cold water. Combine rice, water and salt in saucepan. Simmer the brown rice about 40 minutes.

Saut̩ onion in olive oil until soft about 8 minutes. Add garlic and basil if desired and cook for additional 2 Р3 minutes. Add pinto and garbanzo beans and add enough liquid to cover beans. When the bean boil add frozen limas. When it boils again, cover and simmer 5 Р10 minutes. Serve over rice. Ymm

Must have Cornbread too!

Oven 350, 25 – 30 minutes until Slightly browned

Blend together

1 cup of buttermilk
2 quality eggs (beaten)
3 tbsp pure maple syrup or honey
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp melted butter

Separate bowl blend together

1 cup whole grain cornmeal
1 cup whole wheat or organic white flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt.

Blend together and pour into a greased 8 inch square pan.

Bake as above. Check for doneness with a toothpick.


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